The Secretary of State to President Harding
My Dear Mr. President: You will recall that on June 3rd last this Government accepted a proposal made by the British Government to participate in an investigation of alleged atrocities in Anatolia. Subsequently no action was taken to carry through this investigation due to the reluctance of the French.
I have now received a note from the British Embassy indicating that out of deference to the opinion of the French Government the British Government suggests that the inquiry be entrusted to a neutral body and propose, as an appropriate agency for the selecting of the Commissions of Investigation, the International Red Cross, which is prepared to undertake the task.
I am favorably disposed toward this suggestion, and unless you see objection, I should be glad to reply to the British Embassy that we are prepared to accept their proposal and to instruct our representatives at Constantinople and Athens to cooperate with their Allied Colleagues in extending such informal assistance as may be proper to the Commissions which may be selected by the International Red Cross.
Faithfully yours,