The Chargé in France (Whitehouse) to the Acting Secretary of State
[Received September 8.]
Sir: With reference to my telegram No. 271, June 30, 1922, the Department’s telegraphic circular instruction of August 3 and my despatches No. 2148 of July 21 and No. 2232 of August 17,87 all relative to the recognition of Lithuania, I have the honor to forward herewith copy of a letter from the Lithuanian Legation, dated August 4,88 received to-day from the Secretariat General of the Conference of Ambassadors.
It appears from this letter that two questions may eventually come before the Conference of Ambassadors: first, whether or not the Principal Allied Powers are willing to accede to the Lithuanian interpretation of its obligations with respect to the internationalization of the River Niemen—obligations which the Principal Allied Powers made a condition precedent to their recognition de jure of Lithuania (see my despatch No. 2232); second, the disposition to be made of the Territory of Memel.
[Page 875]I should appreciate it if the Department would instruct me, in case one or both of these questions should come before the Conference, whether it has any views which it wishes presented, or whether I am to abstain from participation in any discussion which may be had.
I have [etc.]