Memorandum by the Secretary of State of a Conversation with the Portuguese Minister (Alte), March 9, 1922
March 9, 1922
The Minister brought two matters to the attention of the Secretary:
- (1)
- That on February 22, Washington’s birthday, the policeman at Providence, Rhode Island, had hauled down the Portuguese flag at the Vice Consulate’s office. The policeman did not seem to understand that it was displayed in honor of Washington’s birthday. Protests had been made by the Vice Consul and the Mayor had expressed his regret. There were, however, a very large number (100,000) Portuguese in Rhode Island, having their newspapers and who seemed to think that the indignity which, from an international standpoint, was a serious one, had not been sufficiently dealt with. It was suggested that the Governor might send his Military Secretary or representative to the Vice Consul with a statement of regret. The Minister said that he was being attacked for not defending the rights of Portugal and he desired to have everything done that was practicable.
- (2)
- The other matter was the case of a Portuguese who was killed at Pawtucket, R. I. The Minister left a communication upon the subject and requested that the Department request that suitable inquiry be made by local officials. The Secretary said that he would give attention to both matters.