The Secretary of State to the Diplomatic Agent and Consul General at Tangier (Denning)
Sir: Reference is made to previous correspondence relative to the Tangier port concession. There are transmitted herewith, for your information, two copies of an instruction, dated September 21, 1922, which the American Chargé d’Affaires at Paris delivered to the French Government on October 6, 1922.10a
You are requested to hand a copy of this communication to the Vizier of the Sultan of Morocco at Tangier and to inform him that, as this Government has now taken up the matter of the port concession direct with the French Government through the American Embassy at Paris, no further reply will be made to his note of July 6, 1922.11 You may point out, however, that this Government’s views in regard to the note in question are fully stated in the enclosed instruction.
You are further informed that the purport of this instruction will be conveyed verbally to the diplomatic representatives at Washington of France, Great Britain, Spain, Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal and Sweden.
I am [etc.]