881.156/42: Telegram

The Ambassador in France ( Herrick ) to the Secretary of State

406. Have just seen the Spanish Ambassador who handed me a copy of the note which he is going to present to the French Government in regard to the Tangier port concession. He told me British Ambassador was going to hand in a practically identic note. He knew that Whitehouse had already handed in to the Foreign Office a copy of your instructions on this matter but requested me to ask you whether you would be willing to make a further brief additional communication to Foreign Office stating that our Government associated itself with the British and Spanish protests.

He did not seem very optimistic as to the results of our protests and considered that his Government had during the lengthy negotiations lost sight of the main point which was the question of principle and was only now coming back to it.

His new protest is on similar lines to ours. A copy and translation of the Spanish note will be forwarded by the next pouch and a copy of the British note as soon as I receive it.
