The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Herrick)
Sir: You are requested to transmit to the Foreign Office the following note with regard to the Société Internationale pour le Développement de Tanger:
I have the honor to inform you that my Government has been interested to learn from its Diplomatic Agent in Morocco, that consideration is being given to the question of the development of harbor facilities at the port of Tangier, but is concerned at the information, that the Shereenan Government apparently contemplates granting, according to a “Dahir” dated June 2, 1921,1 exclusive rights for the construction and operation of the harbor at Tangier to a company designated as “La Société Internationale pour le Développement de Tanger.”
Such proposal seems derogatory to the provisions of the Act of Algeciras,2 which my Government desires firmly to uphold, as assuring to American nationals the right to participate, on terms of equality, with the nationals of all Powers signatory to that Act, in all public enterprises in the Shereefian Empire.
My Government considers that the creation of efficient harbor services at the port of Tangier is a matter of general interest to the mercantile shipping activities of all maritime Powers, and it would expect that American capital and interests be afforded an opportunity to secure due representation, in any scheme proposed for the building and operation of the future harbor at that port.
Finally, while it is not the intention of my Government to intervene in discussions of a purely and exclusively political import, regarding the eventual governmental regime of the Tangier Zone, it desires to state that it would appreciate being kept informed of the course of all negotiations directly or indirectly bearing upon the construction, administration, and efficient operation of any projected harbor at Tangier.
I am [etc.]
- Not printed.↩
- Foreign Relations, 1906, pt. 2, p. 1495.↩