The Chargé in Mexico (Summerlin) to the Secretary of State
[Received November 4.]
Sir: Supplementary to my No. 6420 of October 12, 1922, with which was enclosed a draft which was said to be a proposed Organic Law on Petroleum, regulative of a portion of Article 27 of the Mexican Constitution of 1917, I have the honor to report that at his request, I furnished Mr. Pani (transmitted with a personal note) a copy of the draft which had come into my possession, with a view to its comparison with the official text of the draft.
I am now in receipt of an informal, unofficial and unnumbered note, dated October 21, 1922, from Mr. Pani, a translation of which is herewith enclosed, in which he states that a definite proposal of the matter will be presented very shortly to the Congress, and that as soon as this takes place, he will have pleasure in sending me a copy of it.
I have [etc.]