
The Minister in Liberia (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

No. 20

Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith for the information of the Department a communication which the Legation has recently [Page 612] received from H. F. Worley, Esquire, General Receiver of Customs and Financial Adviser of Liberia, dated February, 2, 1922,9 relative to the transmission of 7000 pounds sterling on January, 25, 1922, and 1500 pounds sterling on December [January], 31, 1922, to the Joint City and Midland Bank to the credit of the National City Bank of New York, fiscal agents of the Liberian loan for the account of interest.

With reference to this communication it will be noted that the General Receiver is desirous of remitting all money possible before sterling declines and is also desirous of being informed as to how much is needed to pay a second coupon. If the Department could advance such information I am sure it will be appreciated.

I have [etc.]

Joseph L. Johnson
  1. Not found in Department files.