The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Haiti (Dunn)
Sir: The Department has received your despatch of May 4,87 requesting instructions regarding the proposal of the Italian Minister [Page 537] at Port-au-Prince that the Government of Haiti should negotiate with the Italian Government a procedure allowing the submission of claims of Italian citizens to the Claims Commission to be constituted under the Protocol.
On March 11, 1922, the Department informed the Italian Ambassador at Washington88 that the Financial Adviser to Haiti had expressed his willingness to receive from the Royal Italian Embassy in Washington a list of persons who would be acceptable to the Italian Government as the third member of the proposed Claims Commission during the period when Italian claims were under consideration. You may inform the Government of Haiti to this effect. The Department believes that a proper adjustment of Italian claims might be facilitated by an understanding between the Italian Government and the Government of Haiti regarding the procedure for submitting such claims to the Claims Commission.
I am [etc.]