
Memorandum by the Under Secretary of State (Phillips) of a Conversation with the Haitian Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Dejean), on Special Mission in the United States


Mr. Leon Dejean suggested that this was a very opportune moment to effect two reforms in Haiti which he assured me would have a most excellent and farreaching effect if they could be carried out.

One was a combination into one office of the present two offices of the Receiver General and the Financial Adviser. He spoke of the expense of having these two high officials, and he thought that the administration of the government would also be facilitated by having the work performed by one official.
The other point which he raised was his desire to have civilians take over, wherever possible, the work which was now being performed in the administration by the military. He referred to the education of military officers, which in all armies was the same. There was a desire to give orders and to have them promptly obeyed. They did not have the same spirit of cooperation which civilians would have by nature and by education. I asked him whether he was disposed to put his suggestions into writing, and he said that he preferred to bring the two points to our attention very informally and orally.

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W[illiam] P[hillips]