868.48/215: Telegram

The Chargé in Greece (Caffery) to the Secretary of State

157. Doctor Hill, Red Cross representative, has arrived and is studying refugee problem.

Last week Minister for Foreign Affairs asked me if Red Cross would consent to take entire charge of Ministry of Public Assistance; but I replied my opinion that American relief organizations would assume no responsibility whatever in connection with refugee problem, but were willing to lend assistance to Greek authorities in caring for refugees. Doctor Hill now concurs.

Doctor Nansen arrived last week and attempted to get approval of Greek Government for formation of general supervisory committee for all refugee work in Greece under the jurisdiction of League of Nations. I informed Greek Cabinet my opinion American relief organizations perfectly willing to work in harmony with League of Nations committee, but that impossible for American relief organizations to work under the supervision of Doctor Nansen. Greek authorities thereupon informed Nansen his scheme for supervisory committee unacceptable. Doctor Hill now concurs.
