462.11 W 892/53: Telegram

The Ambassador in Germany (Houghton) to the Secretary of State

159. Your 105, August 5, noon. The following is the translation of the text of the note from the Foreign Office which will be handed to me upon signature of claims agreement and which will request the President to appoint an umpire.

“Foreign Office, Berlin. Mr. Ambassador. The agreement concluded today for the settlement of the amount of American claims for damages provided, by Article 2, that on the basis of an agreement between the two Governments concerned an umpire shall be chosen. The German Government is convinced of the intention of the American Government to carry out in an accommodating and just manner the settlement of the questions still to be solved between the two States concerned, the way to which is opened by the signature of the agreement. It is still farther strengthened in this belief by the assurances received from Your Excellency. The German Government believes that the distrust of nations toward one another brought about by the war and the severe economic damages which it caused to all countries concerned can be most certainly done away with if these countries decide to approach the solution of the questions which have arisen between them as a consequence of the war in a generous manner and in the spirit of mutual accommodation. The German Government welcomes the fact that the American Government intends to take the initiative in this connection. In order to make this possible and in order to give the American Government a proof of its confidence, the German Government has the honor to [Page 260] request the President of the United States to cause an American person, seeming to him suited for this responsible office, to accept the position of umpire such as is contemplated in the above-mentioned agreement. I should be grateful to Your Excellency if you would transmit this proposal of the German Government to the President of the United States. At the same time I take advantage of this occasion to renew to you, Mr. Ambassador, the assurance of my most distinguished consideration. Wirth.”
