Paris Peace Conf. 180.0501/20
Supreme Economic Council: Twentieth Meeting Held at the Ministry of
Commerce [on 26th May, 1919, at 10 a.m.]
May 26, 1919,
10 a.m.
The Supreme Economic Council held its Twentieth Meeting on Monday 26th
May, 1919 at 10 a.m. under the Chairmanship of Lord Robert Cecil.
The Associated Governments were represented as follows:
United Kingdom. |
Sir Hubert Llewellyn Smith. |
Mr. Keynes (part time). |
Mr. Wise. |
Sir Wm. Goode. |
Sir Mitchell Thomson. |
United States. |
Mr. Hoover. |
Mr. Norman Davis. |
Mr. Baruch. |
Mr. Robinson. |
France. |
M. Clémentel. |
M. Claveille. |
M. Seydoux. |
Italy. |
Com. Ferraris. |
Prof. Attolico. |
Belgium. |
M. de Cartier de Marchienne. |
Lieut. Col. Theunis. |
The Minutes of the Nineteenth Meeting were approved subject to the
following amendments:—
- (i)
- That the second paragraph of Clause (b)
of Minute 163 should read as follows:—
that it would greatly increase the effectiveness of the
Blockade if the Neutral Governments of the countries
with whom agreements are now in force (Norway, Sweden,
Denmark, Holland and Switzerland) should consent
forthwith to prohibit, if called upon by the Associated
Governments to do so, all exportation, re-exportation or
transit of goods from or across their respective
countries to or from Germany, except with the consent of
the Associated Governments and that a démarche in this sense should at once be made
to the Neutral Governments concerned.
- (ii)
- That the words “and the question of continuing these supplies”
in clause (a) of Minute 167 should be
deleted from the English translation of the Minutes.
[Page 293]
176. Blockade of Hungary.
With reference to Minute 161 it was reported that the Council of Heads of
States had approved the resolution proposed by the Supreme Economic
Council and had given instructions that the necessary announcement
should be made at once.1
It was agreed to instruct the Press Committee to arrange immediately for
its publication in the Press of the Allied and Associated Powers and to
take such steps as lay in their power to ensure that it was given wide
publicity in the Press of European Neutral Countries.
177. Coal for Serbia.
With reference to Minute 168 the Director-General of Relief reported—
- (a)
- that Allied representatives were at present in Belgrade
endeavouring to arrange an exchange of foodstuffs from the Banat
region for coal from Transylvania though no definite agreement
had yet been reached.
- (b)
- that the necessary financial and other arrangements had been
made for the supply of a total quantity of 1,000 tons of
foodstuffs per day from the Banat surplus to Austria, and,
eventually, to Hungary, as soon as the situation there would
permit, but that the Serbian Government had so far refused to
grant the necessary export licences.
It was agreed that the present position did not call for action by the
Council, but that the Director-General of Relief should bring the matter
to their notice again if he considered it desirable.
178. Relations With Germany.
(i) With reference to Minute 162 (i) the British and French Delegates
stated that they could only accept the principle that “in the event of
loss arising, German ships should be held as security to cover the loss”
as applying to the Armistice period and that the decision, therefore,
could not, in their view, be interpreted as affecting in any way the
ultimate disposition of the ships under the Treaty of Peace.
The American Delegates pointed out that under such conditions the
security offered against loss on the shipments of foodstuffs to Germany
was entirely inadequate and at their request it was decided to refer the
matter back to the Finance Section for further consideration and with a
request that a report should be submitted to the Council at its next
(ii) A note (154) on the Organization of Conferences and communications
on Current Economic Negotiations with the German Economic Delegates at
Versailles was submitted and approved.
[Page 294]
(iii) A Memorandum (155) from the Sub-Committee on Germany regarding—
- (a)
- the possibility of the export from Germany of unduly large
exports of commodities such as dyestuffs and chemical drugs with
a possible prejudicing of the intentions of the Peace
- (b)
- the proposal of the German Government to nationalise the soda
was considered.
It was agreed
As regards (a):—
- (i)
- That the German Government should be informed that no
concession granted to them in economic matters between the time
of the signature of the Armistice and of the Treaty of Peace
permits them to take any action intended to prejudice the
intentions of the Treaty of Peace.
- (ii)
- That the Rhineland Commission should be informed of the above
decision and instructed to notify the Council immediately if
there is any symptom of an intention on the part of the Germans
to try to evade this decision especially by the export in unduly
large quantities of dyestuffs and chemical drugs to Neutral
As regards (b) that the proposal could not be
considered as “a transitory measure” and was not, therefore, one which
the Council was authorised to examine.
179. Purchase of Dyestuffs From
A Minute passed by the Raw Materials Section at their 10th Meeting (156)
relative to the proposed purchase on behalf of the French, Italian and
Belgian Governments of approximately 120 tons of dyestuffs from Germany,
was submitted.
The British Delegates requested that this matter might, before final
approval, be referred to the technical experts for further consideration
to decide whether they desired on behalf of their Government to obtain
supplies from Germany also.
It was agreed that the proposal put forward by the Raw Materials Section
should be approved but that the British Delegates should hand in a list
of their requirements, if any, within 48 hours.
180. Financial Restrictions on
With reference to Minute 139 an extract from the Minutes of the 14th
Meeting of the Financial Section (157) recommending that the present
financial arrangements with Germany should be modified to allow of
German owned cash balances and bills held in neutral Countries being
available for the payment of interest accruing to 15th August on credits
granted to Germany, was submitted and approved.
[Page 295]
181. Finance for German Food
A letter from the Chairman of the German Financial Commission dated 22nd
May (158) stating that the German Government was ready to send 18
million pounds sterling to Amsterdam to the credit of the food account
was introduced and referred to the Finance Section.
182. Administration of the Occupied
With reference to Minute 165 the President reported that the following
formula regarding the administration of the occupied Territories had
been adopted by the Council at its special Meeting held on the 19th
“The Interallied High Command represented on the Interallied High
Commission by the President of the Commission has granted to the
latter the right to transmit to Commanders of Armies
instructions discussed and approved by the Commission.
The President will transmit the decisions of the High Commission
by order of the Interallied High Command.
In accepting this formula the Supreme Economic Council considers
that the High Commission is supreme on all economic
183. Control of Rhine
A Note from the Communications Section (159) recommending that
arrangements should be made for the continuance of the control of the
traffic on the Rhine by the Commission Inter Alliée de Navigation de
Campagne during the interim period between the signing of the Treaty of
Peace and the establishment of the International Rhine Commission
authorised under the Peace Treaty, was submitted.
It was agreed that the Communications Section should be authorised to
deal with the matter on the basis of their recommendation and report to
the Council at the next Meeting.
184. Use of Enemy Tonnage.
- (a)
- A Report from the Food Section Freight Committee dated 3rd May
(160) regarding the employment and disposition of enemy tonnage was
submitted for the information of the Council.
- (b)
- The following Resolution (161) from the Food Section regarding the
use of surplus enemy tonnage for general relief was submitted and
“That endeavour should be made to use surplus enemy tonnage
for general relief in preference to other tonnage, with a
view to increasing the funds available for relief and that
the freight rates to be chargea for this tonnage should be
the same as those charged for vessels carrying foodstuffs to
- (c)
- The Director-General of Relief suggested that the Allied and
Associated Governments should have the right to call upon the use of
German tonnage to the extent to which they have supplied national
tonnage for the provisioning of Germany.
[Page 296]
It was reported that this principle had already been adopted by the
Allied Maritime Transport Council in February last and it was agreed,
therefore, that the matter did not call for any action by the
185. Management of Enemy
Extracts from the Minutes of the Meeting of the Allied Maritime Transport
Executive held on 16th May (162) regarding the allocation to Great
Britain for management of enemy vessels in Mexico, Central and Southern
America were submitted.
It was agreed that subject to the concurrence of the British Foreign
Office and the United States Government the proposed allocation to Great
Britain for management should be approved.
186. Use of Austrian Steamers
Completed Since the Armistice.
Extracts from the minutes of the Meeting of the Allied Maritime Transport
Executive held on 16th May (163) referring to a proposal made by the
Italian Government that steamers under construction in ex-Austrian ports
before the Armistice and completed by Italy should be treated as Italian
ships, was submitted.
The Italian Delegates stated that this matter was being placed before the
Council of Heads of States and it was, therefore, agreed that it was
unnecessary for the Supreme Economic Council to consider it.
187. Work of the Shipping
With reference to Minute 171 a further resolution from the Shipping
Committee (164) regarding the discontinuance of the Shipping Committee
in Paris was submitted and approved with the substitution for the
present of Mr. Hipwood for Mr. Lodge as the Liaison Officer between the
Transport Executive and the Council.
188. Trade Between Alsace and
Unoccupied Germany.
With reference to Minute 151 the French Delegates stated that they were
in a position to present the Council with a written report at the next
189. Despatch of Supplies to
Notes from the Communications Section (165) and the Food Section (166)
regarding the despatch through Dantzig of supplies other than foodstuffs
required for relief and reconstruction purposes in Poland, were
General Thwaites attended and suggested that as Article 16 of the
Armistice Agreement concerns also military operations in the maintenance
of order the matter should be reported to Marshal Foch and a telegram
prepared for his approval before transmission to the German
A draft telegram (167) was submitted by General Thwaites and it was
agreed that the Director General of Relief and General Payot
[Page 297]
should agree upon the final
form of the telegram to be despatched to Marshal Foch.
190. Health Conditions in
With reference to Minute 173 the Director General of Relief reported that
the League of Red Cross Societies was now preparing a scheme in
accordance with the decision of the Council and that the Military
Authorities were being approached provisionally regarding the supply of
the medical stores.
The question of affording assistance as regards medical supplies to
Northern Russia, where the need is reported to be great, was considered
and it was decided to request the League of Red Cross Societies to
extend their scheme to include the old Russian Empire.
191. Financial Arrangements for
Austrian Food Supplies.
A Memorandum from the Director General of Relief dated 24th May (168) was
submitted, reporting on the position as regards Austrian Relief and the
urgent necessity for a settlement regarding the proposed loan by the
United States Treasury of 15,000,000 dollars to France for the purchase
of food supplies from the United States and the sale on credit of
foodstuffs to Austria.
The Director General of Relief stated that if this matter were not
settled immediately the whole Austrian programme must break down. He
pointed out that, under present conditions, and if the proposal that any
further loadings of Austrian ships should be made on Italian account
were carried into effect, wheat and wheat flour would have to be used
instead of rye and rye products as was originally intended. This would
be a serious drain upon the surplus of wheat and wheat flour available
in the U. S. A. and might result in a deficiency on the Allied programme
before the end of the Cereal Year.
The French Delegates stated that no effort had been spared by their
Government to obtain a satisfactory decision regarding this matter and,
having explained the difficulties which had arisen, they requested the
Council to defer taking any decision for a week. They reported that the
Austrian Government were reluctant to accept the proposals made
regarding the securities to be assigned for food as no assets would be
left for financing additional supplies until the harvest. They stated
that they anticipated that, in the course of a few days an agreement
with Austria would have been reached and the question of obtaining
adequate securities for advances to Austria would thereby be simplified.
They suggested therefore that the present instruction as regards loading
of Austrian vessels should be allowed to stand.
In reply to an enquiry from the Director General of Relief as to whether
these boats could be loaded with rye and rye flour and then ordered to
France if no settlement were reached before their ports of
[Page 298]
discharge must be named the
French Delegates undertook to give a reply in 24 hours.
With reference to the reluctance of the Austrian Government to pledge
their securities the British Financial Delegates suggested that the
Austrian Government might be informed that such securities as have been
already named by the Allied and Associated Governments would only be
claimed up to the value of the credits of 45 million dollars already
established and that in the event of additional credits being arranged
the unused portions of the same securities would be utilised.
It was agreed that in view of the statement made by the French Delegates
the matter should be adjourned for further consideration at the next
Meeting of the Council.
The Italian Delegates pointed out that in supplying foodstuffs for
Austria up to the value of 23 million dollars the Italian Government had
acted as mandatory for the other Allied and Associated Governments and
requested that the Finance Section might be instructed to safeguard the
Italian position in this respect.
The British Financial Delegate stated that this was already receiving
consideration and that the necessary precautions would be taken.
Appendix 154
Note on the Organisation of
Conferences and Communications on Current Economic Negotiations
With the German Economic Delegation at Versailles
- 1.
- The German Economic Delegates at Versailles have, at the
request of the Allied Governments, formed an Economic Section
under the presidency of Dr. Melchior. There will be
sub-committees for food, finance, raw materials and for
questions relating to the occupied territories. The business of
these Sections will be to deal with current economic
negotiations arising under the armistice.
- 2.
- Under these circumstances it becomes necessary to establish a
uniform system of communication with the newly formed Economic
- 3.
- According to recommendation 8 (c) of
the memorandum of the S.E.C. of 15th April3 on the organisation of economic
relations with Germany accepted on the 21st April by the Council
of Foreign Ministers,4 the
Sub-Committee on Germany is charged with the duty of
centralising all communications relating to current negotiations
with Germany covered by the terms of the memorandum in
- 4.
- The following proposals are therefore put forward for the
detailed organisation of such communications:—
I. Conferences.
- (a)
- Conferences at Versailles will be arranged, at not less than
24 hours’ notice, by the Inter-Allied Secretariat of the
Sub-Committee, Room 117, 26, Rue de Bassano, Tele. No. Passy
1180, Exts. 111, 112, 113 which will keep in touch with the
secretary of the German Economic Section through the medium of
Col. Henry’s Mission at Versailles.
- (b)
- Conferences at Versailles will in all cases be reported in
French and English, and copies of the minutes of each conference
will be in the hands of the Secretariat at the latest by 24
hours after the time of the Conference.
- (c)
- The Secretariat of the Sub-Committee will be charged with the
duty of:—
- (i)
- Referring to the Sub-Committee on Germany any points
arising out of conferences at Versailles which can be
dealt with within the policies laid down by the S.E.C.
or by its separate sections, or any points concerning
more than one section which require consideration by the
- (ii)
- Circulating the minutes of conferences after they have
been approved by allied delegates present at the
- (iii)
- Drawing attention of any section of the S.E.C.
concerned to any decision requiring action by it.
- (d)
- The Sub-Committee on Germany will be responsible for
notifying, through the usual channels, the German Government,
the Spa Armistice Commission, A.N.A.C. and any other body
concerned, of decisions taken at conferences.
II. Written
- (a)
- No communication shall be made to the Germans without being
authorised by the signatures of the delegates on the
- Any delegate may on any occasion waive or depute his right of
- (b)
- All written communications from the German Economic Delegation
shall be sent under cover to the Secretariat, which will be
responsible for forwarding them to the Section of the S. E. C.
Appendix 155
Note for the Supreme Economic
Council [From the Sub-Committee on
1. The Sub-Committee on Germany draws the attention of the Supreme
Economic Council to the fact that cases have come to its knowledge
of action taken or contemplated by the German Government which is
likely to prejudice the working of the Reparation and Economic
clauses of the draft Treaty of Peace.
[Page 300]
2. In particular, the Sub-Committee on Germany refers to the
following instances:—
(a) (see annex 1
attached.) Under Annex 6 to part 8 of the draft Peace
Treaty, the Germans are to be required to place at the disposal of
the Allied Governments such quantities and kinds of dyestuffs and
chemical drugs as the Reparation Commission may designate not
exceeding 50% of the total stock of each and every kind of dyestuffs
and chemical drug in Germany or under German control at the date of
the coming into force of the draft Treaty. The Sub-Committee on
Germany points out to the Supreme Economic Council that its decision
of May 13th (No. 158)5 regarding the
interpretation to be placed on telegram No. C. I. P. A. 766/g.6 on the subject of the
prohibition and pre-emption lists may permit the Germans seriously
to prejudice the intention of the Peace Treaty. It has been found in
practice that it is quite impossible to deal with all dyestuffs in
accordance with the conditions laid down in the telegram referred to
above in the time allowed. It is possible, therefore, that the
Germans may even claim in respect of dyestuffs to export not only
one-third, but the whole of their exportable surplus. In any case,
it would be possible for the Germans, if the Peace Treaty is not
signed for two or three months, to put in safe custody the greater
part of their present stocks by taking full advantage of their
privileges of export over land frontiers. On this point the
Sub-Committee on Germany recommends to the Supreme Economic Council
that the Germans should be informed that, whilst the Allies are
prepared to allow the export of a reasonable quantity of dyestuffs
per month during the period while the Peace Treaty is under
discussion, they cannot permit the intentions of the Peace Treaty to
be avoided by specially large exports. The Germans will, therefore,
have to supply detailed figures of export in respect of dyestuffs
and other articles included in the Reparation Clauses of the Peace
Treaty, the Allied and Associated Governments reserving the right to
prohibit such export whenever it appears that such export is
prejudicing the intentions of the Peace Treaty.
(b) (see annex 2.)
Article 298 of the draft Peace Treaty provides that Germany shall
- (1)
- to restore and maintain the property rights and interests
of the nationals of Allied or Associated powers in the legal
position obtaining in the respective property rights and
interests of German nationals under the laws in force before
the war;
- (2)
- not to subject the property rights or interests of the
nationals of Allied or Associated Powers to any measures in
derogation of property rights which are not applied equally
to the property rights and interests of German nationals,
and to pay adequate compensation in the event of the
application of these measures.
The Belgian delegate on the Sub-Committee on Germany points out that
the German Government contemplates the nationalisation of the
[Page 301]
soda factories in Germany,
and that 70% of the soda production of Germany is in the hands of
Solvay & Co., the interest of which firm is almost entirely in
Allied and Associated countries. He urges that the consequence of
the nationalisation of German soda factories would be to deliver to
the German competitors of Solvay & Co., the secrets of the
industrial processes belonging to this firm and to the Belgian,
British and American affiliated companies.
The Belgian delegate claims, therefore, that a nationalisation of
German Soda Factories, to the exclusion of other German chemical
factories, is contrary to the spirit of article 298 of the Treaty of
3. The Sub-Committee on Germany makes a general recommendation to the
Supreme Economic Council that the Germans should be informed that no
concession granted to them in economic matters between the time of
the signature of the Armistice and of the Treaty of Peace permits
them to take any action calculated to prejudice the intentions of
the Treaty of Peace.
[Annex 1]
Memorandum [Regarding] Dyestuffs on the Left Bank of
the Rhine
As the result of information collected from the competent authorities
of the Ministry of Industrial Reconstruction, it appears that about
90% of the total production of dyestuffs is made on the left bank of
the Rhine or in territories occupied by the Allies.
All the kinds of dyestuffs manufactured in unoccupied Germany are
equally manufactured in the occupied territories.
The actual production of dyestuffs of the occupied German factories
is negligible, these dyestuffs being under the blockade.
With regard to the value of dyestuff stock, this value is very
variable, according as the pre-war price or the selling price to
consumers, or the price which the Germans ask to Allied consumers is
taken into consideration, e. g.:
Marks |
Blue Methylated, pre-war price |
4 |
the kilo. |
Present price in Germany to German consumers |
15 |
the kilo. |
Price asked to French consumers |
51.70 |
the kilo. |
With a view to preventing the export of dyestuff products to neutral
countries, which might have the effect of leaving the Associated
powers at the moment of the signature of the Peace Treaty faced with
stocks reduced to zero, it would seem that the following steps
should be taken:—(1) the prohibition of the export of existing
stocks of dyestuffs from the left bank of the Rhine, stocks not to
be diminished
[Page 302]
on any
pretext; (2) export permit to be given for the daily production of
The existing stocks are at the moment on the left bank of the Rhine
about 20,000 tons. Existing stocks on the right bank are probably
not in excess of 1,000 tons, while the total capacity of all the
factories on the left bank would seem to be about 8,000 tons.
The procedure indicated above is, moreover, the procedure adopted in
the occupied territories by the Committee of Luxemburg and approved
by the Commission for the Left Bank of the Rhine from the time of
the creation of this Commission. It had the double advantage of
keeping up stocks while preserving for factories their general
activity and capacity for work.
[Annex 2]
We venture to call your attention to the latest information we have
just collected from an absolutely reliable source on the
nationalisation projects of the German Government. It is now certain
that the German Government has undertaken the nationalisation of
mining concessions and of all the potash industry in Germany, and
wishing to assimilate soda to potash, the German State has resolved
to nationalise in the same way the whole industry concerned with the
manufacture of soda.
The identification of soda manufacture with the working of salts of
potash can in no way be justified. Salts of potash are direct
products of the mine, and are separated one from another by solution
and evaporisation under certain special conditions, but without
undergoing any chemical transformation. They are used almost
entirely in agriculture.
Soda manufacture is a chemical process and necessitates the use of
several different raw materials, salt provides the sodium, limestone
the carbonic acid. These are the 2 chief components of the product.
Coal distillation furnishes the ammoniac which is necessary to carry
out the chemical reaction. All chemical industries occasion
reactions between different materials extracted as a rule from the
ground. There is no more reason for nationalising the soda industry
than for nationalising any other chemical industry.
Soda is of no importance to agriculture but is utilised in many
chemical industries.
Nevertheless the German Government appears to wish to nationalise
only the soda industry. The motive of this procedure is doubt
[Page 303]
less that this industry is
virtually under a single company and that the principal interest is
The danger to which we have called your attention above can be summed
up as follows:—
The German Government wishes to dispossess the German soda
industry but it seems that there is no question of applying
to our Branch, the German Solvay Works, a treatment
different to that applied to other German companies working
the same industry. However we must seek by all means to
prevent our processes, our secrets of manufacture, our
industrial experience by which the whole world has
benefited, through the medium of our factories in all
countries, from falling into the hands of a Government whose
economic system and whose abuse of power we know by past
The other Governments, France, Great Britain, U. S. A., and Italy,
have the same interest in securing that the soda industry, which is
so prosperous in their countries, should not become in Germany a
monopoly of the Government, and we are persuaded that they will
support your action.
Solvay & Co.
Appendix 156
[Minute Passed at Tenth Meeting of
the Raw Materials Section Relative to the] Purchase of Dyestuffs From Germany
The following Minute is recorded in the Records of the 10th Meeting
of the Raw Materials Section:—
The French and Italian delegates stated that they required to
purchase immediately further quantities of dyestuffs, in
addition to allocations already made or to be made from the
original amount of 50 tons.
It was understood that the French would apply for a total of
80 tons, the Italians for 70 tons, the Belgian allocation
being 20 tons. It would be necessary, therefore, to
authorise the purchase of approximately another 120
The American delegates stated that they had no objection to
increasing the amount of dyestuffs for immediate purchase,
more especially in view of the British Treasury’s decisions
on Lord Moulton’s scheme.
M. Baruch was of opinion that the French and Italians should
be allowed to proceed with the purchase unless Mr. Layton on
further consideration saw any grounds for objection to the
The actual negotiations should be entrusted to M. Froissard,
in connection with the Luxembourg Committee.
The approval of the Supreme Economic Council to the proposed purchase
is desired.
[Page 304]
Appendix 157
Extract From Minutes of 14th Meeting
of the Finance Section Held on May 22nd, 1919
11. Relaxation of Financial
The second and third paragraphs of the resolution contained in Minute
9 of the 10th meeting of the Finance Section, subsequently approved
by the Supreme Economic Council, read as follows:—
- “2. That German owned cash balances and bills held in
neutral countries be freely available in payment of
- “3. That the proceeds of exports from Germany be
freely available in payment of all kinds of permitted
Mr. Keynes said that a misunderstanding had arisen regarding the
agreement with the neutral financiers. The Finance Section had only
intended to allow the payment of interest on loans which matured
before August 15th, but M. Ter Meulen had understood that the
permission covered the payment of interest on all loans. The
additional amount involved might be estimated at perhaps £1,000,000.
It was not possible at this stage to consider any extension of the
arrangement already made and if the neutrals persisted in their
interpretation it might be better to let the whole agreement fall to
the ground. But at the same time it would perhaps be possible to
relieve the situation by an explicit recognition of the fact, which
in any event could not be prevented, that German balances in neutral
countries and the proceeds of German exports can be used for the
payment of interest as well as for imports.
Captain Jung said that he would prefer to leave things as they are.
His recollection was that the Finance Section deliberately made this
limitation though they knew that it could not be enforced, and the
intention had been to prevent the neutrals from having an absolutely
free hand. He would not formally object to the relaxation now
proposed, but he thought that it would have serious
M. de Lasteyrie pointed out that the resolution in any event only
covered the period of the Armistice.
Mr. Davis said that he thought the proposal should only cover
interest accruing up to August 15th.
It was agreed that German owned cash balances and bills held in
neutral countries, and the proceeds of exports from Germany to
neutral countries shall be freely available for the payment of
niterest accruing up to August 15th on credits granted to
[Page 305]
Appendix 158
Versailles, 22 May, 1919.
The Chairman of the German Financial
Commission to the Chairman of the Financial Section of the
Supreme Economic Council
(Tg. No. F 381)
With reference to the session of day before yesterday I have the
honor to make the following communication:
The German Government is ready to send 18 million pounds sterling to
Amsterdam to the credit of the food account. With regard to the
general situation, we assume that independently of any turn of
military or political events—
- 1.
- this gold will remain reserved exclusively for its
purpose—the importation of food into Germany;
- 2.
- also that the Brussels Convention, insofar as it deals
with food for which gold has been provided, will be executed
likewise for the unoccupied German territory.
I beg for a reply; for technical reasons the shipment of the gold
cannot begin before the beginning of June. I request that the Allied
and Associated delegates be informed of the preceding.
Appendix 159
Note [From the
Communications Section] for the Supreme
Economic Council on the Navigation of the Rhine
The control of the navigation of the Rhine is at present undertaken
by the Commission Inter-Alliée de Navigation de Campagne, with
headquarters at Cologne, working under the orders of Marshal Foch.
Under the régime envisaged by the Peace Treaty the navigation of the
Rhine will be controlled by the International Rhine Commission.
The Communications Section therefore is of the opinion that the
transitory régime to be adopted between the declaration of peace and
the time when the International Rhine Commission will start to
function should be studied so that a body will continue to exist
capable of regulating the river to assure the best economic results
to the countries it serves.
The Communications Section has decided therefore to bring this
question to the notice of the Supreme Economic Council, at the same
time putting before it the solution which the Communications Section
itself envisaged with regard to this, and which, while hastening as
much as possible the formation of the International Rhine
Commission, would consist in keeping as a provisional executive body
the existing Commission Inter-Alliée de Navigation de Campagne with
[Page 306]
modifications as might be necessary in its functions (and
Appendix 160
Report [No.
1] of Enemy Tonnage
1. Appendix I sets out the procedure laid down and the provisional
loading programme of cereals approved by the Food Section of the
Supreme Economic Council.
2. Appendix II sets out the detailed procedure governing the
employment of Enemy tonnage which has been approved by the Freight
Committee. Suitable forms of charter have been submitted to the
Allied Maritime Transport Executive and it is anticipated that
standard charters for the homeward voyage in each route, together
with rates of freight applicable to the several voyages, will be
agreed shortly.
3. Meanwhile all tonnage has been ordered to proceed to loading ports
as it has become available.
Appendix III sets out the names and tonnage (dead weight) of the
German vessels so ordered.
The totals are as follows:—
Appendix III a |
N. America (consigned to U. S. Food
Administration) |
April May loading |
291,530 |
tons |
June |
35,550 |
“ |
Canada (consigned to the Wheat Exports Co.) May |
9,500 |
“ |
Ordered to Louisberg and not yet allocated May |
42,500 |
“ |
Appendix III b |
Plate |
May |
32,520 |
“ |
June |
94,705 |
“ |
Appendix III c |
French West Africa |
May |
15,500 |
“ |
June |
7,600 |
“ |
Appendix III d—Australia
June |
79,800 |
“ |
4. N. America. As regards North America Mr.
Barnes reported that he would be able to handle 300,000 tons of
German shipping during May and tonnage to that amount will be
available. The great bulk has, in accordance with his request, been
sent to Hampton Boads for loading at Northern Range ports. The Wheat
Commission will require 50,000 tons directed to the United Kingdom
in replacement of May arrivals diverted to Germany and Poland.
[Page 307]
Plate. Cable advices from Rotterdam state that
the Germans have purchased 100,000 tons of flour and anticipate that
they will be able to arrange credits there. Further information has
been asked for.
French West Africa. The French Commission have
asked for tonnage to lift 60,000 tons of palm kernels sold to
Germany and this is being arranged.
Australia. The tonnage has been offered to the
Australian Wheat Committee to load on the understanding that the
first call on the cargoes is given to Germany, second to relief,
third to the Allies.
5. Appendix IV gives the tonnage provisionally ordered, in response
to a request from the Food Section, to lift American Army Stores
from France to Poland. Further information is awaited as to the
ports and quantities and as to who will charter the vessels and pay
the freights. Smaller German Vessels
It is anticipated that a considerable number of vessels of between
1,600 and 2,500 tons will be available shortly. It is proposed to
utilise them in the first instance for the conveyance of potatoes
from the U. K. to Hamburg.
6. Appendix V gives a list of the further tonnage amounting to
190,300 tons deadweight, which has been nominated by the A. M. T.
E., but has not yet been ordered to loading ports. It is offered
proposed to order the smaller vessels to the Plate and the larger to
North America and Australia, the primary considerations being the
position forecasted in N. America at the time when the boats require
orders and the progress of German arrangements for credits in the
Plate. The Wheat Exports Co. have been instructed to consult with
Mr. Barnes and report as to whether Canada or the United States can
handle further tonnage over and above that already arranged for May.
Vessels not yet Ordered
7. Appendix VI gives the position and allocation of Austrian tonnage.
Vessels have so far been allocated as follows:—
To Italy in replacement of 48,000 tons tonnage used in
carrying supplies, afterwards delivered to German
Austria: |
Arrived to end April |
9,169 |
tons |
To arrived May/June |
16,938 |
“ |
Leaving balance to be allocated |
21,893 |
“ |
To Italy in exchange for three Australian cargoes
diverted to German Austria |
19,688 |
“ |
To German Austria May/June arrival |
57,386 |
“ |
“ Roumania “ “ arrival |
29,451 |
“ |
Unallocated |
May loading U. S. A. |
36,500 |
“ |
June/July loading |
213,574 |
“ |
May/June Plate |
33,100 |
“ |
May Australia |
7,500 |
“ |
[Page 308]
Appendix I
Provisioning of Germany and Direction
of Enemy Tonnage
1. The attached statement shows how enemy tonnage should be
programmed in order to secure that Germany shall receive to 1st
September the ration agreed at Brussels. A similar programme should
be drawn up for the supply of fats.
Any prompt German tonnage which cannot be fitted into North America
or the Plate should be sent to Australia.
The amount of tonnage that can be directed to Europe from Canada and
the United States is limited by the amount of wheat available. In
Canada this quantity was estimated on 1st March at 1,760,000 tons,
in U. S. A. at 4,000,000 tons. In the Argentine the limiting factor
is the monthly maximum cereal port capacity, which for wheat may be
put at 650,000 tons, assuming an export of 100,000 tons of maize and
50,000 tons of Oats.
The ships to load food will be nominated by the Allied Maritime
Transport Executive to Captain Elliot, who will direct them in
accordance with the programme laid down, in consultation with the
representatives in London of the United States Food Administration
and the French and Italian Commissions.
The Freight Committee sitting in London will have before them weekly
the food requirements and arrivals of Germany, Relief and the Allies
and this Committee will be responsible for utilising to the best
advantage enemy tonnage nominated by the Allied Maritime Transport
Executive giving priority in the above order and reporting regularly
to the Food Section of the Supreme Economic Council.
All purchases made by Germany will be reported to Captain Elliot in
order that the necessary tonnage may be provided by the Freight
Enemy tonnage to load in U. S. A. ports will be ordered to Hampton
Roads or Sand Key consigned to the United States Food
Administration. In order to prevent overlapping and delays, the Food
Administration and the Wheat Export Company will co-operate closely
in selecting cargoes and ports. Enemy tonnage to load in Canada will
be consigned to the Wheat Export Company.
In the general interests of the Associated Governments and of Germany
purchases of wheat by Germany in the Argentine with finance provided
under the Brussels Agreement will be made through the Wheat
Executive Agency in the Plate, certain firms hitherto excluded being
allowed to compete in the business. In any case where Germany
[Page 309]
obtains direct credits in
South America, the Wheat Executive Agency will be kept fully
informed of business done.
It is suggested that the Allied Maritime Transport Executive should
charter the ships to the Shippers and settle and collect freights to
be credited to Germany, after debiting the cost of operation.
Australian sales to Germany will be made by the Wheat Commission on
behalf of the Australian Government.
Statements Referred to in the Memorandum Dated
7th April, 1919, Approved at the Wheat Executive Meeting in
Paris on the Provisioning of Germany and Direction of Enemy
I. Suggested European Importation
Programme for Arrival 1st April
to 31st August, 1919
wheat & flour (as wheat) &
(Thousands of Metric Tons)
Prog, for Cereal year |
Re. to March 31 |
Balance |
I. |
Allies |
U. K. |
5,500 |
2,950 |
2,550 |
France |
3,025 |
1,300 |
1,725 |
Italy |
2,925 |
1,200 |
1,725 |
Total U. K., Italy & France |
11,450 |
5,450 |
6,000 |
Greece |
45 |
Portugal |
60 |
Belgium |
500 |
[Total] |
605 |
II. |
Recovered territories |
Finland |
100 |
Poland |
200 |
Czecho-Slovakia |
250 |
Greater Serbia |
100 |
Roumania |
150 |
Armenia & Turkey |
50 |
Baltic States |
50 |
Total recovered territories |
900 |
III. |
Enemy countries |
Austria |
140 |
Hungary |
25 |
Bulgaria |
50 |
Germany |
1,500 |
Total enemy countries |
1,715 |
IV. |
Neutral countries |
Holland |
250 |
Denmark |
50 |
Sweden |
100 |
Norway |
100 |
Switzerland |
125 |
Total neutral countries |
625 |
Grand total |
9,885 |
[Page 310]
II. Source of Supplies of Wheat
and Flour (as Wheat and Ryes) To Meet European Importation
Thousands of Metric Tons
Reduced requirements for Europe |
9,885 |
Supplies |
Canada |
Exportable surplus March 1st |
800 |
Wheat Exp. Stocks Canadian |
685 |
” ” ” American |
275 |
[Total] |
1,760 |
U. S. A. |
Exportable surplus March 1st |
Wheat (115,000,000) bushels (including 450,000 tons Wheat
Export Co.’s Stocks) |
100 |
Rye 1 |
600 |
Allow for possible underestimates of U. S. A. Wheat
Surplus |
500 |
New Crop Wheat |
300 |
[Total] |
4,500 |
Total North America |
6,260 |
Australia probable arrivals |
700 |
[Grand Total] |
6,960 |
Balance to be drawn from Argentine; to be filled by
substitutes from U. S. A. or to be made good by economies as
follows:— |
2,925 |
(a) Wheat from Argentine |
1,750 |
(b) Substitutes from U. S.
A. |
500 |
(c) To be made good by economies in
Allied Countries or by reductions in Relief and Enemy
Programmes |
675 |
III. Suggested Shipment Programme
by Exporting Countries
wheat and flour (as wheat) and rye
for arrival april to august 1919
Thousands of Metric Tons
Shipments by months |
Feb. |
Mar. |
Apr. |
May |
June |
July Aug. |
Total |
Australia |
Allies |
100 |
100 |
200 |
250 |
650 |
Germany |
50 |
50 |
Total Australia |
100 |
100 |
200 |
300 |
700 |
Canada |
11/4 mos. shipment |
Allies |
150 |
350 |
360 |
350 |
450 |
1,660 |
Neutrals |
25 |
25 |
50 |
Germany |
25 |
25 |
50 |
Total Canada |
150 |
350 |
360 |
400 |
500 |
1,760 |
United States |
1¼ mos. shipment |
Allies |
150 |
400 |
500 |
600 |
665 |
2,315 |
Relief (including Belgium) |
350 |
300 |
300 |
300 |
150 |
1,400 |
Neutrals |
50 |
50 |
50 |
50 |
75 |
275 |
Germany (Enemies) |
200 |
250 |
60 |
510 |
[Total United States] |
550 |
950 |
1,100 |
1,010 |
890 |
4,500 |
Plate |
½ mo. shipment |
½ mo. shipment |
Allies |
50 |
50 |
50 |
225 |
325 |
145 |
845 |
Neutrals |
20 |
20 |
50 |
75 |
75 |
60 |
300 |
Germany |
225 |
250 |
130 |
605 |
[Total Plate] |
70 |
70 |
100 |
525 |
650 |
335 |
1,750 |
Substitutes from U. S. A. for enemy countries |
155 |
155 |
190 |
500 |
To be made good by economies in Allied countries or by
reduction in relief or enemy programmes |
675 |
[Page 311]
Appendix II
Procedure Regulating the Employment
of Enemy Tonnage
1. All tonnages will be nominated to the Allied Maritime Transport
Executive, London, by the Shipping Authorities of the respective
countries by which it is managed.
2. Vessels allocated to carry foodstuffs will be nominated by the A.
M. T. E. to Captain Elliot,
3. Vessels will be allocated by Captain Elliot under the direction of
the Freight Committee of the Supreme Economic Council (Food
4. Such allocations will be notified by Capt. Elliot as follows:—
a. |
Vessels |
loading |
in |
U. S. A. to the United States Food Administration,
London. |
b. |
“ |
“ |
“ |
Canada to the Wheat Export Co’y. |
c. |
“ |
“ |
“ |
Plate to Sir H. Gibson and in the case of firms
selling to Germany to such firms. |
[d.] |
e. |
“ |
“ |
“ |
French West Africa to the French Commission
London. |
f. |
“ |
“ |
“ |
Australia to Mr. Love and in cases where cargo is to
be supplied by the Australian Government to the
Australian Wheat Committee. |
g. |
5. On allocation of vessels Charters on a standardized form, with
appropriate freight and demurrage clauses agreed with the A. M. T.
E. will be supplied for signature to shippers as set out in clause
4, except that in the case of (b), (c), and (f) the
charters will be signed by the Wheat Commission as Charterers. In
the case of British-managed ships the charters will be forwarded by
Captain Elliot. In the case of French-managed ships by the French
6. Orders to ships prior to allocation will be given by Captain
Elliot in the case of British-managed ships, and by the French
Commission in the case of French-managed ships.
7. Subsequent orders will be given by charterers.
8. All enemy vessels will be chartered with a wide range of
discharging port options and will be sent to suitable ports of call
on the homeward voyage.
9. In the case of ships carrying cargo to Germany charterers will
obtain information as to port of discharge required from their
representative at Rotterdam to whom they will report shipments.
10. All shipments will be advised to Captain Elliot.
11. Captain Elliot will supply the A. M. T. E. with a weekly
statement showing the position of all enemy tonnage on Food
[Page 312]
12. All money due under charters of British-managed vessels will be
paid by the respective charterers to the managers in London.
13. The French Commission will be the agents in London of Managers of
Enemy vessels under French management, and all money due under the
charters of such vessels will be paid by the respective charterers
to the French Commission in London.
14. In the case of Austrian vessels managed by the Italian
Government, the above procedure applies only as regards Clauses (1),
(2), (3), (4), (10), and (11). The Italian Commission will cable to
Rome orders for loading and discharging ports, as agreed with
Captain Elliot.
Vessels to Load [in]
North America
Allocated to United States Food
April/May |
D. W. Tons |
Weissenfels |
11,250 |
Rudelsburg |
9,160 |
Kronenfels |
11,100 |
Kybfels |
7,000 |
Falkenfels |
11,200 |
Altenfels |
9,850 |
Artemesia |
8,110 |
Solfels |
8,200 |
Burmuda |
10,200 |
Gertrud |
7,750 |
Gallipoli |
6,000 |
Franziska |
7,250 |
Santa Cruz |
8,750 |
Hornfels |
5,700 |
Grieffenfels |
8,150 |
Oundomar |
15,000 |
Augsburg |
10,000 |
Lippe |
9,900 |
Wolfram |
8,800 |
Naimes |
7,850 |
Ehrenfels |
6,675 |
Waldenburg |
8,775 |
Erfurt |
9,000 |
Dessau |
9,900 |
Isis |
10,800 |
Gerfrid |
8,800 |
Elbing |
7,870 |
Hanau |
7,110 |
*Kagera |
9,080 |
*Therese Horn |
7,400 |
*Slavonia |
6,800 |
May |
*Plitvice |
6,200 |
Wartburg |
6,400 |
[Total] |
291,530 |
June (After delivery of coal cargo in Italy) |
Crostafels |
7,000 |
Aschenburg |
9,150 |
Somenfels |
8,150 |
Schwarzenfels |
11,250 |
[Total] |
35,550 |
[Grand Total] |
327,080 |
*Steamers under French Management.
Allocated to Wheat
D. W. Tons |
April–Burgomeister Schröder |
9,500 |
The following vessels have been sent to Louisberg for orders and have
not yet been allocated:
May |
D. W. Tons |
Totmes |
8,000 |
Atto |
8,000 |
Tasmania |
8,000 |
Matsuria |
5,900 |
*Kribi |
6,000 |
Arabia |
6,000 |
[Total] |
42,500 |
*Steamers under French Management.
[Page 313]
Vessels to Load in the Plate
May |
D. W. Tons |
Itayahy |
6,660 |
Louise Horn |
5,580 |
Wotan |
8,600 |
Elbe |
5,500 |
Bosporus |
6,280 |
[Total] |
32,500 |
June |
Oehringen |
5,100 |
Karl Lambardt |
4,700 |
Sausenburg |
4,500 |
Sofia |
5,000 |
Derindje |
4,400 |
Rhenania |
5,850 |
Plauen |
6,300 |
Eichfelde |
6,000 |
Olympos |
5,130 |
Irmgard |
5,950 |
*Malaga |
4,960 |
Pionier |
4,865 |
Erika |
4,150 |
Sieglinda |
4,500 |
(After delivery of coal cargo in Italy) |
Pera |
6,000 |
Alster |
5,500 |
Horncap |
5,200 |
Germanicus |
6,000 |
Gudron |
5,850 |
Aronsburg |
5,800 |
Normania |
4,950 |
[Total] |
94,705 |
[Grand Total] |
127,225 |
*Steamer under French Management.
Vessels to Load in West Africa
Allocated to French
May |
D. W. Tons |
Borussia |
4,000 |
Hornsee |
4,000 |
Austria |
3,500 |
Alma |
4,000 |
[Total] |
15,500 |
June |
Regina |
4,000 |
Uhlenhorst |
3,600 |
[Total] |
7,600 |
[Grand Total] |
23,100 |
Vessels to Load in Australia
June |
(After delivery of coal cargo to Italy) |
D. W. Tons |
Gera |
9,000 |
Fürst Bülow |
11,150 |
Heilbrunn |
10,100 |
Treuenfels |
10,100 |
(Troops outwards) |
Helouan |
10,850 |
Roda |
10,900 |
Giessen |
10,500 |
Cordoba |
7,300 |
[Total] |
79,800 |
[Page 314]
Vessels Provisionally Ordered To Lift American
Army Stores From France to Poland
May/June |
D. W. Tons |
Antwerpen |
3,240 |
Hamburg |
3,650 |
Atta |
4,200 |
Spezia |
3,300 |
Roma |
4,000 |
Schwinge |
4,000 |
Karpathos |
4,000 |
Anni |
4,000 |
[Total] |
30,390 |
Vessels Nominated by the A. M. T. E. but not
Ordered to Loading Ports
A. Under British Management |
D. W. Tons |
Pyrgos |
5,300 |
Steigervald |
7,200 |
[Total] |
12,500 |
B. Under French Management |
(Delivered or Arrived in Downs for Delivery)
Name of Ship |
Est. D. W. |
*Altenburg |
10,100 |
Altmark |
7,400 |
Aragonia |
7,000 |
Belgravia |
9,000 |
Bisgravia |
9,600 |
*Burgemeister Von Melle |
6,500 |
Christian Horn |
3,900 |
Freida Horn |
4,000 |
*Genua |
4,000 |
Hollandia |
4,600 |
*Java |
10,900 |
Mannheim |
8,800 |
Meiningen |
9,800 |
Nordmerk |
8,100 |
Procida |
4,200 |
*Raimund |
9,700 |
Romscheid |
10,100 |
*Randsburg |
7,200 |
*Rovuma |
8,200 |
Secundus |
7,100 |
Wachtfels |
7,300 |
Waldeck |
8,800 |
Varrega |
5,400 |
Warundl |
5,100 |
[Total] |
176,800 |
*Under orders to take coal cargo to Italy.
Austrian Tonnage Arrived at Discharging Ports
From North America
Allocated to Italy
Sirena |
Philadelphia |
8/3 |
Beri |
8/4 |
3,045 |
918 |
C. M. |
Fiume |
” |
25/3 |
Siracusa |
19/4 |
3,896 |
President Wilson |
New York |
5/4 |
Genoa |
22/4 |
1,310 |
C. M. |
[Total] |
9,169 |
[Page 315]
Austrian Vessels on Passage
Allocated to Italy
Argentina |
New York |
10/4 |
Geona |
30/4 |
551 |
Flour. |
73 |
C. M. |
632 |
Beans. |
Dalmatia |
“ “ |
31/3 |
Trpani |
28/4 |
2,801 |
*Corsinia |
Philadelphia |
6/4 |
Gib. f. o. |
4/5 |
2,801 |
*Iris |
Baltimore |
10/4 |
“ “ |
8/5 |
8,433 |
*Magyarorszag |
Philadelphia |
Trieste |
4,701 |
Francesca |
New York |
17/4 |
Naples |
15/5 |
1,333 |
511 |
Flour. |
Vendobono |
Portland |
3/4 |
Gib. f. o. |
1/5 |
4,567 |
[Total] |
28,311 |
*In exchange for Australian cargoes diverted to German Austria.
Allocated to German
Africana |
Galveston |
18/4 |
Trieste |
25/5 |
4,689 |
Perseveranza |
Jacksonville |
14/4 |
Trieste |
21/5 |
4,712 |
Flour. |
Hungaria |
Portland |
8/4 |
Trieste |
6/5 |
4,285 |
[Total] |
13,686 |
Allocated to Roumania
Gerania |
Portland |
23/4 |
Constaza |
5,717 |
1,233 |
F. |
Baron Edmund Vay |
“ “ |
24/4 |
“ “ |
3,668 |
335 |
F. |
Ablrtea |
“ “ |
30/4 |
“ “ |
4,360 |
1,938 |
F. |
[Total] |
17,251 |
Allocated to Italy
Filippo |
Wallaroo |
21/4 |
P. Said f. o |
8,315 |
Austrian Vessels Loading
For Italy |
D.W. Tons |
Carolina |
4,800 |
For German Austria |
Laguna |
8,000 |
Maria Immacolata |
5,800 |
Adrlatico |
5,200 |
Szenterenzi |
5,000 |
Dubac |
3,800 |
Mrav |
5,000 |
Trieste |
7,000 |
Fiume |
3,900 |
[Total] |
43,700 |
For Roumania |
Burmah |
7,500 |
Principessa Christiania |
3,700 |
[Total] |
11,200 |
[Page 316]
H. R. f. o. |
D. W. Tons |
Szent Istvan |
” |
4,000 |
Caterina Geroluinich |
” |
8,000 |
Kossuth Ferencz |
” |
6,500 |
Bosanka |
” |
5,400 |
Lapad |
” |
3,500 |
Graf Tisxa Istwar |
” |
3,600 |
Kossuth |
” |
5,500 |
[Total] |
36,500 |
Austrian Vessels Unallocated (June Loading).
D. W. Tons |
Dardania |
H. R. f. o. |
June |
4,700 |
Contessa Adelina |
“ |
4,700 |
Atlántico |
“ |
“ |
4,500 |
Emlila |
New York |
“ |
5,000 |
Marinne |
“ |
“ |
5,400 |
Sofia Hohenberg |
H. R. f. o. |
“ |
5,000 |
Iskra |
“ |
“ |
6,500 |
Istinia |
“ |
“ |
5,000 |
Aug,Foherczegno |
“ |
“ |
7,700 |
Gerty |
“ |
“ |
6,688 |
Grof. Hedervary |
“ |
“ |
7,700 |
Columbia |
“ |
“ |
5,000 |
Erdely |
“ |
“ |
7,700 |
Izvor |
“ |
“ |
5,600 |
Protes |
“ |
“ |
5,000 |
Innsbruck |
“ |
“ |
5,000 |
Nippon |
“ |
“ |
5,000 |
Maria |
“ |
“ |
5,386 |
Arcadia |
“ |
“ |
7,000 |
Leopoldina |
“ |
“ |
6,000 |
Radium |
“ |
“ |
4,500 |
Immacolata |
“ |
“ |
5,500 |
Srgj |
“ |
“ |
5,000 |
Abbazia |
“ |
“ |
3,500 |
Gastein |
“ |
“ |
4,500 |
Graz |
“ |
“ |
3,500 |
Baltico |
“ |
“ |
5,000 |
Karlsbad |
“ |
“ |
3,500 |
Leopoldis |
“ |
“ |
3,000 |
Jadera |
“ |
“ |
6,000 |
Mirza Blauburg |
“ |
“ |
5,000 |
Persia |
“ |
“ |
5,000 |
Giulia |
“ |
“ |
5,000 |
Meran |
“ |
“ |
3,500 |
Giorgia |
“ |
“ |
8,000 |
Palacky |
“ |
“ |
4,000 |
Praga |
“ |
“ |
6,000 |
Baron Fejervary |
“ |
“ |
5,000 |
Cleopatra |
“ |
“ |
4,400 |
Marie Valerie |
“ |
“ |
4,400 |
Ellernia |
“ |
“ |
7,300 |
[Total] |
213,574 |
D. W. Tons |
Bucovina |
May–June |
3,500 |
Carinthia |
“ |
3,000 |
Melpomere |
“ |
7,000 |
Carnlolia |
“ |
3,000 |
Sirena |
“ |
3,900 |
Baron Call |
“ |
3,500 |
Barone Kemeny |
“ |
3,200 |
Jokal |
“ |
6,000 |
[Total] |
33,100 |
D. W. Tons |
Terreno |
May |
7,500 |
[Page 317]
Appendix 161
Resolution From the Food Section
Regarding the Use of Enemy Tonnage
At the 14th meeting of the Food Section it was pointed out that there
would in all probability shortly be a considerable quantity of
German tonnage in excess of that required for the transport of the
foodstuffs which Germany has been able to finance, and this tonnage
should, in accordance with the decisions of the Supreme Economic
Council, be used for the transport of general relief supplies.
It appears that the Allied Maritime Transport Executive are proposing
that, whereas the freights charged in the case of vessels carrying
foodstuffs to Germany are based on Blue-Book Rates, the freights to
be charged for all other purposes should be based on Allied
Limitation Rates or Commercial rates, whichever are the lower.
The following resolution regarding this matter was passed by the Food
Section for consideration by the Supreme Economic Council:
“That endeavour should be made to use surplus enemy tonnage
for general relief in preference to other tonnage, with a
view to increasing the funds available for relief and that
the freight rates to be charged for this tonnage should be
the same as those charged for vessels carrying foodstuffs to
Appendix 162
Extracts From Minutes of the
Transport Executive (16th May,
1919), Regarding the Allocation for
Management of Enemy Ships in Mexico, Central and South American
Ports to Great Britain
Telegrams were read between the United States Mission in Great
Britain and the Shipping Board in the United States suggesting that
the enemy vessels in Mexico, Central and South America, should be
allocated to Great Britain for management.
The telegrams were as follows:
To Washington
13th May, 1919.
435. In view of fact that great majority of damaged German
ships now in South American ports will probably be assigned
to Great Britain in peace terms the Allied Maritime
Transport Executive is considering allocating vessels in
Mexican, Central American and South American ports to Great
Britain to be placed in service pending decision of ultimate
disposition of these ships. This would cancel obligation
imposed on US several months ago to place all vessels in
ports in service.
British feeling is that Great Britain can place vessels in
service quicker than United States, and this is based on
inability of United States to put any vessels in service so
far. Please expedite reply as
[Page 318]
to whether there is any objection to
this procedure. Answer requested by 15th May for next
meeting. Knapp.
From Washington
16 May, 1919.
Boards Navy 907 Admiral Knapp from Stevens. Your 435. German
ships in Mexico, Central and South American ports. This
cable not received until 15th. Shipping Board and Department
of State have no objection to the procedure outlined in your
cable for allocating these vessels to Great Britain to be
placed in service pending decision as to ultimate
disposition of these ships. We approve this plan. American
representatives in these countries have negotiated for the
release of these vessels but we have not actually taken
possession of any of (them) yet, because we have not yet
secured definite information as to conditions of the ships,
and the amount of money required to pay off due the liens
and …7 Please inform us at once if this
procedure is approved by the Supreme Economic Council in
Paris so we may notify American representatives in Central
and South America. Opnav.
The Executive decided to recommend to the Supreme Economic Council
that this re-allocation should take place. Secretary
Appendix 163
Extract From the Minutes of the
Transport Executive (16 May 1919)
[Regarding the Disposal of the Steamers Under
Construction in Ex-Austrian Ports]
Austrian Steamers
With reference to the question of the vessels under construction in
ex-Austrian ports at the time of the Italian occupation, and which
were subsequently completed and put into service by the Italian
authorities, such as the Pilsna, Innsbruck,
Cracovia, Ombla and others, still in the course of
completion, I am instructed to advise the A. M. T. E. that the
Italian Government does not agree that the same principle applying
for German ships should apply for the Austrian.
The latter were building in the Austrian ports when same were
occupied by the Italian Army before the Armistice, and were
completed as mentioned above by the Italians—such vessels, being,
therefore, in effect seized by force of arms, must be considered as
Italian property and must be treated as Italian ships, and as same
do not fall in the pool, as the pool only contemplates enemy ships.
The Italian authorities will agree to place these ships in the food
service when possible, but on the understanding that they are not
pool boats.
[Page 319]
The Allied Maritime Transport Executive did not feel able to come to
a decision on this point, and therefore submit the same for the
instructions of the Supreme Economic Council.
Appendix 164
[Resolution From the Shipping
Committee Regarding] Work and
Organization of Shipping Section
A recommendation that the Shipping Committee should be abolished was
referred back by the Supreme Economic Council (Min. 171, 19th
meeting) to the Shipping Committee.
The following resolution was unanimously agreed by the Shipping
Committee on the 23rd May:
That a recommendation be made to the Supreme Economic Council
that the Shipping Section or Shipping Committee of the
Council discontinue as a committee of the Council: that the
Allied Maritime Transport Executive be constituted as a
committee of the Supreme Economic Council to sit in London,
and that a representative of Belgium be added to such
committee: that this committee should report to and be under
the control of the Supreme Economic Council and that under
such control it should deal with all shipping questions
growing out of the interallied use of ships: and with a
further recommendation that the Supreme Economic Council
request the British representatives to appoint Mr. T. Lodge
to act as liaison officer between the Transport Executive
and the Supreme Economic Council, and that he be stationed
in Paris.
Appendix 165
Extracts From the Minutes of 21st
Meeting of the Communications Section Held May 21 Regarding
Despatch of Railway Material to Poland Via Dantzig
3a. It was decided that the Communications
Section should request the S. E. C. to insist that the Germans
should allow railway material and commercial shipments to pass
through Dantzig to Poland.
Appendix 166
[Note From the Food Section
Regarding] Detention by German Government
of Supplies for Poland
Draft Telegram to German Armistice
The German Government recently detained a number of cars carrying Red
Cross supplies from Dantzig to Poland but have now given
instructions for them to proceed to their destination.
[Page 320]
The Germans have, however, asked for a guarantee that only foodstuffs
and Red Cross stores would be transported to Poland through
This request was considered by the Food Section at their 14th meeting
in conjunction with Article 16 of the Armistice Agreement which
reads as follows:—
“The Allies shall have free access to the territories
evacuated by the Germans on their Eastern frontier either
through Dantzig or by the Vistula in order to convey
supplies to the populations of those territories and for the
purpose of maintaining order.”
As this agreement obviously was not intended to apply only to
foodstuffs it is proposed that the following telegram should be
despatched to the Allied Armistice Commission at Spa:—
“Article 16 of the Armistice places no restriction on the
character of the supplies which can be conveyed to the
populations of the territories evacuated by the Germans on
their eastern front, or for supplies necessary for the
purpose of maintaining order, and in the view of the Supreme
Economic Council it would therefore be impossible and highly
inadvisable to give a guarantee to the German Government
that only food supplies and Red Cross Stores are to be
transported to Poland via Dantzig. It is almost certain to
be necessary to import for relief purposes raw materials,
clothing and railway repair material. In our view the
Germans should merely be informed that they must conform
with the letter and the spirit of Article
Appendix 1678
Draft Telegram Regarding the Despatch
From Danzig of Supplies Destined for Poland
Reference paragraph 14 of your despatch No. 180 of the 16th May. No
answer need be returned to question raised by Germans with regard to
despatch of war material via Danzig which is irrelevant. You should
merely demand passage for any trucks certified by Allied
representatives as containing supplies, stores or material intended
for relief purposes. Such a certificate would not, of course, be
given for arms or munitions of war.
[Page 321]
Appendix 168
Memorandum From Director-General of
Belief [Regarding Financial Arrangements
for Austrian Food Supplies]
At a meeting of Food representatives to consider the position of
Austrian relief, it was decided that the Supreme Economic Council
should be asked to reconsider the entire situation. Up to the
present moment, supplies and their costs, as shown by the annexed
memorandum, have been sent into Austria from all quarters.
It will be recalled that the finance of Austrian relief has been
arranged on the basis that the United States Treasury would provide
a loan of $30,000,000 as to $10,000,000 each to England, France, and
Italy, for the purchase of food supplies from the United States. The
three Allies were to in turn sell on credits to Austria, as might be
arranged. Subsequently this was increased to $45,000,000 by an
increase of $5,000,000 to each Government. Upon the faith that these
arrangements had been accepted by all of the Governments, the relief
has so far proceeded and the sums shown in the table represent
expenditures incurred.
The French representatives inform me that they have not so far
secured the approval of the Chamber to the necessary appropriation
for the Austrian loan corresponding to the American Treasury
advances, but upon agreement with the French representatives,
confirmed at meeting of the Supreme Economic Council on April
14th,9 approximately 60,000 tons of cereals have been
loaded at the Atlantic seaboard by the Wheat Executive for French
account, and are now either arrived or en route.
I understand that the French authorities have given directions that
any further loadings of Austrian ships for French account should be
diverted to France. It was agreed, however, by the Italian
representatives, that in view of the fact that finance for freights
has already been provided for by Italy, that this should be altered
to a direction to the Wheat Executive that further loadings of
Austrian ships should be made for Italian account, so that if there
is a failure in finance for German-Austria, the cargoes will be
available for Italy. By this means there would be no interruption in
the loading and, on the other hand, unless the French appropriation
can be completed, the whole food supply to Austria will collapse
within the next twenty days.
[Page 322]
I am informed that the outstanding difficulty with the French
Government is the matter of obtaining adequate securities for
advances to Austria. I am also informed that the question of
obtaining adequate security has been taken up with the Austrians by
the Finance Section. At a meeting held on May 21st, the former
seemed willing to assign any form of security the Finance Section
might intimate to them. Accordingly, on May 22nd, the Finance
Section drew up a paper for signature by the Austrian Government,
undertaking to assign as security for the food, if called on to do
so, any or all of the following:
- (1)
- Gold and silver, including objects of gold and silver as
well as coin, now in the hands of the Austrian Government or
obtainable by requisition.
- (2)
- Foreign securities similarly obtainable.
- (3)
- The salt mines of Austria.
- (4)
- The State forests of Austria and also the proceeds of all
exports of timber, including those effected by private
- (5)
- The buildings and real estate of all Austrian towns
exceeding 50,000 inhabitants.
- (6)
- All public utility enterprises in Austria.
- (7)
- All future revenues of the Austrian Government of whatever
It would hardly be possible to go further than the above and there is
no other asset, except the Austrian ships which are already in the
hands of the Allies. This last item presents special difficulties,
but should not be overlooked inasmuch as it represents the only
asset available for immediate realization independent of the future
of Austria.
It has already been laid down that the cost of food supplies to
Austria should take precedence over all reparation payments to be
demanded of her.
The only obstacle to the provisioning of Austria up to $45,000,000
lies therefore with the French Government.
I should like to point out that the expenditure on food relief in
Europe by the American, British and Italian Governments, outside of
any recoveries of liquid assets, will, since the Armistice to the
end of May, exceed the sum of $400,000,000, and that so far as I am
aware the French Government has so far not found itself able to take
any participation in this burden except for the small sums expended
on Russian prisoners. The technical situation surrounding Austria
seems to make the matter entirely hopeless unless we can have
support by the French Government, accepting the loan from the United
States Treasury for this purpose.
In view of the urgency of securing a settlement to the Austrian
question, I do urgently recommend to the Supreme Economic Council
[Page 323]
the situation be
either settled at once or brought to the notice of the Council of
the Heads of States, as will enable the acceptance by all parties of
the plan.
Director-General of
Food Delivered to Austria
The following represents the approximate amounts paid for American
food by the different Governments, from January 1st to May 19th:
United Kingdom |
$8,000,000 |
Italy |
23,000,000 |
These estimates do not include transportation paid by France, Italy
or the United Kingdom.
In addition to the above, about $2,500,000 has been supplied from the
United States by charity and exchange and about $13,000,000 supplied
from surrounding areas through trading by Austria itself.
The available balances upon the $15,000,000 basis would be:
United Kingdom |
$7,000,000 |
France |
15,000,000 |
Total |
$22,000,000 |
This will perhaps furnish them a meagre ration until
mid-July, leaving a lacuna of about a month until harvest. If peace
is made soon the Austrians should be able to find a month’s supply
by some device. The harvest will be sufficient for about four or
five months.