Paris Peace Conf. 180.0501/14
Supreme Economic Council: Special [Fourteenth] Meeting Held at the Ministry of Commerce [on 23d April, 1919, at 10 a.m.]
The Supreme Economic Council held its Fourteenth Meeting on Wednesday, 23rd April, 1919 at 10 a.m. under the Chairmanship of Lord Robert Cecil.
The Associated Governments were represented as follows:—
Great Britain | Sir H. Llewellyn Smith. |
Sir Wm. Mitchell Thomson. | |
Mr. E. F. Wise. | |
U. S. A. | Mr. Hoover. |
Mr. Robinson. | |
France. | M. Clémentel. |
M. Boret. | |
M. Vilgrain. | |
M. Celier. | |
Italy. | Professor Attolico. |
Belgium. | M. Jaspar. |
114. Relations With Germany and Derationing of Northern Neutrals.
With reference to Minute 113 the Chairman urged upon the Council the necessity, in the economic interests of the European nations as a whole, of taking such steps as would publicly encourage and foster at the earliest possible date the resumption of normal trade conditions both in Germany and in the other European countries.
He suggested, therefore, that the Council should endeavour to agree upon certain proposals (109) for transmission to the Council of Four for their approval.
The French Delegates speaking on behalf of their Government stated:—
- (a)
- That, while fully realising the desirability of a speedy return to normal conditions, they were unable at the present time, in view of the proposed early presentation of the terms of the Preliminaries of Peace to the Germans at Versailles, to concur in any proposals which would result in a further relaxation of the Blockade restrictions on Germany.
- (b)
- That they were in favour of an, immediate public announcement setting forth what relaxations had already been authorised and what steps had been taken to supply Germany with or to assist her to obtain food. Further, if it were considered desirable as an emergency measure immediately to increase the rations or even to divert cargoes, the French Government would be prepared favourably to consider the proposal.
- (c)
- The French Government was fully prepared immediately to consider in the Council what additional relaxation of trade restrictions should be authorised as soon as the Preliminaries of Peace were signed, and what means should be adopted to effect the restoration of normal trade conditions all over the world.
The American delegates observed that a statement of their present view would be simply a reiteration of the position taken by them as early as December 1918, namely that it was from a political and an economic standpoint against the interests of the Allies to continue the blockade on Germany, a view which in their opinion has been amply warranted by subsequent developments. It was their view then and now that the blockade, in preventing the population of Germany from returning to productivity and employment, could only stimulate social disorder and undermine the possibilities of Peace. That from an economic point of view the only hope of reparation to the Allies and of the ability of Germany to feed her population, thereby maintaining order, was by the earliest possible return to productive labour; that with the surrender of the German fleet and the control of the Rhine, the blockade on Germany could be resumed at any moment as a physical blockade, without maintaining the, vast machinery that was necessary while Germany was still a potent military power; that the political value of the blockade as a measure for enforcing peace would be materially increased if the German people returned to employment and substantially increased their present standard of living; that this was evidenced by the Austrian situation whereby order was maintained by threat of cessation of the thin stream of food which kept the population alive. The only hope for the reconstruction of Germany, her return to productivity and orderly government, or her ability to pay reparation lies with the Middle Classes who are totally discouraged and who show a tendency to despair and complete inactivity by reason of which the whole possibilities of peace are jeopardised. The extension of unemployment in Germany since the Armistice and the acute food situation both build constructively for Bolshevism, and with bolshevism there could be no peace in Europe. The American Delegates wished to emphasise the fact that they would not be a party to any proposal which would damage the interest of France, but they felt that in adopting the principle which they had adhered to that they were doing France the best service of which their Government was capable.
Replying to the suggestions of the French delegates, they felt that a review of what had been accomplished under the relaxation of the blockade would make but a meagre showing due to the amount of mechanical restriction that had been placed around every effort at relaxation; that it was impossible for credit and trade to revive so long as these restrictions existed; that the total result was to draw [Page 212] a stream of gold out of Germany. They further stated that it was the view of the Government of the United States that there was no question of blockade measures after peace, as with peace the blockade falls.
The French Delegates pointed out that ever since the Armistice their Government held the view that Germany should be fed and that the execution of a revictualling programme should be a common charge on the Inter-Allied organisations already existing at the time of the Armistice which would secure fair distribution as between the allies and Germany, the necessary finance being supplied by Joint Allied loans. This proposal could not be carried into effect as the United States Government were unable to concur therein; it appears to the French Delegates therefore that the delays in the execution of a programme have been due to financial difficulties rather than to blockade restrictions.
Further, in the two instances where Germany has had materials for export, namely, coal and dyestuffs, she has evinced no desire to carry the negotiations to a successful conclusion.
The American Delegates remarked there was a total diversion of view as to principle. They had held from the beginning that the only basis of food supplies should be the exchange of products, and that the employment involved in their production was of equal importance politically and economically with the supply itself; that from the American point of view the French financial proposals meant only a further increase in the burden of credit already assumed by the United States, as the cycle suggested by the French Delegates simply involved further extension of credits by the United States to Europe; that in this connection they had recently prepared an estimate showing that during the present harvest year the United States will have supplied Europe with foodstuffs to the value of two-and-one-half billion dollars, for which it will have received in payment only four hundred million dollars in goods or securities; that there was an absolute limit to amount that can be drawn from any bank.
The Italian Delegate said that having regard to the economic side of the question he concurred in the Chairman’s proposition. The lifting of the Blockade was also essential in order to show that after that something more in the way of financial arrangements was necessary in order to restore normal life and that it was in the general interest that this should be realised immediately.
The American, Italian and British Delegates then considered in detail the proposals put forward by the Chairman, the French Delegates taking no part in the discussion.
The recommendations finally agreed upon by the American, Italian and British Delegates for submission to the Council of Four were as follows:—
[Page 213]The Delegations of America, Italy, and Great Britain, as far as their functions extend, being of the opinion that:—
- (a)
- In view of the exceedingly critical economic conditions of Europe it is of urgent importance to re-establish as soon as possible normal commercial conditions in European countries and;
- (b)
- Though much has been done to relax Blockade restrictions in Europe, there still remain considerable obstacles to the free course of trade particularly with respect to Germany and the countries bordering thereon:—
They Recommend that:—
(1) All remaining regulations restricting free commerce with the Scandinavian countries, Holland and Switzerland be suspended including:—
Action already taken. | } | (a) | The Black list. |
(b) | the rationing of imports into these countries. | ||
(c) | the guarantees against re-export. |
Note: (In making this recommendation the Council is greatly influenced by the facts that the maintenance of any conditions such as guarantees however simplified will seriously hamper trade and that in present financial conditions it is highly improbable that Germany will be able to import any considerable quantity of goods.)
(2) All restrictions on imports from Neutrals into Germany and on exports from Germany other than gold, silver, securities and materials of war should be also suspended, with the reservation that the Germans shall hold 50% of their existing stocks of dyestuffs for purchase by the Allies at prices not exceeding twice those current before the war.
(3) Each of the Allied and Associated Governments will determine for itself the extent to which it will permit its subjects to enter into trading relations with enemy subjects.
(4) These relaxations are temporary in character and will be withdrawn if the German Government takes up a hostile attitude to the Allied and Associated Governments or is succeeded by a Government which does not in the opinion of the Allied and Associated Governments afford the necessary guarantees of order and stability.
(5) The terms of these resolutions and recommendations should be published.
115. Resumption of Trade With Occupied German Territories.
Resolutions from the Blockade Section (110) regarding the removal of restrictions on exports from and imports to the Occupied Rhine Territories after the signing of the Preliminaries of Peace were considered and deferred for further consideration, if necessary, on receipt of a report from the Inter-Allied Rhineland Commission recently formed.
116. Transport by the Danube.
The American Delegates referred to a statement (111) received from their Representative regarding the existing military control of [Page 214] the Danube traffic and to recommendations made for the relaxation of that control.
It was agreed:—
- (a)
- That, judging from the information before them, the Council is of the opinion that all traffic on the Danube except in the case of certain prohibited articles should be free.
- (b)
- That the Communications Section should be notified of the above decision and requested to prepare for submission to the Council at its next meeting a scheme for carrying it into effect.