Paris Peace Conf. 180.03501/45
Notes of a Meeting of the Heads of Delegations of the Five Great
Powers Held in M. Pichon’s Room at the Quai d’Orsay, Paris, on Tuesday,
September 2, 1919, at 11 a.m.
Paris, September 2, 1919, 11 a.m.
- Present
- United States of America
- Secretary
- British Empire
- Secretaries
- Mr. H. Norman.
- Sir George Clerk.
- France
- Secretaries
- M. Dutasta.
- M. Berthelot.
- M. de Saint-Quentin.
- Japan
- Secretary
- Italy
- Secretary
Joint Secretariat |
America, United States of |
Captain Chapin. |
British Empire |
Commander Bell. |
France |
M. de Percin. |
Italy |
Captain Rossi. |
Camerlynck |
The following were also present for the items in which they were
- America, United States of
- Mr. Woolsey.
- Professor Coolidge.
- Dr. Johnson.
- Dr. Scott.
- Mr. Nielsen.
- British Empire
- Mr. C. J. B. Hurst.
- Mr. A. Leeper.
- Hon. H. Nicolson.
- France
- M. Tardieu.
- M. Fromageot.
- General Le Bond.
- M. Aubert.
- M. de Montille.
- Italy
- Colonel Castoldi.
- M. Ricci-Busatti.
[Page 55]
1. The Council took note of the new draft letter to the German
Government, on the subject of the violation of the Peace Treaty, by
virtue of Article 61 of the German constitution (see Appendix A). Article 61 of the German Constitution and the
Violation of the Peace Treaty of Versailles. (Reference HD–44,
Minute 5)1
Mr. Balfour said that he noticed that the
Germans were only given fifteen days in which to reply. It might be
extremely difficult, if not impossible, for them to answer within such a
period. Their Parliament was not now in session, and he thought it
doubtful whether their parliamentary procedure, of which he knew
nothing, would permit them to accede to the wishes of the Council within
the period stated.
M. Clemenceau said that he had foreseen the
difficulty, but thought it was rather an advantage than otherwise, to
give the Germans a short period within which to reply. They would be
sure to object and to say that it was impossible, but the brief period
imposed upon them in the letter would make it necessary for them to deal
with the subject matter of the letter without delay.
(It was agreed that the draft letter, for communication to the German
Government, calling their attention to the violation of the Peace Treaty
of Versailles, by virtue of Article 61 of the new German constitution,
should be accepted.)
2. Mr. Polk stated that he had received a
telegram sent from Colonel Goodyear to Mr. Hoover. It was stated therein
that Colonel Goodyear had been informed, by a telephonic message from
General Dupont, that this latter officer had received no orders from M.
Clemenceau to proceed to Silesia. The telephonic communication had been
made on 31st August. Situation in Silesia
M. Clemenceau said that he had received a later
telegram to the effect that General Dupont was ready to start.
Mr. Polk said that he would so inform Mr.
3. M. Tardieu explained the frontier line which
the Central Territorial Commission proposed for acceptance by the
Council (See Appendix B), with the assistance of a map.
Mr. Polk remarked that the line drawn on the
map differed from the frontier proposed by President Wilson. The United
States were, none the less, prepared to adopt the frontier line now
proposed by the Central Territorial Commission. Bulgarian Frontiers in Thrace. (a) Thracian Frontier
(It was decided that the frontier line presented to the Council by the
Central Territorial Commission and adopted unanimously by them, should
be accepted.)
[Page 56]
M. Tardieu explained the problem of the
Bulgarian access to the Aegean, and said that the question had been
dealt with by the Committee on Ports, Waterways and Railways, when it
had discussed Article 24 of the Bulgarian Peace Treaty. The central
point of the problem was whether Dedeagatch should belong to Greece, or
whether it should be part of an International State. This was a question
which, of course, only the Council could settle. If it should be decided
that it were to belong to Greece, the Central Territorial Commission was
of the opinion that a general clause ought to be inserted in the Peace
Treaty with Bulgaria, guaranteeing to that country free access to the
Aegean Sea by river and railway. The final allocation of Dedeagatch also
raised the question of how the International Commission for that port
ought to be constituted. The original proposal had been that the
International Harbour Authority ought to be composed of a British, a
Bulgarian and a Greek official. He considered that a French port officer
should be added and, in addition, a representative of the United States,
who would certainly act in a most impartial manner in all questions that
came before him. His reason for suggesting a French representative was
that France had been one of the Powers signatory to the Peace Treaty,
assuring Greek independence.2
(b) Bulgarian Economic Access to the Aegean
M. Tittoni said that whilst agreeing to M.
Tardieu’s proposals, he did not quite understand why no Italian
representative was suggested for the International Harbour Commission at
M. Clemenceau said that he would take note of
M. Tittoni’s suggestion.
Mr. Polk said that it was important that a
clause should be inserted in the Peace Treaty with Bulgaria,
guaranteeing free access to the Aegean Sea for that country; it was also
important that Greece should have a free economic access to Eastern and
Western Thrace.
M. Tardieu said that Greek troops ought to
occupy such territory as was definitely to be assigned to them by common
consent. With regard to the remaining portion, he had consulted with
Marshal Foch’s staff and with that of General Alby. He had been told by
these military experts, that one mixed Brigade, composed of six
Battalions, and four Squadrons of Discussion Cavalry, would be
necessary. There was, at the present moment at Dedeagatch, a force
composed of two Battalions of French infantry and one Squadron of French
cavalry: the French contribution could not be increased, except possibly
by a small contingent of mountain artillery. The four Battalions and 3
squadrons of cavalry necessary to bring the force of occupation up to
[Page 57]
the strength required could
be supplied by the other Allied Powers. If necessary, small
reinforcements could be supplied by the Greek Government. He did not
consider the situation to be disquieting, in view of the fact that
troops were already in occupation, and others might be sent. (c) Military Occupation of the Areas in Thrace Now
Under Discussion
Mr. Polk said that it would, in his opinion, be
most unwise to send any Greek troops, for it would be absolutely
impossible to get them out again. He thought it would be preferable to
leave the Bulgarian forces in the area under discussion, since they
would probably behave better under the threat of the eventual occupation
of the territory by Greek troops. He added that no United States’ troops
would be available for any Inter-Allied occupation of Thrace. He was
sure that no trouble would occur so long as Inter-Allied troops were
used for the occupation of the country.
M. Tittoni said that the Italians already had
one battalion in Bulgaria, and that, if an Inter-Allied occupation of
the areas now under discussion took place, the populations would remain
in a state of tranquility, even though the military occupation were
effected by small forces.
Mr. Balfour said that he thought Great Britain
was in a position to make her contribution, but he did not like to make
a definite statement without consulting his experts. He thought,
however, that the British troops in Constantinople might be
(It was agreed that M. Tardieu should examine—
- (a)
- The question of assuring free economic access to the Aegean
Sea by river and railway to Bulgaria, by means of general
guaranteeing articles in the Peace Treaty with Bulgaria.
- (b)
- The question of an Inter-Allied Military occupation of the
territories in Thrace now held by Bulgarian troops.
- (c)
- That his report on these subjects should be presented to the
Council at an early date.
4. M. Tardieu explained the proposed Roumanian
frontier in the Dobrudja with the assistance of a map. Roumanian Affairs
Mr. Balfour said that the original idea of the
Council had been that the southern portion of Dobrudja was properly
speaking, Bulgarian but that as it was Roumanian territory, and as
Roumania was an Allied and friendly Power, she could not be forced to
cede any portion of her territory to an enemy State. At the present
moment, however, Roumania had almost ceased to have that character. He
had just received a telegram from Admiral Troubridge showing the grave
situation in Hungary caused by the action of the Roumanian authorities.
(See Appendix “C”.)
Mr. Polk said that the American Delegation had
received similar information from General Bandholtz on the previous
[Page 58]
M. Tittoni said that the four Generals were the
scource of information from which the Council ought to draw. He did not
know why reports were being received independently, whilst the
Inter-Allied Committee of Generals was in session.
M. Clemenceau said that eight days had elapsed
since a telegram had been sent to the Roumanian Government by the
Council, and that no reply had been received.
M. Tittoni said that he thought the Council
ought to receive a collective opinion on the situation from the four
Generals. It was most important that the Council should be kept informed
of their views, and he did not understand why they did not communicate
their joint opinions more frequently. He thought that they ought to be
called upon to do so.
Mr. Polk said that the Roumanians had now been
defying the Conference for an entire three weeks, and had given no
answer to the numerous communications sent to them. Every kind of Note
had been sent to them. Some were couched in moderate terms—some in more
forcible language, and others in a menacing style. Each style had failed
to produce any result, and he thought that the time for sending Notes
was now over. All information received combined to show that the
Roumanians intended to make a separate Peace with Hungary. They were
making requisitions on their own behalf, and acting in a completely
independent manner. It was inconceivable to him that Roumania should
defy the Council, which had behind it the support of three Great
European Powers, without receiving encouragement from some quarter or
M. Berthelot said that he had recently received
a visit from Mr. Antonescu, who, when asked why no reply had been given
to the communications of the Council, had answered that they were
couched in too violent terms.
Mr. Balfour then read a telegram from General
Gorton and remarked that the last sentence contained in it did not seem
to be connected with the first part (see Annex “D”).
At this point the Council took note of all the telegrams received by the
French Foreign Office and signed by the Inter-Allied Military Mission,
since August 26th, on the subject of the situation in Hungary. (See
Appendix “E”.)
M. Clemenceau said that it appeared to him to
be clear that the Allied Generals were not carrying out their original
instructions, which had been that they should keep in communication with
the Roumanian authorities, and report to the Council on what they
discovered. Instead of doing this they were plunging themselves into
political questions. He had come to the opinion that the Roumanian
situation was now so grave that prompt measures were necessary in order
to prevent it from developing further.
[Page 59]
Mr. Polk said that the Inter-Allied Generals at
Budapest had originally attempted to carry out their instructions. They
had got into communication with the Roumanian Authorities, as directed,
but: had found that it was of no use receiving polite assurances from
the Roumanians, and taking note of promises which these latter had no
intention of fulfilling. The Military Mission had been at Budapest for
three weeks, and, having found that it was impossible to carry out their
instructions as originally drafted, had none the less attempted to make
themselves useful to the Council, and had, in consequence, got involved
in political questions.
M. Cubmenobau said that he thought the moment
had come to send an ultimatum to the Roumanians. He thought it should be
communicated to them by some well-known public man, whose nationality
was not a point of any importance.
Mr. Balfour said that he had a plan which might
be followed in conjunction with that of M. Clemenceau. It had for long
been evident that the promises of the Roumanian authorities were of no
use. The only success that the Council had obtained in its dealings with
the Roumanians had occurred when the authorities of that country had
been told that they must either accede to the wishes of the Council, or
come into open conflict with the Allied troops. He gave as an example
the action of Admiral Troubridge, who, when in charge of the monitors on
the Danube, had resisted the Roumanian requisitions of barges, and the
action of the Roumanian authorities in stopping the transit of food
across the river. Admiral Troubridge’s attitude had been firm, and, as
it was backed by force, the Roumanians had given way. At the present
moment the Council was unable to get any reply to its communications to
the Roumanian Government, but although this was the case, he was certain
that no Roumanian Statesman would take the responsibility of bringing
the troops of his country into conflict with the Allied Armies. His
proposal therefore, was to occupy some place in Hungary with a small
body of Allied troops. He was sure that the Roumanians would never fight
them. It might possibly be easier to send a force of warships into the
Black Sea.
Mr. Polk said that the only vessels belonging
to the United States of America in the Mediterranean area were stationed
at Fiume and Smyrna.
M. Tittoni said that, before taking the action
proposed by M. Clemenceau, the Council ought to wait for a complete
report from the Inter-Allied Mission of Generals at Budapest.
M. Clemenceau, commenting upon Mr. Balfour’s
last remark, said that the Roumanians had recently got hold of the Paris
press. He did not attach great importance to this, but, at the same
time, he did not wish to let the French people think that he had
performed a quasi-belligerent act against the Roumanians, without having
[Page 60]
communicated an
ultimatum to them. He thought that Allied war vessels might be sent into
the Black Sea, pending a reply from the Roumanian Government, but that
they should not be called upon to act until an answer had been
The three demands which he proposed to make to the Roumanians were:—
- (1)
- that they should cease from making requisitions in Hungary,
and should place all the material that they had seized at the
disposal of the Council:
- (2)
- that they should promise definitely that they would make no
separate peace with Hungary:
- (3)
- that they should withdraw their troops from Hungary!
M. Tittoni said that he thought that, before
warships were sent to Roumania, a reply to M. Clemenceau’s ultimatum
ought to be obtained. With regard to the three demands which M.
Clemenceau proposed to make to the Roumanian authorities, he agreed that
the Roumanian Armies should be ordered to cease their requisitions, and
place the material seized at the disposal of the Allies; he agreed that
they should be ordered to make no separate peace; but before he could
consent to ordering the Roumanians to evacuate Hungary, he thought the
Council ought to be sure that the Roumanian withdrawal would not open
the door to a recrudescence of Bolshevism, and a revival of a new series
of Bela Kuns. A police force, sufficient to maintain order in that
country, should be raised.
M. Clemenceau said that the occupation of
Budapest by Roumania, and the continued defiance of the Council, was a
situation quite as grave as any produced by a Bolshevik Government in
M. Tittoni said that it might possibly be best
to make the Roumanians promise that they would retire on receiving
orders from the Council.
Mr. Balfour said that he thought that a
decision ought not to be taken finally until the following day.
(At this point a general discussion as to the most suitable person to be
entrusted with the ultimatum to Roumania, ensued. The names of Sir Eyre
Crowe and Admiral Troubridge were mentioned in this connection.)
M. Tittoni said that he could not for the
moment promise Italian participation in any Naval action that might
ensue. With regard to the person who should be entrusted with the
communication of the ultimatum, he thought that sending an Admiral to
Bucarest would be like making a Naval demonstration without ships. He
preferred that a diplomat should convey the orders of the
Mr. Polk said that, in his opinion, the
despatch of an ultimatum to Roumania did not bind the United States to
subsequent Naval action.
[Page 61]
(It was decided that the question should be adjourned to the following
5. M. Fromageot said that the Economic
Commission had, on the previous day, presented the Drafting Committee
with a clause, which it proposed should be added to Article 263 of the
Peace Treaty with Austria (See Appendix “F”). Proposed Addition to Article 263 of Peace Treaty With
The Drafting Committee could not do what it had been asked to, without
the approbation of the Council, and was of the opinion that the proposed
clause should not be added. In the first place there were difficulties,
owing to the fact that, as the boundaries of the future Hungarian State
had not been settled, it was hard to lay down rules as to the future
status of all citizens now situated in the territorial area
provisionally called Hungary. In the second place, Article 90 of the
Peace Treaty with Austria clearly laid down that Austria should
recognise the validity of all the provisions of the future Peace Treaty
with Hungary. He therefore thought that the clause asked for by the
Economic Commission should be added to the Hungarian Treaty, since it
was obviously too late to put it into the Austrian Treaty.
(It was decided to reject the proposal of the Economic Commission to the
effect that the special clause drafted in Appendix “E” [“F”]should be added to Article 263 of the Austrian
Peace Treaty.
It was agreed that a clause effecting the results required should be
added to the Hungarian Peace Treaty.)
6. Mr. Woolsey said that the reply to the
Austrian Government on the subject of the Economic Clauses in the Peace
Treaty, had referred to certain concessions made in a Note from the
Council, dated, July 8th, 1919,3 and addressed to the Austrian
Delegation. In view of the importance of the Note, and of the decision
of the Council on August 28th,4 to refer the reply now being made to the
Austrian Government, to the Drafting Committee, in order to ascertain
whether changes in the Peace Treaty were necessary, on account of
interpretative passages in the proposed reply, he made the following
suggestion:— Interpretations of the Austrian Peace
Treaty Contained in the Replies to the Austrian Delegation
“That the Note of July 8th, 1919, as well as any other Notes to
the Austrian Delegation, containing interpretative passages on
the Treaty of Peace, should likewise be referred to the Drafting
Committee, to ascertain whether changes in the Peace Treaty
might be necessary, on account of such interpretative
He had another point which he wished to bring before the notice of the
Council. On August 28th, the Council had decided that a Clause should be
inserted in the proposed covering letter to the replies
[Page 62]
to the Austrian Delegation, on the subject
of the Peace Treaty, to the effect that the covering letter in question
ought not to be taken as in any sense modifying the text of the Treaty.
In view of the fact that the reply of July 8th, 1919, to the Austrian
Delegation might be regarded as interpretative of the text of the
Treaty, he suggested:—
“That the clause in the covering letter should be made to cover
all replies made to the Austrian Delegation, and not only the
covering letter under consideration.”
(These two proposals were referred to the Drafting Committee, who entered
the room to report on them.)
M. Fromageot said that, in answer to the first
point raised by Mr. Woolsey, he would draw the attention of the
Conference to the fact that the first edition of the Peace Treaty had
been presented to the Austrians on June 6th. A long series of
communications had followed; and the second edition of the Peace Treaty
had been presented on July 20th. It was with this second edition that
all replies to the Austrian Delegation were concerned, and it was
therefore not necessary to discover whether replies of an earlier date
than July 20th contained interpretative passages of a superseded text of
the Peace Treaty.
(Mr. Woolsey’s first proposal was therefore rejected.)
He thought that Mr. Woolsey’s second suggestion ought to be adopted, and
the phraseology of the covering letter altered, so as to meet the
(It was agreed that the wording of the general covering letter to the
replies of the Austrian counter-proposals of the Peace Treaty should be
so modified as to state that no passage in any of the replies should be
regarded as an authoritative interpretation of the Peace Treaty.)
The Meeting then adjourned for a discussion in
Hotel Astoria,
, 2
September, 1919.
Appendix A to HE–45
Draft of a Letter to the
The Allied and Associated Powers have taken note of the German
Constitution of August 11, 1919. They declare that the provisions in
the second paragraph of article 61 constitute a formal violation
[Page 63]
of article 80 of the Treaty
of Peace signed at Versailles on June 28, 1919.
This violation is twofold:
- (1)
- Article 61, in stipulating the admission of Austria to the
Reichsrat, assimilates that Republic to the German
territories (Deutsche Länder) which
compose the German Empire, an assimilation which is
incompatible with respect for the independence of
- (2)
- In admitting and regulating the participation of Austria
in the Council of the Empire, article 61 creates a political
bond and a common political activity between Germany and
Austria, in absolute opposition to the independence of the
Consequently, the Allied and Associated Powers, after reminding the
German Government that article 178 of the German Constitution
declares that “the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles cannot be
affected by the Constitution,” invite the German Government to take
due measures to remove without delay this violation by declaring
null article 61, second paragraph.
Without prejudice to any subsequent measures, in case of refusal, and
by virtue of the treaty (particularly article 429), the Allied and
Associated Powers inform the German Government that this violation
of its pledges on an essential point will constrain them, if their
just demand is not complied with, within fifteen days from the
present elate, to order immediately an extension of their occupation
of the right bank of the Rhine.
Appendix B to HD–45
Paris, September 1,
Report by the Central Committee on
Territorial Questions on the Southern Frontier of
In accordance with the instructions of the Supreme Council, the
Central Territorial Committee has examined anew the question of the
southern frontier of Bulgaria, and has been guided by the views
contained in the despatch from President Wilson.7
It has the honor to submit to the Supreme Council the following
report, which it has adopted unanimously:
- (1)
- The present frontier between Bulgaria and Greece should be
rectified in the region to the north of Buk in order to;
deprive the Bulgarians of all facilities for attack on the
town and bridge of
[Page 64]
Buk. This region is of small extent and has a sparse
Mohammedan population, and the present frontier offers
- (2)
- As regards the southern frontier of Bulgaria in Bulgarian
Thrace, the Committee is unanimous in recommending the
adoption of the frontier defined in the attached annex.8
- This annex has been drawn up in such form that it may be
immediately inserted in the conditions of peace with
- (3)
- As regards the question of Bulgaria’s freedom of access to
the Aegean Sea, that question has been dealt with by the
Commission on the International Regime of Ports, Waterways,
and Railways, in article 24 of the provisions to be inserted
in the treaty of peace with Bulgaria.
This article having been drafted on June 21, and on the supposition
that the port of Dedeagatch would belong to Greece, it is advisable
to ask the Commission on Ports, Waterways, and Railways to make a
new draft in accordance with present expectations.
The Committee believes that it should, on this occasion, draw the
attention of the Supreme Council to the conclusions in the attached
note from the French delegation,9 in the event that an international commission should
be set up at Dédéagatch.
A similar note has been presented by the Italian delegation.10
It seems necessary to ask the Commission on Ports to take into
account the considerations of the said note, because of the fact
that that Commission has previously judged that it is not its
province to take into consideration any political factors.
It seems to the Committee, moreover, needless to insert in the treaty
with Bulgaria any provisions of detail which will be adopted by the
Principal Allied and Associated Powers to assure to Bulgaria free
access to the Aegean Sea.
Annex I
Description of the Southern Frontier
of Bulgaria in Thrace
From West to East:
The frontier of 1913–1915 betweeen Bulgaria and Greece up to the
point where it leaves the line of the watershed between the basins
of the Mesta–Karasu on the south and of the Marica on the north in
the neighborhood of point 1587 (Dibikli.)
Thence eastward to point 1295 at 18 Km. to the west of
Kuschuk–Derbend on this line of the watershed.
Thence eastward to the point where it meets the old frontier of 1913
on the river Kizildeli Suja (Cetakca).
[Page 65]
The line of the secondary ridge which closes on the south the basin
of the Akcehisar (Dzuma) Suju.
Thence northward to the point where it meets the river Maritsa.
The frontier of 1913.
Thence to a point to be selected at about 3 Km. downstream from the
station of Kadikoj.
The principal course of the Maritsa downstream.
Thence northward to a point to be selected at the tip of the salient
which the frontier of the Treaty of Sofia of 191511 forms at about 10 Km. to the southeast of Mustafa
A line to be determined on the spot.
Thence eastward to the Black Sea.
The frontier of the Treaty of Sofia of 1915, then the frontier of
Annex II
Paris, June 25, 1919.
The Commission on Ports, Waterways, and Railways has suggested a
practical regime to guarantee; to the Bulgarians, in case they find
themselves excluded from Bulgarian Thrace, access to a port on the
Aegean Sea (Cavalla or Dédéagatch) and the use of a direct railway
The regime must be guaranteed and carried out, in the absence) of an
agreement between the Greeks and Bulgarians, by an international
commission. Having in mind only technical considerations, the
Commission on Ports has proposed a commission of three members (a
Greek, a Bulgarian, and an Englishman).
But the question is essentially political: It is necessary to prevent
eventual recriminations, whether by Greeks or Bulgarians, if they
are led to arbitrate under a single great power. Consideration
should also be given to the fact that France, as well as England, is
a guarantor of Greece, under the treaties of 1832 and 1863,12 and must
be represented on the same footing. Finally, there would be evident
advantages in giving such a guarantee of impartiality in the
Commission as would bq represented by the presence not only of the
delegates of qualified powers, but also of a power wholly
disinterested in the question, such as the United States.
The projected commission, in accordance with these considerations
(and in order to make sure always of a majority), should include
[Page 66]
delegates: a Greek, a
Bulgarian, an Englishman, a Frenchman, and an American.
Annex III
to the peace conference,
hotel edward
Paris, July 6, 1919.
The Commission on the International Regime of Ports, Waterways, and
Railways decided, on the occasion of an inquiry into the question of
free access to the Aegean Sea for Bulgaria, that a special
convention between Greece and Bulgaria should define the settlement
of this matter. In case of a failure to agree, a commission composed
of one delegate each from Greece, Bulgaria, and Great Britain should
be charged with laying down the conditions of an agreement (article
The French Delegation, by a note, of June 2513 addressed
to the Secretariat General of the Conference, seemed to expect that
this commission would receive certain powers in thej matter of
guaranteeing and carrying out the regime to be set up, and it
suggested, therefore, that a representative for France and one for
the United States be added to the commission.
The Italian Delegation is of opinion that the commission as
contemplated in article 24 has no functions but those relating to
the concluding of a special convention between Greece and Bulgaria
to settle the conditions of free access to the sea.
This decision appears to be of the same sort as that which was
adopted by the regime for the ports of Hamburg and Stettin, and the
Italian Delegation has not, therefore, any remark to make. But in
the event that changes are to be introduced into the composition of
the commission in question, or that powers to insure and carry out
the conditions laid down by the convention are to be entrusted to
it, an Italian representative should be added to it upon the same
footing as the other representatives.
In fact, all the powers stand upon a basis of perfect equality in
this matter, for the regime which was provided flows from decisions
which all the powers took in common agreement.
At the same time, the Italian Delegation invites attention to the
fact that article 24 mentions only the ports of Cavalla and
Dédéagatch, whereas in the formal engagement taken by Mr. Venizelos
before the commission for the study of territorial questions
affecting Greece (page 5), there is also a question of Salonika. The
choice of this port by Bulgaria cannot be eliminated beforehand,
[Page 67]
since the port of
Cavalla, not being directly connected by railway with the Bulgarian
system, is not immediately available, and since the port of
Dédéagatch, according to the same commission on Greek questions, has
no real commercial value for Bulgaria.
Annex IV
Access by Bulgaria to Cavalla or
In providing for the attribution of Bulgarian Thrace to Greece, an
arrangement which would separate Bulgaria from the Aegean Sea, the
Commission on the International Regime of Ports, Waterways, and
Railways suggested the insertion, in the treaty with Bulgaria, of a
clause of which the essential terms are the following:
- (1)
- Greece will give in lease to Bulgaria for 50 years a free
zone reserved either in the port of Cavalla or in that of
Dédéagatch, as Bulgaria may choose.
- (2)
- Bulgaria shall enjoy special facilities for
- (3)
- A convention, which may be revised every ten years, will
fix the conditions of this cession and the manner of its
- (4)
- If the port chosen is Cavalla, a railway shall be built
and operated by Greece to connect the port with the
Bulgarian frontier.
The questions referred to in paragraphs 3 and 4 would be, in case of
disagreement between Greece and Bulgaria, submitted to the decision
of a commission composed of one Bulgarian representative, one Greek,
and one British.
The Commission on ports in making this suggestion, has taken a merely
technical point of view, and has not taken into account certain
political considerations of great importance to the proper
functioning of the instrumentality thus created. This
instrumentality has a role essentially impartial and judicial. In
having only a single great power to participate in it, there is a
risk of being open to accusations either by the Greeks or by the
Bulgarians, who, after decisions are rendered, will attribute them
to the attitude or the political interests of that great power.
The French Delegation considers that in order to give proper
authority to the commission which is to function at Cavalla or
Dédéagatch, it is advisable to have several great powers participate
in it.
It considers that Great Britain and France, who are both guarantors
of Greece, are naturally indicated for this task, and moreover that
their intervention will be received by the Bulgarians themselves as
a guarantee of impartiality.
[Page 68]
Appendix C to HE–45
D. 30 August,
R. 1 September 1919, 10:00.
Decypher of Telegram From Admiral
Troubridge, Buda-Pest, to Astoria
Forward to War Office.
Following for Admiralty, begins:
Situation here is critical for Europe. Roumanians demand immediate
acceptance by Hungarian Government of following conditions.
Occupation of Hungary for one year giving opportunity for preparing
country for personal (sic) (?commencement of)
union with Roumania. Immediate customs union with Roumania. Cession
of strategic points near Szegedin on mouth of Maros River and Bekes
Csaba. No treaties to be made with Great Britain or Jugo-Slavs. They
state to Hungarian Ministers they have already an alliance with
Italy in which Hungary must join in order to assume policy of
encirclement of Jugo-Slavs. I have urged Ministers to refuse any
armistice or treaty with Roumania and to follow the counsels of the
Supreme War Council at Paris. It is necessary to recognise at once
any Government formed here and support them with energy.
Appendix D to HD–45
No. G 45
D. 30–31 August,
Paraphrase of Telegram From
General Gorton, Budapest, Received Through U. JS. Naval
Communication Service, Paris, to Astoria, Paris
Admiral Troubridge has been told by Diamandy that the telegraphic
despatches of the Supreme Council, dated 23rd and 25th August15 had not been
communicated to him.
The veracity of this is doubtful, but Rumania continues to make
requisitions. There is no doubt that Rumania is striving to
establish a separate Treaty with Hungary; telegrams of 23rd and 25th
might therefore be transmitted privately to the Hungarian Government
with advantage.
[Page 69]
Appendix E to HD–45
Telegram of August 26 From the
Interallied Military Mission, Budapest, to the Supreme Council,
Peace Conference, Paris
No. 191. Urgent. Situation of Government in Hungary without change.
Two delegations, one representing the small tenants, and the other
the factory workers, have asked to see the Mission in order to
request that they be represented in the new government. Another
delegation calling itself Christian Socialist has come to protest
against the departure of the Archduke, declaring that the result
will be to deliver their country to the Jews and that Budapest ought
to be called Judapest. The reply was made to all the delegations
that the Interallied Mission could not meddle in the internal
affairs of Hungary. No change in the attitude of the Rumanians. One
single improvement in the situation since the arrival of the
Mission—a certain quantity of provisions has been allowed to enter
Budapest. It is believed that the Rumanians have the intention of
withdrawing suddenly as soon as they shall have satisfied all their
instincts for plunder. Meanwhile, all their acts, intentional or
not, tend to deliver Hungary to bolshevism and chaos. General Holban
in Budapest promised last week to arm immediately, with revolvers
and sabres, 4,000 men in the police; but, instead of doing so, and
in disregard of the instructions of the Mission asking him to keep
all Rumanian troops on the east of the Danube except the garrison of
Budapest, it is believed that he intends to take possession of all
Hungary, and to disarm and suppress the little Hungarian nucleus of
Admiral Horthy which constitutes the sole defense of Hungary against
bolshevism in the event that the Rumanians should abruptly evacuate
the country. These measures being in contemplation at the same time
that M. Diamandy made his recent declaration stating that a longer
occupation of Hungary by the Rumanians could only injure their
prestige, give the impression that if Rumania finds the conditions
imposed by the. Supreme Council too harsh for her to accept, she
will seize all she can and then hastily abandon Hungary, which
because of the laxity of the Rumanian commanders, will be left
without any means for defense against bolshevism and disorder. The
Mission devoted the meeting of August 25 to matters of relatively
small importance, excepting the report by the British officer sent
to inspect trains entering Rumania by the Szolnok bridge.
[Page 70]
The British officer reports
that the bridge will not be repaired for two or three weeks, but
that he saw near the crossing 150 locomotives, 200 to 300 empty
freight cars, 4 aeroplanes in cars, 200 to 300 cars of military
supplies, 300 tank cars, and between Szolnok and Budapest several
hundred freight cars.
Interallied Military Mission
Telegram of August 27, 1919, From
Budapest to the Supreme Council, Peace Conference, Pans
No. 197. No change shown in the situation of the Hungarian
Government. The following telegram from Count Sigray, who signs as
commissioner of the Government for Western Hungary, was transmitted
from Vienna:
“The Rumanian troops are advancing toward Western Hungary,
proclaiming that they come to reestablish order. We beg you to
hear our protest against the activities of the Rumanians. In
Western Hungary perfect order reigns in all districts, and the
Hungarian and German populations are pursuing the business of
peaceful reconstruction, which can only be disturbed by the
undisciplined soldiery of the Rumanians.”
A great procession of Christian Socialists filed past the office of
the Mission and sent delegates to ask for the protection of the
Allied Powers against the return of the regime of Jews and
Bolshevists. The Mission stated that it could not intervene in
domestic affairs, but that it would transmit the petition to the
Supreme Council. No communication from the Rumanian Command, unless
it be a report which is supposed to have emanated from the Hungarian
Chief of Police. According to this report, four weeks will elapse
before 4,000 men for the police can be enrolled. Only 40 men each
day are being recruited. The reasons given are: the harvest, the
number of prisoners detained in Rumania and Czechoslovakia, the bad
train service. The total force of the police is 1,850, of which 205
are mounted. A report has reached us that yesterday the bridge which
was repaired at Czonsgrade was tested: the trial locomotive fell
into the stream.
Interallied Military Mission
[Page 71]
Telegram of August 28–30, 1919, From Budapest to
the Supreme Council, Peace Conference, Paris
No. 200. Since resignation of Archduke various deputations, two of
several hundred persons each, have asked leave to present petitions
to Mission.
Object of petitions generally is to prevent return of Jewish rule or
bolshevism. It appears to Mission that in present plight of Hungary,
with foreign occupation and absence of real government, it would be
disheartening to people if no notice were taken of their appeal to
Allied Powers. Consequently Mission proposes to receive deputations
which cannot be avoided, to inform them it is expressly excluded
from intervening in internal affairs of Hungary, but that it will
forward their petitions to Supreme Council.
Interallied Military Mission
Telegram of August 28–30, 1919, From Budapest to
the Supreme Council, Paris
No. 206. The Commission has just received a letter from the new
President of the Hungarian Council. It is addressed to the President
of the Supreme Council and will be sent to you by the next courier.
The following is the text of the letter:
“Mr. President: In accord with the action of the session of
August 22 Prince Joseph, Governor of Hungary, and the
government appointed by him, nave resigned. The members of
the new Cabinet are as follows:
- President of the Council, Minister of the
Interior: Etienne Friedrich, manufacturer.
- Minister of Foreign Affairs: Count Imre de Czaky
(appointed, but temporarily absent).
- Under Secretary of State for the Interior: Edmond
de Benitzky, former official.
- Minister of Agriculture: Jules Rubinek, director
of the National Agricultural Society; Under
Secretary of State: Etienne Scabo Sokorapatka,
- Minister of Commerce: Franz de Henrich,
- Minister of Finance: Jean Grunn, former
- Minister of War: General Franz Schnitzer.
- Minister of Food Control: Karol Ereky,
- Minister of Public Worship and Industry: Karol
Huszar, schoolmaster; Under Secretary of State:
Julius Pokar, man of letters.
- Minister of Justice: Georg Baloghy, judge.
- Minister of National Minorities: Jakob Bleyer,
university professor.
- Minister of Public Hygiene: Andreas Czillery,
- Minister of Propaganda: Stephan Haller, man of
- Minister of Farmers: Gan Mayre, farmer.
- Minister of Industrial Laborers: Daniel Olah,
metal worker.
It has been and it will always be almost impossible to form a
ministry that will at the same time satisfy the various
military missions at Budapest and our numerous fragments of
political parties and that will, besides, win the approval
of the command of the royal troops of Rumania. One thing is,
however, certain, that the Ministry as composed at present
possesses the sympathy and absolute confidence of a large
and decisive majority of the Hungarian people. The heads of
the military missions have certainly had the chance to
convince themselves of this. I have tried to consider and
satisfy loyally all just desires as fast as they have come
up for our consideration. Consequently there are represented
in this Cabinet large and small manufacturers, merchants,
officials, farmers and industrial laborers. Mr. President,
during the time of the Bolshevist government of Bela Kun the
party of Social Democrats amalgamated to form the party of
Communists, which the Socialist leaders remaining here
during the commune have always accentuated in all their
speeches in the Soviet Congress, as well as in their
official journal. For these Socialist leaders of the workers
have not used their influence to defeat Bolshevism, but have
either gone over to Bolshevism or have taken refuge abroad,
and deserted the workingmen, who thus become the prey of the
fatal idea of Bolshevism and of the terror of the Communist
government. Their non-Bolshevik leaders who have gone abroad
have put themselves in relation with the Entente, but have
not come to the assistance of either the workingmen or the
State. The Hungarian bourgeoisie does
not wish to see the working class misled, a class to which
it reserves an important place in its future policy; hence
it is to the representatives of the real workingmen and not
to the professional leaders of the Social Democrats that I
addressed the invitation to join my Cabinet. Mr. President,
in the interest of the possibility of productive work, I beg
you to take measures to the end that the military missions
at Budapest will refrain from trying to influence our
internal politics, but will help to maintain order and to
reestablish the economic equilibrium. My Cabinet has decided
to hold the new elections to the National Assembly on the
basis of universal suffrage (equal, secret vote, and by
commune) as soon as possible, that is to say within three or
four weeks. All Hungarians will recognize the legality of
these elections. In order that no doubt may arise that the
coming elections rest upon and express the free
manifestation of the national will. I request you, Mr.
President, to send us a commission of control for
[Page 73]
these elections. It
would be desirable that the Social Democrats form part of
this commission. The elections will be held in territories,
concerning which it will be possible to come to an agreement
with the command of the royal troops of Rumania. Mr.
President, until such time as we shall be able to put the
government in the hands of the National Assembly, our
provisional government desires to carry out the following
tasks: the complete annihilation of Bolshevism, the
restoration of administration and jurisdiction, security of
food and continuity of production, safety of person and
property, restoration and protection of political equality,
and the preparations for the elections to the National
Assembly. Mr. President, we request your support in the
accomplishment of our duty and in our firm desire to
reestablish constitutional life.
Please accept, Mr. President, the expression of my profound
(Signed) Friedrich
The new President, Friedrich, was at the head of the former Cabinet,
of which 11 out of 14 members figure in the new one. Information
from several sources, as well as certain ascertained facts, have
confirmed the impression that Herr Friedrich, supported by the
Archduke, is working actively to remain at the head of the new
Cabinet and to keep colleagues who will not hinder too seriously his
political aims. Referring to the telegram of the Supreme Council of
August 23,20 which brought about the
fall of the Friedrich Cabinet, we retain our first impression that a
Cabinet formed in the above manner and presided over by Friedrich
does not meet the requirements of the Supreme Council.
Interallied Military Mission
Budapest, August 29,
From: The Inter-Allied Military Mission.
To: The Supreme Council, Peace Conference,
No. 215. A telegram received yesterday by a member of the Mission
inquires why, if the Mission considers that the Hungarian army is
reduced to the effectives stipulated by the Armistice of November
13,22 the Supreme Council has
not been advised of it; the telegram adds that the Supreme Council
can not exact the withdrawal of the Rumanian army behind the line
fixed by the Peace Conference until it can prove that all menace of
military action on the part of Hungary against her neighbors is
removed. Numerous messages sent by the Mission to the Supreme
Council have declared that, with the exception
[Page 74]
of a small contingent, ill-equipped and
counting less than 8000 men under the orders of Admiral Horthy, west
of the Danube, the Hungarian army as an army has ceased to exist,
and that the Rumanian forces have not evacuated Hungary because
their presence is necessary until a Hungarian army sufficiently
strong to maintain order in the interior can be organized. As the
messages in question may have been ambiguous or inaccurately
interpreted we wish to add now that, in the opinion of the Mission,
the Hungarian army has for some time been reduced below the
effectives mentioned in the armistice of November 13.
Interallied Military Mission
[Telegram From the Interallied Military Mission in Hungary to the
Supreme Council]
Budapest, August 30–31,
To the Supreme Council, Paris.
No. 225. With regard to the telegram from the Supreme Council, sent
under date of August 21,24 concerning the:
establishment of control posts to prevent the export of goods into
Rumania, the Interallied Mission has not sufficient personnel for
that purpose, and requests that three additional officers be sent
immediately to Budapest by each of the four Allied Powers, in order
to establish control posts on the Theiss.
Interallied Mission
Appendix F to HD–45
treaty with austria
Addition to Article 263 Proposed by
the Special Committee of the Economic Commission
All provisions of this section dealing with the relations between
Austria or Austrian nationals and the nationals of the former Empire
of Austria, apply also to the same relations between Austria or
Austrian nationals and the nationals of the former Kingdom of
Hungary who shall acquire of right, by application of the treaty
[Page 75]
of peace with Hungary, the
nationality of an Allied or Associated Power.
- Alphand
- Hutchinson
- H. Ashida
- Fred K. Nielsen
- M. Pilodi
Amendment to Article 265
At the beginning of Article 265, to read:
Questions concerning persons previously nationals of the former
Empire …