Paris Peace Conf. 180.03501/69
Notes of a Meeting of the Heads of Delegations of the Five Great
Powers Held in M. Pichon’s Room at the Quai d’Orsay, Paris, on Monday,
October 13, 1919, at 10:30 a.m.
Paris, October 13, 1919, 10:30 a.m.
- Present
- America, United States of
- Secretary
- British Empire
- Secretary
- France
- Secretaries
- M. Dutasta
- M. de St. Quentin
- Italy
- Secretary
- Japan
- Secretary
Joint Secretariat |
America, United States of |
Mr. C. Russell |
British Empire |
Capt. Hinchley-Cooke |
France |
M. Massigli |
Italy |
M. Zanchi. |
Interpreter—M. Mantoux |
The following were also present for the items in which they were
- America, United States of
- Mr. E. L. Dresel
- Col. Logan
- Mr. A. W. Dulles
- British Empire
- General Sackville-West
- General Groves
- Captain Fuller
- Commandant Dunne
- Mr. Leeper
- France
- Marshal Foch
- M. Loucheur
- General Weygand
- M. Laroche
- M. Tirard
- Captain Roper
- Italy
- General Cavallero
- M. Vannutelli-Rey
- Japan
[Page 601]
1. M. Pichon said that he had just received a
note from the British Delegation asking” if there were any objections to
the publication of the Treaty of Peace with Austria, as well as the
other diplomatic instruments signed at St. Germain. So far as he was
concerned, there was no objection. Publication of the
Diplomatic Instruments Signed at St. Germain
Mr. Polk asked what had been decided in regard
to the publication of the first draft of the Treaty of Peace with
M. Pichon said that it had been decided that
there was no objection to its publication.
(It was decided:
that the Council had no objection to the publication of the
Treaty of Peace with Austria, as well as the other diplomatic
instruments which were signed at St. Germain.)
2. Mr. Polk said he wished to make two remarks
in regard to the minutes of the meeting of the 10th October (H. D. 67).
According to the text which he had before him, he had said on page 15
(English text),1 that he thought that it was important that the
blockade preventing the shipment of arms to Hungary had been [should not be?] removed. He had not spoken of
Hungary, but of Roumania, and had not spoken of arms but of supplies of
all kinds. He desired that it should be mentioned in the minutes of the
meeting that M. Clemenceau had expressed agreement. In the minutes of
the same meeting the Council had decided (Page 16, English text)2 that the Roumanian representative on the
Subcommittee to be sent to Budapest for determining the reparations
value of material removed by the Roumanians should sit in a deliberative
capacity. He had wished to give them only a consultative capacity. Correction of the Minutes of the Meeting of the 10th
October (H. D. 67)
M. Loucheur said that he had insisted on the
word “deliberative”.
Sir Eyre Crowe asked what was the difference
between the two expressions.
M. Loucheur said that if one said
“consultative” that excluded the right of vote, whereas the expression
“deliberative voice” implied the right of vote. In the beginning he had
favored giving the Roumanians a consultative voice, but Sir Eyre Crowe
had said that this means of procedure would be offensive to the
Roumanians as it seemed to place them before an Allied tribunal. He had
recognized the justice of this argument and had then advocated the idea
of a consultative [deliberative?] voice. The
question should be examined again. He, himself, was strongly in favor of
the solution which had been adopted at the meeting of the 10th October,
as otherwise the
[Page 602]
would be given new grounds for grievance against the Allies. He wished
to add that he saw no inconvenience in giving the Roumanians a
deliberative voice. They would have one voice against four. If their
demands were unjustified they would be in the minority.
Mr. Polk asked whether the Hungarians would
also have a deliberative voice. He wished to know too what was the
position of the Czecho-Slovaks.
M. Loucheur said that the Hungarians would not
have a deliberative voice in the Reparation Commission any more than did
the Roumanians [Germans?] and Austrians. That was
specified in the Treaty of Peace. On the other hand, the Czecho-Slovaks,
Jugo-Slavs, Poles and Roumanians were given a voice. The Treaty of Peace
provided that a representative of these four Nations and of Greece
should in turn sit for a year with a deliberative voice.
Mr. Polk asked whether Sir George Clerk had
discussed the subject before the Council.
Sir Eyre Crowe said that he had.
M. Loucheur said that Sir George Clerk was
present when he had formulated his proposal, which resulted from the
very conclusions of Sir George Clerk’s report.
Mr. Polk asked whether it would not be possible
to put the Poles, Jugo-Slavs and the Czecho-Slovaks on the same footing
as the Roumanians.
M. Loucheur replied that it would be possible
to draft a new text which would put these four Powers on the same
footing and give all of them a deliberative voice in the Subcommittee at
Budapest for the questions in which they were interested. He could agree
with Colonel Logan upon the text of a draft which would define the
functions of the Subcommittee.
(It was decided:
to take note of the corrections in the minutes of the meeting of
the 10th October, (H. D. 67) in accordance with Mr. Polk’s
(It was further decided:
(This resolution will be issued at a future date.).)3
[Page 603]
3. M. Pichon said that he had not been present
at the last meeting of the Council. If he had correctly understood the
notes of the meeting, the Council had accepted the draft note to M.
Friedrich,4 with the reservation that
Mr. Polk would suggest modifications. Draft Note to
M. Friedrich
Mr. Polk said that he had had a conversation
with Sir George Clerk and he could suggest certain changes in the text,
but he did not believe that that was essential. The important point was
whether the American Delegation were convinced that the Council were not
making a mistake in addressing the note to M. Friedrich. It was always a
delicate matter to intervene in the internal affairs of a country,
particularly by transmitting a written document. He would greatly prefer
that a special representative of the Supreme Council, authorized to
enter into relations with the Hungarian political parties, should be
sent to Budapest. The instructions given this representative should be
identical with those contained in the draft note to M. Friedrich.
Sir Eyre Crowe said that he recognized the
weight of Mr. Polk’s argument. He had thought the same thing and had
proposed that the Allied Generals at Budapest be charged to take the
action proposed. If it was thought that the Generals, on account of
their relations with M. Friedrich, were not qualified to take this
action, it would be possible to send a special representative of the
Council. It was of great importance that Hungarian opinion should know
of the steps which the Entente were taking. If a means of making the
matter public were found other than by transmitting a note by wireless
telegraph, he had no objection to the despatch of a special
representative of the Supreme Council.
M. Scialoja said that he agreed.
M. Pichon said that if the Council should
decide to send a representative to Budapest, Sir George Clerk would
appear to be the person to send.
Sir Eyre Crowe said that Sir George Clerk had
left on Saturday for London, but he had spoken with him and it would be
possible for Sir George Clerk to return in two days’ time.
M. Pichon said that he thought there would be
no inconvenience in awaiting Sir George Clerk’s return.
Sir Eyre Crowe said that if the Council decided
to send Sir George Clerk it was important that the Allied Generals at
Budapest should be notified, in order that they should be aware of the
fact that Sir George Clerk was charged by the Supreme Council with
carrying out a special mission.
[Page 604]
(It was decided:
that the Supreme Council, instead of transmitting a Note to M.
Friedrich, should send a representative.
It was also decided:
that, upon the appointment of a representative, the Allied
Generals at Budapest should be notified of his mission.)
4. Sir Eyre Crowe said that before the Council
passed on to another subject, he had a point to raise. He wished to ask
what had been decided on the question of the publication of the Note of
the Allied and Associated Governments to the Roumanian Government.5 The Joint Secretariat had thought that the
Council had decided to publish the Note after it had reached the
Roumanian Government. He had not understood this to be the case and he
thought that M. Clemenceau had been of the opinion that the note should
not be published. Publication of the Note to the
Roumanian Government
Mr. Polk said he thought that the Council had
decided to publish the Note after its receipt by the Roumanian
M. de St. Qtjenttn said the resolution was
worded as follows:
“It was further decided to publish the text of the Note after it
had been transmitted to the Roumanian Government.” (H.D. 68,
Minute 2, page 4, English Text.)6
Sir Eyre Crowe said that he proposed that the
Note should not be published until the Supreme Council had taken a new
decision on the subject.
(It was decided:
that the Note of the Supreme Council to the Roumanian Government
should not be published without a special decision of the
Supreme Council.)
5. Sir Eyre Crowe said that the Council were
aware of the fact that the British Government believed that to avoid the
inconvenience of an excessive subdivision of military contingents and
the resulting difficulties of provisionment, it would appear more
convenient that the Interallied zones of occupation, provided for in the
Treaty of Peace, should be divided between the Powers in such a way that
each zone should be occupied by the troops of a single power. It was
objected to on the French side, that it was important to emphasize the
Interallied character of the occupation and the collective
responsibility of the occupying powers. When the question had last been
discussed by the Supreme Council,7 he had recalled
a suggestion made by Mr. Balfour
[Page 605]
to the effect that the preponderance in a particular zone should be
given to a particular army, but that small detachments from other armies
could be added in order to assure the Inter-Allied character to the
occupation. He had conveyed this suggestion to London, but the British
Government did not agree with the first suggestion although they were
prepared to accept the second. If this system were adopted, it would be
necessary for the Council to agree as to the distribution among the
various Allied armies before requesting Marshal Foch to regulate the
practical details of application. Distribution of
Allied Troops in the Plebiscite Areas
Marshal Foch said that there was a question of
principle to be considered. He was thinking of the question of the
occupation of Upper Silesia. The Treaty of Peace provided that the
plebiscite in Upper Silesia should take place under the guarantee of
occupation by the troops of the Allied and Associated Powers. These
troops would not be equally divided and one Power would assume command
in Upper Silesia. It was necessary for the Governments to inform him,
whether they desired an Allied solution, or, what he called, a solution
of a single Power. If the spirit of the Treaty of Peace were to be
carried out by all the Powers, it was necessary that all participate in
its execution; if not, it was not a Treaty of the Principal Allied and
Associated Powers, but the Treaty of one Power.
Sir Eyre Crowe said that the remarks made by
Marshal Foch were leading the discussion in another direction. He should
remember that the British Government had accepted a compromise which was
to leave in one particular zone an army, which should have a
preponderance, but that there should also be representation of the other
armies. As long as the occupation were Inter-Allied, the principle would
be safeguarded. He wished to remark that there would have to be one
Commander of the troops of occupation in each zone, and this Commander
would be in charge. The argument, that if one recognized the
preponderance of one Army, that Army was given the supreme power, did
not seem to him exact. The compromise guaranteed a division of
Marshal Foch said that before accepting a
compromise he would have to know what it was. What the proposition
contemplated was he did not know. For the moment he knew nothing but the
Treaty of Peace, which had to be applied immediately, if it were not to
break down. It had been decided that Upper Silesia should be occupied by
two divisions,8 one division being sent
first. The Versailles Council, on the basis of a decision by the Supreme
Council, had drawn up the composition of this division, in determining
the minimum which each Allied Army should furnish. To that he agreed. He
wished to insist upon the urgency of the matter, and upon the fact,
[Page 606]
that, at the present time, the
only document upon which he had to act was the draft of the Versailles
Council. He wished to add, that, if the territories to be occupied and
the conditions under which the occupation were to take place, were
considered, the charges of occupation were unequal. It had been thought
advisable to send two divisions to Upper Silesia for a fixed period;
elsewhere occupations could be made with much smaller forces. Was Danzig
to be occupied and for how long? He did not know. In any case it was a
question of a small force. The same applied to Memel. There was a
question of unequal charges for an unequal period of occupation.
Sir Eyre Crowe said that he recognized the
force of Marshal Foch’s arguments. It was a fact that the only text
which Marshal Foch had was the Versailles draft. It was to be regretted
that Marshal Foch had not been present at the last meeting of the
Council where the question had been discussed. At that time he had said
that the British Government did not accept the draft prepared by the
Military Representatives at Versailles. In the course of the same
meeting there was a question of a suggestion made by Mr. Balfour on the
8th August.10 He (Sir Eyre Crowe) thought
that the French Representatives agreed in principle with this
suggestion. He had informed his Government, which had agreed to the
compromise. The entire question could not be brought up again today.
M. Pichon said that this was not quite what had
occurred. He had before him the notes of the meeting of the 22nd
September (H. D. 58). The Council had admitted the general principle
that in a fixed zone one power could have a larger number of troops than
the other Powers, but they had not admitted that the units to represent
the other Allies could be very small. The whole subject was dominated by
the Political question. Inter-Allied occupation proved that the Allies
were in agreement as to guaranteeing the execution of the Treaty of
Peace. The French Delegation did not desire to see a situation raised,
such as had arisen in Bulgaria.
Sir Eyre Crowe said he thought there had been a
misunderstanding. M. Pichon had again expressed the French point of
view. He knew that point of view. On the other hand he wished to recall
that on the 22nd September, when they had alluded to Mr. Balfour’s
suggestion, a French Representative, he thought that it was General Le
Rond, had said that by this means it would be possible to arrive at a
solution similar to that which the French Delegation advocated. It was
this proposal which he had submitted to London and it was that proposal
which he was in a position to accept.
Marshal Foch said that he desired to place the
question on its true ground. Upper Silesia was to be occupied at once;
that was to say
[Page 607]
in fifteen
days after the Treaty of Peace went into force. He asked what was the
contingent of each of the Allies in this occupation; as for the rest, he
wished to remark, that the Treaty of Peace did not provide for the
occupation of Danzig any more than it did for that of Allenstein and
Marienwerder. If there were not a firm occupation, the Treaty would
become useless. It was a definite question, and there were three
questions which arose, if one wished to ask them. He wished to propose
that a special meeting, for the regulation of these problems, be called,
where the matter should be treated both from a political and from a
military point of view.
Sir Eyre Crowe said that he wished to state
that the Military Experts had asked for one division for Upper Silesia
and not for two. In any event, the despatch of the second division
remained uncertain. They had thought that the occupation of the other
regions where plebiscites were to take place would require a total of
one division. It was true that the occupation of Danzig was not provided
for by the Treaty, but there was little doubt but that this occupation
would be necessary. With regard to Allenstein and Marienwerder, the
Treaty provided that the Inter-Allied Commissions, who were charged with
presiding over the plebiscites, should have at their disposal a
sufficient military force. There was little doubt but that, in view of
the information received, it would be necessary to send troops to these
districts. There existed there a problem as urgent as that of Upper
General Weygand said that the Treaty of Peace
was very vague upon certain points. It was necessary for the Supreme
Council to attend to this. When that had been done, he would know how
many effectives were needed. It was further necessary for the Council to
inform him what Power would have the preponderance in a particular
place. It was only when the Military Experts had this information that
they would be in a position to say whether it would be possible to make
a distribution of the forces which would impose upon each of the
interested Powers an equal expense.
M. Pichon said that it would be necessary to
first settle the occupation of Upper Silesia. The Council could direct
Marshal Foch to prepare a draft in agreement with the Military
Representatives of the other Powers. Then it would be possible to
examine the other questions.
Sir Eyre Crowe said that the Council could now
decide as to whether or not Danzig and Allenstein should be occupied. He
believed, moreover, that this had already been decided.
M. Pichon said that nothing had been decided.
The question had been adjourned every time it had come before the
Council. The Polish
[Page 608]
should be requested to make an urgent report on this subject, but at
present a project for the occupation of Upper Silesia was what was
Sir Eyre Crowe asked why the question of the
occupation of Danzig, Allenstein, Marienwerder and Memel could not be
decided at once; and why the modalities of the occupation should not be
studied by Marshal Foch at the same time as those for Upper Silesia.
M. Pichon agreed that in adopting this course
the Council would be taking into consideration the questions raised by
Marshal Foch.
Mr. Polk said that he thought in any event the
Council should hear the report of the Commission on Polish Affairs. He
thought that the Commission were not unanimous on the subject of Danzig
and Memel.
M. Pichon said that it would be possible to
make a provisional reservation on the subject of Danzig and Memel.
General Weygand asked whether a decision had
been taken on the question of Klagenfurt. When the Allied Generals had
made their report on this question, they had provided for Inter-Allied
occupation where the plebiscite was to take place.
M. Laroche said that the question was settled
in the Treaty of St. Germain. Article 50 provided that the first zone
should be occupied by the troops of the Serb-Croat-Slovene State and the
second by Austrian troops.
General Weygand said that it was therefore
necessary to settle only the question of Danzig and Memel. When the
Council had reached a decision the General Staffs would need a few hours
to prepare a draft.
(It was decided:
- (1)
- that in the portions of East Prussia, where plebiscites were
to be held, in accordance with Articles 94 to 98 of the Treaty
of Peace with Germany, there should be occupation by
Inter-Allied troops;
- (2)
- that the Commission on Polish Affairs and the Commission on
Baltic Affairs should inform the Council, at its meeting on the
15th October, whether they considered that Danzig and Memel
(Articles 99 to 108 of the Treaty of Peace with Germany) should
be occupied by Inter-Allied forces.)
6. (The Council had before it the German notes of the 7th August, 1919,
and draft replies to these notes prepared by the Commission, on the left
bank of the Rhine (See Appendices “A” and “B”).) Reply to the Notes of the German Government Respecting the
Occupation of the Left Bank of the Rhine
M. Tirard said that the draft note submitted to
the Council was a reproduction of the stenographic text the Rhine of the
declarations made by M. Loucheur to the German Delegates. However, M.
Loucheur proposed an alteration to
[Page 609]
make the text more clear. On Page 1311 (French text) he suggested that for
paragraph 13 the following be substituted: “Special Arrangements.
Special arrangements shall be made in accordance with the request in the
German note for the regulation of the reception by the various railway
administrations in consequence of the modification of the
(It was decided:
- (1)
- to accept the draft replies to the five German Notes
transmitted from Versailles on the 7th August, 1919, respecting
the administration of the occupied territory;
- (2)
- that paragraph 13 of the fourth reply (administration of
railways in the occupied territory) should be altered as
follows: “Paragraph 13. Special Arrangements. Special
arrangements shall be made in accordance with the request in the
German Note for the regulation of the reception by the various
railway administrations in consequence of the modification of
the frontiers.”
7. (The Council had before it a Note from the British Delegation of the
10th October, 1919, (See appendix “C”).) German Ships
Acquired During the war by Dutch Navigation Companies
Sir Eyre Crowe commented briefly upon the Note
from the British Delegation. He insisted upon the importance of a
decision being taken by the Council in regard to this matter, for
otherwise, it might become impossible to obtain the delivery of the
vessels in question.
M. Scialoja said that he agreed in principle
with Sir Eyre Crowe, but he wished to raise a question of competence. It
was provided in Section VII of Annex 3 of Part VIII (Reparations) of the
Treaty of Peace with Germany, that Germany agreed to take any measures
that might be indicated to her by the Reparation Commission for
obtaining the full total for all ships which had during the war been
transferred or were in the process of being transferred to neutral
flags, without the consent of the Allied and Associated Governments, and
to ask Germany to obtain full right of property in these ships. He
thought that the question which had been submitted belonged to the
Reparation Commission, otherwise there was a danger that Germany might
raise objections of a legal nature.
Sir Eyre Crowe said that he had considered this
article in the Note which the Council had before it, but in this case,
it was not a question of the definite attribution of these ships; it was
simply a question of their being handed over.
M. Scialoja agreed, but pointed out that
Germany might say that she awaited the decision of the Reparation
Sir Eyre Crowe said that the only matter which
concerned the Council at the moment was to prevent the ships passing
into the hands of the Dutch.
[Page 610]
M. Pichon said that it was not a question of
getting to the root of the matter.
Sir Eyre Crowe said that Germany should be
justified in demanding a decision from the Reparation Commission for the
settlement of the question of the ownership of the ships. The present
question was to force the German Government to make sure of the
possession of these ships and to deliver them to the Allies.
Mr. Polk proposed that Sir Eyre Crowe prepare a
draft note to the German Government which the Council could examine at
its next meeting.
Sir Eyre Crowe said that this note would
- (1)
- that the five ships in question should be delivered to the
Allied and Associated Powers at the Firth of Forth;
- (2)
- that the Dutch crews should be removed;
- (3)
- that the Dutch names of the ships and mark of port of origin
should be removed;
- (4)
- that the Allied and Associated Governments could, if they
desired, make an inspection of the “William Oswald”;
- (5)
- that the “Nassau” and the “Branunschweig” should be taken to
Bremerhaven by German crews.
M. Scialoja asked what part the Reparation
Commission would play.
M. Pichon said that its President, M. Loucheur,
was in agreement with Sir Eyre Crowe.
(It was decided:
that Sir Eyre Crowe should submit to the Council at its next
meeting the draft of a Note to the German Government demanding
the delivery to the Allies of the five German merchant ships
sold to Dutch firms during the war.
8. (The Council had before it a draft resolution of the 10th October
prepared by the American Delegation (See appendix “D”).) Execution of Articles 100 to 104 of the Treaty of
Versailles Respecting the Free City of Danzing
Sir Eyre Crowe asked whether the Council had
the right to decide as to measures which should be taken to assure the
rapid execution of Articles 100 to 104 of the Treaty of Peace with
Germany. Article 104 of the of Danzig Treaty of Peace provided for a
Treaty between the free city of Danzig and Poland, but the free city of
Danzig did not yet exist.
M. Pichon said that the American Proposal was
intended merely to request the Commission on Polish Affairs to study the
question and make a report to the Supreme Council. The proposal did not
go beyond that.
(It was decided:
that the Commission on Polish Affairs should be requested to
examine Articles 100 to 104 of the Treaty of Peace with Germany,
relative to the creation of the free city of Danzig, and to
submit a
[Page 611]
report as
soon as possible as to the measures to be taken to secure the
speedy execution of these articles, upon the entry into force of
the Treaty of Peace.)
9. (The Council had before it a note from the British Delegation dated
7th October, 1919, (See Appendix “E”).) Sale of Air
Material to Sweden by Germany
(In view of the fact that no remarks were made it was decided:z
- (1)
- that the German Government should be required to provide the
President of the Inter-Allied Aeronautical Commission of Control
with full particulars of all aircraft and aircraft material sold
or exported since the Armistice, and that the value of this
material should be estimated by the President of the
Inter-Allied Aeronautical Commission of Control, and should be
paid to him by the 31st January, 1920;
- (2)
- that Marshal Foch should be instructed to enquire into Mr.
Ranft’s transactions and the reported gift of two aeroplanes to
the Swedish Army and shall also request the German Government to
forward a statement with regard to these matters.)
10. (The Council had before it a note from the Secretary-General of the
International Labor Commission, dated Paris, 7th October, 1919. (See
Appendix “F”).)
M. Pichon said that M. Arthur Fontaine had asked the Council to decide
whether the Luxembourg delegates to the International Labor Congress
should be admitted upon the same conditions as the delegates from
Finland. Luxembourg was not one of the States who were contained in the
original membership of the League of Nations, nor one of the thirteen
States which had been invited to join the League. Admission of Luxembourg to the International Labor Congress at
(It was decided:
that the question raised in the Note of the Secretary-General of
the International Labor Commission respecting the admission of
Luxembourg to the forthcoming Congress at Washington should be
left to the decision of that Congress.
It was further decided:
that the American Delegation should inform the Secretary-General
of the International Labor Commission that the Allied and
Associated Governments would interpose no difficulties in regard
to passports for Luxembourg delegates desirous of proceeding to
Washington in anticipation of a favorable decision.)
(The meeting then adjourned.)
Hotel de Crillon, Paris, 13 October, 1919.
[Page 612]
Appendices A and B to HD–69
Dossier of Correspondence between the Allied and Associated Powers
and the German Delegation relative to the Administration of the
Occupied Territory of the Rhine
Five Notes from von Lewald, of August 7, 1919, and replies thereto,
under the following subjects:
- I.
- The occupation of the Left Bank of the Rhine
- II.
- Accommodations for the German Imperial High
- III.
- Questions of Procedure
- IV.
- Administration of Railroads
- V.
- Regime of Navigation
German Notes Relative to the
Administration of the Rhenish Territories, Delivered by M. von
Lewald, August 7, 1919
First Note, Relative to the
Occupation of the Left Bank of the Rhine
Gentlemen: In the name of the German
Government I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of the
answer12 to the two German
memoranda13 concerning the military
occupation of the left bank of the Rhine. I note with satisfaction
that the Allied and Associated Governments intend to make the
military occupation of the left bank of the Rhine as light as
possible for the populations.
I take the liberty to make detailed comments on the following
paragraphs of the answer:
I interpret the answer concerning paragraph 3 to mean that the laws
of the Empire and of the Federative States promulgated for the
territories in question, as well as the executive decrees, shall be
enforced as long as the High Commission does not make use of its
right of veto by a communication to the Commissioner of the Empire,
because their application would affect the safety and the needs of
the military forces of the Allied and Associated Powers. That right
of veto should be expressed in a decree to be issued in conformity
with Article 3 of the agreement.13a
In order to make the situation of public right perfectly clear, it
would be advisable that the decrees of the High Commission be
published in an official paper by the Commissioner of the Empire.
Thus the stipulations of article 3–a of the
agreement would be fulfilled for the German Government.
[Page 613]
The answer concerning paragraph 4 guaranteed to Germany that the
populations shall enjoy the free exercise of its personal and civic
rights, religious freedom, freedom of the press, vote, association,
and that the political, administrative and economic relations
between the occupied territories and between those territories and
the non-occupied territories shall not be hindered any more than
circulation. A great calm has come over the occupied territory
caused by the fact that now the provincial, communal and municipal
elections can take place freely and that these assemblies as well as
the ecclesiastical assemblies of the provincial synod will be
allowed to meet. The special authorization to travel from one part
of the occupied territory to another and from the occupied territory
to the non-occupied territory of Germany is therefore suppressed.
Simultaneously with the guarantee of free circulation, the sale of
newspapers from the non-occupied territories of Germany in the
occupied territory shall be authorized, as for example the
importation of the Frankfurter-Zeitung in
Rhenish Hesse which was forbidden until now.
Concerning paragraph 5, I take the liberty of making the remark that
the Governments of Prussia, Bavaria, Baden, Hesse and Oldenburg have
given their consent to the nomination of Herr von Starck as
Commissioner of the Empire, with the meaning that the Commissioner
of the Empire shall equally represent the rights of those states and
of their population at the High Commission.
Concerning paragraph 5a, I remark that the new
constitution adopted by the National Constituent Assembly under date
of July 31, 1919, contains a considerable increase of the
jurisdiction of the Empire as compared with that of the Federative
States. I shall take the liberty of sending four copies of the new
constitution to the President of the Commission.
I would be grateful if acceptance of M. von Starck’s nomination was
granted as soon as possible so that he might be in a position to
enter into relations with the Interallied High Commission at
Coblenz. Numerous administrative measures adopted in the various
occupied territories show the necessity of it.
Supposing that the High Commission has its seat in Coblenz, the
Commissions [Commissioner?] of the Empire
must also reside there. For the buildings which must be placed at
his disposal and which are at present occupied by the American
Military authorities, I take the liberty of delivering the following
Concerning paragraph 6, I ask again to kindly let me know as soon as
possible the effectives of the troops to be maintained in the
occupied territory, the number of officers, men and horses, together
with die
[Page 614]
name of places
where the troops will have to be stationed; since according to
article 8& of the agreement, the troops have to be exclusively
housed in barracks and not quartered in private houses, the old
garrison cities will have to be considered first. It is very
important for those cities to be informed as soon as possible of the
effectives of the troops which they shall have to house. On that
subject, may I be allowed to state that before July 31, 1914, there
were only 70,000 men stationed in the occupied territory. Since,
according to the Peace Treaty, Germany is authorized to maintain
only an army of 100,000 men, distributed all over the territory of
the “Reich”, the German Government hopes that the effectives of the
occupying troops will not exceed a number equivalent to the capacity
of the fixed barracks. It will be especially desirable that an order
be issued so that the military authorities of the Allied and
Associated Powers do not require from cities which are not
considered in the future as garrison towns, such things as electric
installations, aqueducts or others which would cause great expenses
and would not be used later.
To give an example of the serious inconveniences resulting from the
extremely high effectives now stationed in the occupied territory, I
take the liberty of mentioning that for the present it is impossible
for foreigners to find room in Cologne although it is essentially a
city of foreigners and it has at its disposal excellent hotels with
5000 beds. The Commission represented here and the members of the
parliamentary council of the Commissioner of the Empire who met in
Cologne last Sunday could not be housed, or were only able to find
absolutely insufficient rooms for one night only, and only upon the
request of the Commissioner of the Empire did the military
authorities place a few very modest rooms at their disposal.
The repression of the hotel service in the great Rhine towns is
incompatible with the development of commerce and industry.
The answer concerning paragraph 7 states that the High Commission is
to regulate the organization of the police forces. I take the
liberty of remarking that article 1, alinea 2, of the agreement
stipulates that it is only the number of the police forces which is
to be determined by the Allied and Associated Powers.
Following the troubles caused by the war and the difficult economic
situation among the working classes of Germany, and which are well
known by the High Commission, the number of police forces will have
to be superior to that of Peace time because then, in case of need
one could have recourse to the military forces for the maintenance
of public order. That is especially important because of the fact
that, according to the Peace Treaty, it is forbidden to maintain in
the future troops in a zone 50 kms. wide and bordering the occupied
[Page 615]
Concerning paragraph 9, I take account of the fact that the Allied
and Associated Powers recognize that the privilege of jurisdiction
cannot be conferred upon German citizens, so that German citizens,
even in a case where they are employed by the troops or are in their
service, shall remain subjected to German jurisdiction. In alinea 2
of Paragraph 9, the answer remarks that the Allied and Associated
Governments not wishing perturbation to be caused in the occupied
territories, could not admit that the competent German authorities
begin judicial actions for political or economic facts pertaining to
the period of the Armistice, unless those facts have already caused
the Allied and Associated Governments to begin judicial actions. I
cannot see on what provisions of the agreement that pretention of
the Allied and Associated Powers can be based. I interpret the
remark to mean, in short, that the creators of the so-called Rhenish
Republic, that is to say M. Dorten and his friends, together with
the people who are making propaganda in the Palatinate for the
creation of the autonomous state “free Palatinate”, namely Dr. Haas
and acolytes at Lindau [Landau], shall
therefore be protected, from a point of view of penal law, from any
judicial action of any kind on the part of Germany.
Consequently, I feel obliged to remark that for those agitations and
machinations of M. Dorten and his friends at Wiesbaden, of Dr. Haas
and his friends at Landau, as well as M. Hompa at Kehl, it is only a
question of small groups without any importance who are pursuing
aims directed against the German Constitution such as no Government
can tolerate in time of peace. Without the protection of the
military authorities at Wiesbaden and in the Palatinate, as at Kehl,
those tendencies would not have had the least success. I have in my
hands a rather voluminous dossier concerning M. Dorten’s acts and
the protection accorded him by the military authorities. As to the
Palatinate, I have also at hand documented material. The situation
is quite analogous in the Principality of Birkenfeld where the
military command attempted to push the small country in a determined
political path. All those tendencies do not find the least support
in the agreement. I beg you to kindly confirm that as soon as the
agreement goes into force, the High Commission, conforming itself to
the intentions which have inspired the Allied and Associated Powers
in their answer to paragraph 28, see that this interference in the
internal affairs of Germany be stopped. The agreement does not give
the right to the Germans who thus violated the German law to be
immune from legal action. The German Government could not declare
itself in accord with that and could only renounce any judicial
action in occupied and non-occupied territories in case the Allied
and Associated Powers declare themselves ready to grant a complete
[Page 616]
amnesty to the persons
condemned for having committed infractions to the orders of the
occupying powers and in case all the cases pending for such reasons
are stopped. I believe that that would correspond to the spirit of
conciliation invoked on several occasions in the answer. The same
measure would apply to the economic decree enacted either by the
occupying authorities or by Germany.
Concerning paragraphs 10, 11, and 12, I take the liberty of
delivering a statement of the German Minister of Justice which I beg
you to kindly take into consideration.15
As for paragraph 10, I beg you to kindly enlighten me on a few
points. Since the German military legislation does not grant any
jurisdiction in civil affairs to the military tribunals, even during
the state of war, and since I did not succeed in finding the laws
enforced among the Allied and Associated Powers allowing military
tribunals to try civil affairs, I would be grateful to receive a
copy of the stipulations in question from the various occupying
Powers. I am grateful that the answer recognizes the jurisdiction of
the German courts to decide differences resulting from contracts
made privately either by soldiers, or by their families, with the
restriction that the High Commission shall have the right to decide
in case of abuses. Since the word “evocation” is used both in the
French and in the English text, they seem to have in mind the “jus
evocandi” unknown to German legislation for many years and for the
explanation of which it is necessary to have recourse to very old
German judicial institutions. Consequently, I conclude from the text
that to the High Commission shall be reserved the right to take away
from German courts cases brought before it and to transfer to the
military tribunals of the occupying Powers. That would constitute a
serious infringement on the independence of jurisdiction and Would
be considered by the whole German magistrature as a doubt cast on
its absolute impartiality.
Concerning paragraph 14, I had asked if a declaration of the receipts
of the Empire and of the Federative States, received in the occupied
territory, could also be deposited in the non-occupied territory.
The answer to paragraph 14 does not make that very important point
clear and that is why I take the liberty of asking for an express
confirmation of my interpretation.
Concerning paragraph 16; the Allied and Associated Powers did not
accept my proposal to trust the German authorities to determine and
pay reimbursements in conformity with German law, however, they have
declared themselves ready to study a regulation of application
together with the German authorities. I wish to believe that the
regulation will neglect neither the interests of the population
[Page 617]
concerned nor those of the
German finances. That is why I believe I can limit myself, in that
respect, to point out a few wishes, leaving all the rest in the good
care of the High Commission. The following points are of a very
special importance.
- 1.
- The creation of two instances and that in such a way that a
second instance shall have the jurisdiction over the whole
occupied territory so that the uniformity indispensable to the
application and the interpretation of the regulations and in the
fixation of the amount of the reimbursement be
- 2.
- In both instances the admission as attorney general of a
representative of the financial administration of the Empire, to
the proposals of whom the Commissions shall grant a hearing
before arriving at the decision and who should also be
authorized to make an appeal to plaintiff against the decision
of the first tribunal.
- 3.
- Reimbursement shall be fixed in conformity with the current
prices at the place and at the time of the presentation.
On the other hand I take once more the liberty of calling the
attention of the Commission of [to?] the
state of affairs now existing in the various zones of occupation
regarding the reimbursement of requisitions and including the
burdens caused by the housing of soldiers. I took the liberty of
stating in my supplementary memorandum to [in?] paragraph 3216 that the
situation had become intolerable. According to the answer, the High
Commission will have to take care of the establishment of a uniform
order of things by the promulgation of regulations; it is possible
that the precautions required to guarantee the future have been
taken, that is to say after the going into force of the agreement,
against the return of a state of affairs as intolerable as that
which existed during the armistice but no solution has yet been
found as to how the population shall be indemnified for the
requisitions including the housing of soldiers during the armistice
The present state of affairs cannot be maintained because of the
differences of the stipulations, notably regarding the amount of
reimbursements in the various zones of occupation, which have given
rise to a marked dissatisfaction among the population and that
besides a great many requisitions, among the most expensive ones,
have not been paid as I have already had the honor to state with
more details. As regards the British zone of occupation where the
German authorities were allowed to enforce the law of the German
Empire of March 2, 1919,17 I earnestly beg to maintain the present state of
affairs because the financial administration of the German Empire
has already paid, in conformity with German law, a sum of more than
100 million marks on account of the claims for indemnities and
because a change in the decree and in the procedure during the
execution would bring disturbances in the juridical situation as
well as in the finances of the
[Page 618]
Empire. As to the other zones, one could
perhaps guarantee the indispensable homogeneity notably as regards
the British zone, by authorizing there also the German authorities
to enforce the German law, all the more so that part of the urban
and rural circles and the communes have already paid rather large
sums on account of the titles to indemnity which have not been paid
as yet, neither by the occupying troops nor by the German Empire.
However, my Government will be ready to accept also another
procedure analogous perhaps to the regulation which the High
Commission will promulgate in the future, under the only condition
that the population already seriously affected and the communes
overwhelmed with taxes be soon reimbursed.
Concerning paragraph 17: the explanations of paragraph 17 seem to
take into account especially the second part of my memorandum
relative to those points. I am glad that the legitimate needs of the
public services at the time of the requisition of public and private
establishments shall be satisfied in a conciliating spirit. It will
be especially desirable to allow the buildings intended for teaching
of all grades to be used for that purpose. I hope that the question
to know if a great part of the localities occupied at present shall
be again placed at the disposal of the population, will be examined
in the same conciliatory spirit.
The question of the housing of officers and their families
preoccupies and worries very much the inhabitants of the occupied
territory. If it is a fact that during the period of armistice the
population felt already as a heavy burden the restrictions inherent
to the housing of troops, those feelings will become unbearable
if—in view of the long years of occupation to come—a conciliatory
solution of that question could not be found. The wealthy families
would leave the occupied territory, to the detriment of the communes
where they were domiciled, and a spirit of vexation, highly
undesirable, would get hold of the middle and lower classes. The
housing should be made on the basis of the regulations in force in
the various armies, it would therefore be agreeable to me to know
those regulations so as to be in a position to take sides regarding
the various methods of their application. May I be allowed, however,
to express right now the desire that, in general, the housing be
regulated so as not to jeopardize the family life of the
inhabitants. The complete eviction of the latter or their obligation
to use only a few small rooms,—that the exactions of the intensive
billeting made often necessary during the period of armistice—should
not take place again; in the same way the installation of messes in
private houses where they were a great inconvenience to the
inhabitants. The billeting of officers’ families is a problem
particularly difficult to solve, I suppose that it would be a
question of placing at their disposal unfurnished rooms since those
families have their own furniture. The requisitioning of the whole
furniture in
[Page 619]
eluding house
linen, table material, kitchen utensils and other household goods
seems all the more heavy during the long period of occupation
because a great many of those objects are lacking now, especially
linen, and that the inhabitants would be unable to replace. I
presume that in the future domestic articles shall no longer be
For the purpose of avoiding annoyances on both sides, I consider it
indispensable to state with precision the objections of the hosts
who, up to the present often found themselves in a situation which
was not clearly defined. In any case, it would be practicable that
the billeting should be made through the municipal authorities.
Finally, I take the liberty of calling your attention to the fact,
that, according to the especially difficult situation of the
building industry since the war, there exists a great shortage of
apartments as well in non-occupied Germany as in occupied territory,
and that that situation has been only increased by the billeting of
the troops of occupation. May I not also be allowed to express the
hope that the requisition of living rooms shall be made within the
limits of the absolutely indispensable necessities.
According to my information, the moving of officers’ families in the
occupied territory has already taken a certain development; allow me
to insist on the necessity to authorize those moving only after a
solution to the question of billets has been found.
Paragraph 18 recognizes that a control shall be established by the
Interallied High Commission as regards the privileges and customs
exemptions conferred by Article 19 to the troops of occupation and
their personnel both civil and military. The request expressed in my
memorandum that no German national and no neutral be granted the
privilege of the exemption of taxes by entering in the service of
the troops of occupation has received no answer. Consequently I take
the liberty of reiterating my request to kindly give me a statement
on that subject such as it was given in paragraph 9 of the answer
concerning the privileges of jurisdiction.
I ask you to kindly grant a hearing to the Commissioner of the Empire
before taking the prescriptions for the measures of control
considered by the High Commission concerning the privileges and the
customs exemptions. It would be indispensable to give an active part
to the competent German authorities at the time of the execution of
the control.
19.—The customs frontier of the West show deficiencies. They
prevented the installation of German customs officers on German
territory at the frontier of Alsace-Lorraine and the Saar Basin.
There are customs officers at the frontier of Luxembourg, Belgium
and Holland, but they cannot act according to the regulations of the
German administration regarding the traffic of merchandise and
[Page 620]
especially they cannot
apply freely the German regulations on importation and exportation.
Any German commercial, economic and financial policy, in conformity
with the legitimate German interest, becomes impossible so long as
the Empire is not master of its customs frontier. The Allied and
Associated Powers recognized, at the time of the negotiations of the
Finance Commission, that Germany cannot fulfill her economic and
financial obligations if she is not allowed to dispose freely of her
customs frontier. It is urgent to settle those questions rapidly. If
Germany cannot organize as soon as possible the customs service of
the Western frontier, not only will enormous amounts of useful and
necessary goods enter Germany during the next few weeks, Germany
deprived of goods and hungry, but also objects of luxury and other
goods, hundreds of millions of marks worth, and which Germany does
not need for the present, and which shall enter without paying any
duty. It is not doubtful that Germany will not be able to stand such
a useless drain in view of the anemic state of her economic
In view of the importance and urgency of those questions, it is
necessary to begin their study as soon as possible and to find
solutions favorable to Germany.
In the answer, paragraph 20 is omitted. I should be grateful to
receive an answer and I take the liberty of placing in the hands of
the President the desiderata of the railroad administration and
those of the navigation on the Rhine.
According to paragraph 21, the liberty to communicate by letter,
telegraph and telephone shall be guaranteed. I suppose that the
strict observance of the postal secret such as it is provided by the
German law shall also be guaranteed, under reservation of an
eventual decree of the state of siege, and that consequently any
postal censorship such as is now in course will be suppressed.
Concerning paragraph 24, I take the liberty to remark that I
interpret it to mean that all the various decrees of the various
military authorities issued during the armistice, shall be cancelled
and that consequently in the future there will be only two sources
of public law in the occupied territory: the legislation of the
Empire and of the Federative States and the decrees of the High
Concerning paragraph 25, I take note of the fact that all the
interdictions of sojourn shall be examined in a conciliatory spirit.
It would be desirable that the requests of the persons who have been
expulsed and whose purpose is to return to their country should be
submitted to the High Commission through the Commissioner of the
In order that the amnesty which I proposed in paragraph 9 be complete
it would be necessary especially that all the people who were
expelled from the occupied territory because they opposed M. Dorten
[Page 621]
at Wiesbaden and Haas
at London [Landau], etc., may be allowed to
return to those territories. Public opinion in Germany places a
great importance on that question as I was assured very lately by
deputies of all parties.
28.—Those explanations rest only on a misunderstanding. It [goes]
without saying that nothing was further from the mind of the German
Government, supreme and scrupulous guardian of the Constitution of
the Empire, than to submit to the Allied and Associated Governments
proposals incompatible with international law or with the
Constitution of the Empire and the rights of the various Federative
States. I do not believe I must insist on the subject, but I note
with satisfaction that the Allied and Associated Governments did not
mention the Central Governments of the various Federative States in
article 3 of the agreement for the simple reason that they concluded
peace exclusively with the Central German Government and that it is
not their intention to interfere with the internal organization of
Germany and that they respect the legal hierarchy. That was the aim
of my speech.
Par. 29.—The institution of the administrators and supervisors who,
in certain zones, operate with the German administrative authorities
forms a particularly painful chapter of the Armistice. It is
therefore with pleasure that I learn that after entry into force of
the peace Treaty, there shall be no more administrators or
supervisors directed to control the German administration. If the
High Commission reserves the right to maintain fixed representatives
directed to establish a liaison between the local German
administrations, the local military authorities and the High
Commission itself, it would be expedient to take the necessary
measures to have these fixed representatives limited to the
facilitation of communication between the authorities and to the
transmission of the desires of one to the other. All right of
interference of the interior affairs of the German authorities, of
the control of incoming correspondence, of the examination of
shipments, of authority to give orders, shall be excluded in the
It would be desirable if the High Commission would make use of its
authority to communicate directly with the local German
administration in exceptional cases only because this would greatly
facilitate relations between the High Commission and the German
administration if the Commission, in principle, operated through the
intermediary of the Empire Commissioner who is, in reality, a
representative of all the German administrations which enter in the
Par. 32.—I am indebted to the Allied and Associated Governments for
the declaration that requisitions should be but little practiced,
and only operated in particular circumstances.
[Page 622]
However, I believe it my duty to call the attention of the Commission
to the fact that importance [sic] deliveries
through requisitions have been ordered for the coming economic
period and surpassing the probable duration of the Armistice. For
example, the High Commands of the 8th and 10th Army Corps have
recently ordered the delivery of 40,000 tons of hay per Army Corps,
quantities considerably surpassing the productivity of these
districts under their orders. The same districts, last year, only
succeeded in delivering for the needs of the German Army a portion
of the quantity now demanded, and this under serious pressure on the
part of competent authorities. The rural population, suffering under
a great shortage of fodder, has been greatly irritated by this hay
requisition, as it necessitates a consequent restriction in
According to reports which I have just received, all the horse owners
in the fourth zone have received a circular indicating an intention
to operate an important requisition of horses.
I would be grateful if the Commission would kindly assure me that the
requisitions would not surpass the means and resources of the
occupied countries and that the commune would not be of necessity
forced to obtain their supplies in non-occupied territory in order
to be able to effect the deliveries demanded or to replace their
stocks which, as a result of these requisitions, would be
insufficient for their own needs.
In conclusion I take the liberty to especially request that you
accord favorable attention to a petition of the Commission assembled
here: According to the Peace Treaty a state of peace will not be
recognized until the Treaty will have been ratified by three of the
Principal Powers. We are unable to say when this time shall arrive.
The population believes and supposes that, Germany having signed and
ratified the Treaty as well as this arrangement, they would enjoy
the facilities elaborated in the reply and that the military regime,
of a severe and hard nature, might be replaced by civil organization
of the High Commission. I do not wish to mention here the multitude
of complaints relative to the oppression of economic and political
life, such as exists at the present time, as I hope that we are on
the eve of the new era referred to in the reply, which shall put an
end to arbitrary procedures and which, without prejudice toward the
attributions conferred to the Allied and Associated Powers by the
agreement, shall guarantee political liberty, shall reestablish
without hindrances free traffic on both sides of the Rhine and
which, finally, shall provide an arrangement for the requisition and
the billeting of troops, which arrangement shall endeavor to
establish a just and equitable compromise between the interest of
the occupying military forces and those of the population. Would it
not be possible for the High Commission
[Page 623]
to be authorized at the present time by the
occupying Powers interested to commence its work in order that the
arrangement and that the method intended for its execution by the
occupying Powers, which has been agreed upon here, could enter into
application, if possible, on August 15, or at the latest by
September 1st? This would correspond with the general point of view
developed by the Allied Powers, particularly in their declaration of
June 16th,18 that is, to as soon as
possible place Germany in a position to fulfill the obligations
which she has assumed by virtue of the Peace Treaty.
, August 7, 1919.
Second Note, Relative to Accommodations for
the High Empire Commissioner
Versailles, August 7, 1919.
Mr. Minister: As it is assumed that the
Interallied High Commission on Bhenish territories shall be
installed at Coblenz, it would be advisable to have the German
Empire Commissioner locate there also. Now, in that city there are
not many buildings suitable for the installation of the Offices of
such an important administration, and in this number, there are
certainly some which will be requisitioned for the needs of the
American military authorities and by the High Commission itself.
There appears, therefore, that there only remains the building of the
former General Command which would be suitable for the installation
of the offices of the Empire Commissioner. The American troops have
no further need of these accommodations and are ready to evacuate
them. However, they declare that this evacuation cannot take place
without the consent of the General Commanding the Allied and
Associated Armies.
I would be deeply grateful, Mr. Minister, if the consent of the
General could be obtained in order that the accommodations in
question might be prepared for the Empire Commissioner.
Accept, etc.
Third Note, Relative to Miscellaneous
Questions of Procedure
According to article 3c, by tribunals, is
understood, aside from the ordinary regular courts, the special
courts, such as the Council of
[Page 624]
Experts and the commercial courts,
administrative courts, including civil cases, as well as the
arbitration committees destined to regulate workmen and laborers’
differences, established on December 23, 1918 (Bulletin of laws of
the Empire, p. 1456) on a basis of the decrees of the conventions on
tariffs, etc.
The prescription of Article 3d applies only to
nationals of the Allied and Associated countries and shall decide
only the question of penal competence.
In civil procedures, the executions concerning the persons referred
to in article 3d shall be admitted by the
administrations of the occupants at the request of competent German
tribunals. The execution requests should be addressed to the
following administrations:
- For Belgium:
- For France:
- For Great Britain:
- For the United States:
The prescription of Article 3e applies only to
acts committed in occupied territory after the entry into force of
the conventions of June 28, 1919, in case the accused was domiciled
in occupied territory at the time the act was committed. The
judgments of similar acts shall be judged according to German
Cases in litigation in the courts of the Allied and Associated Powers
and which are not within the competence of these courts, according
to the convention of June 28, 1919, upon the entry into force of the
above mentioned Convention, shall be within the competence of German
courts, in so far as it is a question of cases not already judged.
Details shall be fixed by special convention.
According to article 4, only officers in possession of written
authorization from one of the authorities cited below may operate
concerning extradition demands:
- For Belgium:
- For France:
- For Great Britain:
- For the United States:
If at the time of the extradition of a person according to article 4,
a penal trial or a penal execution by German courts was being
[Page 625]
against this
person in occupied or non-occupied territory, after the liquidation
of the trial by the courts of the occupying forces, the person is to
be delivered to the German authorities.
Fourth Note, Desiderata of the Administration
of Railroads Concerning the Application of the Agreement on
- 1st.
- If the economic life in occupied territory is to resume its
pacific evolution, it is indispensable that, in principle, the
railroads, as in times of peace serve in the first place the
economic interests in order that they be able to fulfill their
pacific mission. We hope, therefore, that military exigencies
may be regulated in such a manner as to permit the railroads to
accomplish their true task.
- 2nd.
- In the interest of the maintenance of a well ordered service,
it would be greatly desirable to create, for each railroad
system, a single direction (on the order of the German
Linien-Kommandantur) who would assume the transmission of the
orders of the High Command of the Allied and Associated troops
to the competent organisms of the railroad administrations, in
accordance with Article 10, alinea 1, of the Agreement.
Transportation of troops, special trains and other service
prestations should be announced and taken over after notice
corresponding with their importance, in order to assure their
execution without interrupting their normal service.
- 3rd.
- It is to be presumed that the civil administrations of the
railroads will remain in the hands of the German authorities
with all the consequences attached thereto.
- 4th.
- Under reserve of the requisitions of the High Command of the
Allied and Associated Armies within the bounds of military
exigencies, the German authorities shall enjoy full independence
concerning the management and the exploitation, establishing of
time tables and utilization of the stations. The uniform
direction of the service shall not suffer any interruption at
the frontier of occupied territory. The employment of the
rolling stock, etc., shall be entirely subject to the
arrangements between the different railroad
- 5th.
- All the orders and regulations concerning the railroads shall
become ineffective at the entry into force of the Peace Treaty.
The orders and regulations formerly in force shall remain so
only on condition of having maintained by order of the High
Commission in accordance with Article 3, or by special order of
the High Military command, for military needs, in accordance
with Article 10.
- 6th.
- The regime of the personal subordinance of employees and
railroad help, as well as the obligations and restrictions
[Page 626]
shall be
abolished. The German prescriptions regulating the status of
employees and railroad help, their professional representations
and committees, shall again be effective.
- 7th.
- The German language shall remain official for all service
needs, timetables and public schedules, etc.
- 8th.
- West-European time shall not be reestablished.
- 9th.
- The maintenance of the complete material shall be interpreted
to mean that the necessary material shall remain available,
without prejudice to the general service resulting from an
eventual lack of cars and locomotives on account of the
participation of occupied territories. In the same way, the
complete maintenance of the civil personnel shall be understood
to mean that the number and nature of the personnel necessary at
a given time shall be always maintained available.
- 10th.
- As to the free transportation of troops, soldiers, officers,
and particularly the method of controlling orders of transport,
it would be fitting to adopt special dispositions. A desire is
emitted that this control right by the personnel of the German
trains be recognized. It is considered as agreed that the
parents of soldiers and officers shall not have the right to
free passage.
- 11th.
- The transportation to be effected without charge will not be
considered as contracts of transport. For that matter, the
transportation of occupation troops shall fall within the
application of the German prescriptions. Regarding
responsibilities not covered by contract, the German civil laws
shall apply to members of the armies of occupation as well. They
shall also be responsible for damages which they might cause to
the railroad administrations, whether directly or
- 12th.
- The use of the German telephone and telegraph installations,
as well as the mail service, for railroad needs, shall not be
subject to any restrictions. It is hoped that the railroad lines
requisitioned at the present time will be returned to the German
authorities, insofar as they are not required simultaneously for
military needs.
- In the same way, we desire to see the restitution, insofar as
possible, of the installations and premises requisitioned up to
the present time for military needs and in view of the fact that
these installations and premises are generally indispensable to
the service, that no more requisitions be effected.
- 13th.
- The regulations of reconciliations between the administrations
of neighboring railroads—in view of the frontier
changes—especially the Belgian frontier, should be subject to
special negotiations. The temporary utilization of the
Herbesthal station shall also necessitate a special arrangement
in case of the cession of that station.
[Page 627]
Fifth Note, Relative to the Navigation Regime
in Occupied Territories
As in the case of the railroads, it shall be necessary to clearly
define, concerning navigation on the Rhine, the services of a
military nature for which this navigation may be employed by the
orders of the High Command of the Allied and Associated troops, and
to fully designate the authority which may issue orders of this
nature in the name of the High Command, in order that the exercise
of this right may interrupt as little as possible the regular
navigation traffic. In the interest of the regular functioning of
fluvial traffic it would also be advisable to have the orders of the
High Command addressed to the Directors of the Navigation Companies,
and not individually to their many subordinate functionaries. I also
believe I may presume that, as is the case regarding freedom of
circulation provided for by paragraph 4, the control of the
navigation personnel shall be suppressed after the entry into force
of the agreement regarding Rhenish territories, that is to say that
the passports, control of merchandise traffic, as well as the
restrictions issued concerning the circulation of merchandise
between the right and left banks of the Rhine, shall be abolished.
It would appear to me that upon the establishment of this free
traffic, the Interallied Navigation Commission could be dissolved or
that, at least, this Commission limit the field to its activities to
purely military transportation, having for purpose the assurance of
supplies for the Allied troops in occupied territory and that the
Commission discontinue the intervention which it has exercised up to
this time regarding the economic and technical conditions of Rhine
navigation and over the ports on this river. The re-establishment of
free communication by telegraph and telephone consented to in Par.
21 would logically entail the right of the Rhine navigation service
to use the telephone and telegraphs for the needs of their
Reply to the Five German Notes Delivered by Mr.
von Lewald, August 7, at Versailles, Relative to the
Administration of the Occupied Territories
I.—Reply to the Memorandum
Relative to the Occupation of the Left Bank of the
- Paragraphs 1 and 2. Preliminary remarks,—In a general manner
the Allied and Associated Governments refer to their memorandum
[Page 628]
of July 29, 1919,
replying to the two memorandum delivered by the German
Government dated July 11 and 12, 1919, on the same question, and
to the reservations formulated in the last paragraph of the
reply memorandum.
- Paragraph 3.—Application of German legislation.—It is
understood that the High Commission shall exercise its veto
right by ordinances with the least delay possible. To this end,
German laws and regulations should be communicated to the
Commission prior to their promulgation. The High Commission
reserves at all times the right to suspend the application of a
law if circumstances demand it. The High Commission shall itself
assure the publication of these laws and regulations in which
they should be assisted by the German authorities.
- Paragraph 4.—Public liberties and circulation.—Public
Liberties; the freedom of the press shall be assured in
conformity with German legislation. If a publication infringes
on the public order or the security of the troops,
administrative and judiciary punishments shall be exercised in
accordance with the provisions of the Convention.
- Circulation: Circulation shall be free between the occupied
and non-occupied territories, but an identification card should
be carried by the interested, which they shall be obliged to
present when requested according to conditions fixed by the High
Commission. The High Commission, furthermore, reserves the right
to order expulsions justified by the maintenance of public order
or the security of the troops of occupation.
- Paragraph 5.—Institution of an Empire civil
Commissaryship.—The Allied and Associated Governments refer to
their previous reply. The Empire Commissioner cannot be
officially accepted until after the ratification of the Treaty
by three of the principal Allied and Associated Powers.
- Paragraph 6.—Effectives of the troops of occupation.—The
effectives of the troops of occupation shall be communicated to
the German Government as soon as possible. The German Government
can attenuate the burden of the occupation for the Rhineland
population by calling on the resources in material and supplies
from the rest of the Empire.
- Paragraph 7.—Strength of the police force.—The Allied and
Associated Governments refer to their previous reply.
- Paragraph 9.—Jurisdiction privileges.—The Allied and
Associated Governments insist on the terms of their previous
reply. They do not admit the principle of reciprocal amnesty
which would favor one or another case of the German nationals.
They mean to oppose judiciary actions of a nature to disturb the
public order, in accordance with the terms of the convention and
of their above-cited reply.
[Page 629]
On the other hand, they shall examine with
favor and in each case the remission of sentences pronounced in
the course of the Armistice by military jurisdiction.
- Paragraphs 10, 11, and 12.—Legal questions.—The memorandum of
the German Minister of Justice shall receive a special reply.
The High Commission shall decide by ordinance regarding the
questions introduced.
- Paragraph 14.—Finances.—No objections.
- Paragraph 16.—Payment of requisitions.—The Allied and
Associated Governments refer to their previous reply. It is
mentioned that the requisitions effected by the German troops in
France and Belgium have not been settled.
- Paragraph 17.—Billeting of troops.—The High Commission shall
make efforts to obtain friendly arrangements with the local
authorities for the billeting of officers and men. It is pointed
out that the German authorities may facilitate these
arrangements both by evacuating the population which emigrated
to the occupied territories in the course of the war, and by
calling upon the general resources of the Empire.
- Paragraph 18.—Tax exemptions.—The Allied and Associated
Governments refer to their previous reply.
- Paragraph 19.—Duty questions.—The Allied and Associated
Governments refer to their previous reply. Concerning the
Lorraine-Palatinate frontier the German authorities have already
been invited to establish customs posts on that frontier,
although it has not yet been officially recognized.
- Paragraph 20.—Railroads.—The note remitted by the German
Delegation calls for a special reply.
- Paragraph 21.—Telegraph and Mail Service.—The Allied and
Associated Governments refer to their previous reply.
- Paragraph 24.—Orders for military authorities.—The High
Commission has full and exclusive competence in the regulation
of this question.
- Paragraph 25.—Persons expelled.
- Paragraph 28.—Authorities of the Governments of the federated
- Paragraph 29.—Functionaries.
- Paragraph 32.—Requisitions.—The Allied and Associated
Governments refer to their previous reply and to paragraph 4 of
the present reply.
The occupied territories must aid in the feeding and other needs of
the troops of occupation. The German Government should, in order to
prevent the requisitioning of supplies and fodder, examine the
participation of the resources of the entire Empire with a view to
satisfying the needs of the troops of occupation.
[Page 630]
special questions
- 1st.
- Preparatory labors of the High Commission.—The Commission on
Rhineland territories, operating at the present time, is
preparing the labors of the High Commission which shall commence
operation only on the entry into force of the Peace Treaty. It
may enter into unofficial relations with the Empire
- 2nd.
- Distribution of Coal.—A special reply has been addressed to
the German Government on this question.
II.—Reply to the Letter of the
German Peace Delegation Relative to the Installation of the
German Imperial High Commissioner
The Interallied Commission on Rhineland territories has constituted a
Committee directed, in accord with the American Command, to proceed
to a complete revision of the cantonments in Coblenz. The
Burgomaster of Coblenz represents German authority.
A personal lodging and office accommodations shall be provided for
the German Imperial Commissioner, when those of the High Allied
Commissioners shall have been determined. The consent of the Marshal
of France, Commander-in-Chief of the Allied and Associated Armies,
is not necessary.
III.—Reply to the Note of the
German Peace Delegation, A. D. H. J. H. No. 13561, Relative to
the Interpretation of the Agreement Concerning the Military
Occupation of the Rhenish Territories
1. As regards paragraph 1 of the German note:
“The Allied and Associated Governments agree with the German
Government for the interpretation which it proposes. Article 3c of the agreement concerns all the
2. As regards the first alinea of paragraph 2a, there is nothing to
add to the text of the memorandum already transmitted.
As regards the second alinea, it is a question of a regulation of
detail which shall be the subject of an ulterior examination of the
High Commission.
3. Paragraph 3, as well as paragraph 4, cannot be favorably
4. As regards paragraph 5:
- a)
- The officers mentioned in article 4 of the agreements are
the officers whose juridical competence is defined by the
regulations of the various armies of occupation.
- b)
- The Allied and Associated Governments have no objections
to the trying by the tribunals of the non-occupied parts of
Germany of the delinquents already on trial before those
tribunals, after the closing of the procedure before the
tribunals of the armies of occupation. However, the guilty
party must serve his term in the occupied territories if the
heaviest condemnation has been pronounced by the Allied or
German judiciary tribunals of said territories.
IV. Answer to the German Note
Relative to the Control of the Railroads in the Occupied
1. General use of the Railroads.—It is understood that the Allied and
Associated authorities shall take all measures so that the railroads
be, as the German note asks, in a position to satisfy the economic
interests of the occupied territories, in a measure compatible with
military exigencies.
2. Organs of transmission of the orders of the High Command.—As it is
proposed in the German note, the orders of the Allied High Command
shall be transmitted to the railroad administration by a single
special Organ.
The Interallied Commission on Field Railroads is competent to fill
that function. Subcommissions of the system and the military organs
empowered by it to that effect shall facilitate the accomplishment
of that task.
The Commission has with it a German delegate to whom instructions are
That Organization corresponds to the organization of the Allied
railroads in time of peace.
The Interallied subcommissions on field railroads act as the Linien
Kommandantur considered by the German note.
3. Civil administration of railroads.—It is understood that the civil
administration of railroads shall be exercised by the German
authorities with the reservations provided for by Article 10 of the
agreement of June 28.
4. Exploitation.—With the same reservation, it is understood that the
German authorities shall have full liberty as far as the
exploitation of the systems is concerned. However, in execution of
alinea 2 of article 10, the Commission of Interallied Railroads
shall be in a position to control at any time that the necessary
personnel and matériel for the upkeep and the exploitation of all
lines of communication are maintained in full in the occupied
5. Orders and regulations.—It is understood, as the German note
requests, that the orders and regulations concerning the railroads
and emanating from the Command shall be maintained by decree of the
[Page 632]
High Commission, in
conformity with article 3 of the agreement, or by express order of
the High Military Command for the military needs, in conformity with
article 10.
6. Subordination of the personnel to the orders of the
Commander-in-Chief.—The German regulations concerning the situation
of the employees and workmen of the railroads, as well as their
professional representation and the committees, shall be made valid
under the reservation of the right of previous examination by the
Interallied High Commission, as it was provided for all the laws and
regulations in occupied territories. However, the Interallied
Commission on field railroads, in application of alinea 1 of article
10, and to insure the execution of the orders of the High Command
can pronounce or cause on the part of the German authorities any
useful sanctions. It pertains, however, to the High Commission, in
execution of Article 5 of the agreement, to pronounce the
revocations and expulsions which are recognized as necessary.
It shall notably be necessary to report without delay to the
Interallied Commission on Field Railways all incidents of a nature
to disturb the exploitation such as: agitation among the personnel,
attempts to strike, etc.
7. German language.—It is understood that the German language shall
remain the official language for the needs of the German civil
services. For military orders, the rules now in force shall be
The documents informing the public of the schedules for passenger
trains and the conditions for the transportation of merchandise
shall be drawn up in three languages: French, English and
8. Western Europe Time.—That question shall be regulated later by the
High Commission after examination of the High Command’s proposals by
reason of the eventual necessities of troop movements concerning the
ensemble of the systems in Allied and in occupied countries.
9. Full Maintenance of the personnel and material.—Article 10
provides formally that by reason of military needs and the necessity
of eventual troop movements, the material and the personnel must be
maintained in full for the upkeep and the exploitation of all the
lines of communication in the occupied territories.
The request contained in the German notes and tending to make use of
the material to remedy the shortage of cars and locomotives in the
non-occupied territories cannot be accepted.
Changes in personnel are subordinated to the observation of the
general rules edicted [sic] on the subject by
the High Commission for the other administrative personnel of the
other occupied territories.
10. Free transportation of troops.—That question shall be the subject
of the regulations by the High Commission upon proposals of the High
[Page 633]
The exemption shall apply to transportation with a regular order of
transportation, including the transportation of the families of the
soldiers and officers and that of the men on leave belonging to the
corps of occupation, in conformity with the regulations of the
various Allied Armies.
11. Responsibility of the railroad administration as regards
transportation.—The responsibility of the German administrations as
regards transportation cannot be affected by the fact that the
transportation is made free of charge, since the agreement of June
28, 1918 (June 25, 1916?), is in itself a contract.
That rule, however, is that observed in similar cases on the Allied
systems in spite of the reductions and special tariffs of military
12. Use of the telephone and telegraph installation and requisitioned
buildings.—The High Command shall examine, according to the request
contained in the German note, how the utilization of the lines and
buildings now requisitioned can be regulated for the best of the
interests of the civil service and the needs of the armies of
13. Rectification of frontiers.—Special agreements shall be made as
requested in the German note.
V—Answer to the German Note
Relative to the Navigation System in the Occupied
The Allied and Associated Governments refer to their answer to the
German note relative to railroads.
- 1.
- Use of waterways.—It is understood that the military
authorities shall take the necessary measures so that the use of
the waterways of military needs disturb as little as possible
the economic traffic.
- 2.
- Transmission of the orders of the High Command.—As the German
note requests, a single organ shall be charged with the
transmission of the orders of the High Command. The Interallied
Commission on Navigation shall be charged with that function.
Its functioning and its organs are similar to those provided for
the Interallied Commission on field railroads.
- 3.
- Navigation personnel.—Same remarks as for the railroad
- 4.
- Restrictions enacted concerning the circulation of merchandise
between the left and the right banks of the Rhine.—It is
understood that these restrictions are abolished.
- 5.
- Function of the Navigation Commission.—It is understood that
the Navigation Commission shall not have to intervene in the
[Page 634]
However, it shall have to supervise the execution of the
provisions of article 10 of the agreement.
- 6.
- Use of telegraph and telephone line.—Same remarks as for the
lines affected to [set apart for] the
railroad service.
Appendix C to HD–69
Memorandum Submitted by the British
Amended Version*
By the terms of the Armistice Convention signed at Treves in January,
1919,19 Germany agreed to place
the whole German Merchant Fleet under the control and under the
flags of the Allied Powers.
The Johann-Burchard, William Oswald’, Brawischweig,
Denderah and Nassau have not been
delivered. All except the Oswald are ready
for sea. Continued demands have been made by the Allied Naval
Armistice Commission to the President of the German Armistice
Commission to surrender these vessels. These demands were simply
ignored and remained unanswered until quite recently when Admiral
Goette stated that, the ships having been sold in 1915–1916 by the
Hamburg Amerika line and Rosmos Line to Dutch Shipping Companies
were consequently not German but Dutch ships.
In fact, these ships were without question, originally built for
German companies and were German property. Their transfer admittedly
did not take place until considerably after the outbreak of
hostilities. The Germans as well as the Dutch were already well
aware that this transfer was invalid, as the ships have not in fact
dared to put out to sea in view of the certainty of their capture by
the Allies.
The impression gained by the naval officer who inspected the vessels
on behalf of the Interallied Armistice Commission is that the
Germans fully realised that the ships would have to be surrendered
under the Peace Treaty. They hoped to be able to evade their
obligation by supporting the Dutch claim and handing over the ships
to the Dutch before the ratification of the Treaty of Peace.
The German contention, if accepted, would amount to the recognition
of the right to transfer the property in these belligerent vessels
to a neutral after the outbreak of hostilities. It is a contention
which is not accepted by the Allied Powers.
[Page 635]
The substance of the Allied view was brought to the attention of the
Neutral Governments by a circular dated November 7th, 1918, issued
by the British Government, in which it was recalled that no transfer
of enemy tonnage during or after the War to neutral flags or
ownership would, except by special consent be recognised before the
final conclusion of Peace.
This view has been finally endorsed and confirmed by all the Allied
and Associated Powers in virtue of the express stipulation of the
Treaty of Peace. Under the head of Reparations, Annex 3, Section 7,
it is provided that:—
“Germany agrees to take any measures that may be indicated to her
by the Reparations Commission for obtaining full title to the
property in all ships which have during the war been
transferred, or are in process of transfer to neutral flags
without the consent of the Allied and Associated Powers.”
It is thus definitely established by common agreement between the
Allied and Associated Powers and Germany that German vessels
transferred to a neutral flag during the war without Allied consent
must be regarded as German vessels. The obligation on the part of
the German Government to deliver them up under the terms of the
Armistice cannot therefore be called in question. The Germans are
perfectly well aware of this and they are only having recourse to a
transparent subterfuge in order to escape the obligations imposed
upon them by the Armistice and by the Peace Treaty to hand over the
In these circumstances it is suggested that instructions be given to
the Armistice Commission to require the German Government to hand
over the ships without further delay.
Appendix D to HD–69
[Draft Prepared by the American Delegation]
“It is agreed that the Commission on Polish Affairs should be
instructed to consider Articles 100 to 104 of the Treaty of Peace
with Germany regarding the establishment of the Free City of
Dantzig, and to report at the earliest possible moment as to the
measures which should be taken to assure the prompt execution of
these clauses when the Treaty comes into force.”
[Page 636]
Appendix E to HD–69
Note by the British
Sale by the German Government to
Sweden of Aerial Material
On August 22nd [23rd] Marshal Foch, acting
under the instructions of the Supreme Council, sent a telegram20 to General Nudant for
transmission to the German Government, forbidding the sale or export
of German aircraft and aircraft material.
On September 30th [29th] as a result of
further infringements of the Air Clauses of the Peace Treaty, the
Supreme Council instructed Marshal Foch to send a further telegram
to the same effect, adding that the German Government would be
required to hand over to the Allies the proceeds of all sales
already made.21 This telegram was
despatched on the same date.
Information has now been received to the effect that early in
September a Swede by the name of Mr. Ranft was arranging to purchase
30 aeroplanes in Germany and was placing other orders for aircraft
in Germany, also that the Autogesellschaft in Berlin had offered the
Swedish Army two German aeroplanes as a gift and had requested
permission for aeroplanes to be flown from Germany to Stockholm.
In order to put a stop to these transactions and to prevent further
infringements of the Air Clauses the following resolution is
- 1.
- “That the German Government shall be required to provide
the President of the Interallied Aeronautical Commission of
Control with full particulars of all aircraft and aircraft
material sold or exported since the Armistice, and that the
value of this material shall be estimated by the President
of the Interallied Aeronautical Commission of Control, and
shall be paid to him by January 31st, 1920.”
- 2.
- “That Marshal Foch shall be instructed to enquire into Mr.
Ranft’s transactions and the reported gift of two aeroplanes
to the Swedish Army and shall also request the German
Government to forward a statement with regard to these
Appendix F to HD–69
peace conference
on international labor legislation
Paris, October 7, 1919.
From: General Secretary of the Commission on
International Labor Legislation.
[Page 637]
To: The Ambassador of France, General Secretary of
the Peace Conference.
The representatives of the French labor organizations insist that
Luxembourg be invited to take part in the International Labor
Conference at Washington.
Luxembourg is not one of the 32 States who are original members of
the League of Nations, nor one of the thirteen who have been invited
to agree with the pact.
As regards the International organization of labor, Luxembourg is
therefore in the same situation as Finland regarding which the
Supreme Council took a decision on October 2nd,22 a decision similar to that already adopted
for Germany and Austria and which seems applicable to all the
neutrals not included in the list of the 13 nations invited to agree
to the pact.
I therefore think that the Government of the United States, in
conformity with that decision, will not refuse to give the visa on
the passports of the eventual delegates from Luxembourg, and that,
should they go, the Washington Conference will decide on their
admission at the same time as that of Germany, Austria and
I am not in a position to inform the Government of Luxembourg of the
general decision of the Supreme Council, above mentioned, and I can
only ask you to inform that Government, if it has not already been