- Adriatic claims. See under Italy.
- Africa: Claims of Belgium, Italy, and Portugal, 697, 728, 729, 741; general conventions concerning Africa, proposed German adherence, 362, 844, 953
- Albania, 78, 80, 81, 760–761
- Allenstein plebiscite, 150, 151, 949
- Alsace-Lorraine, German peace treaty provisions concerning:
- Allied and German observations: May 29, German observations, and Allied reply, June 16, 350, 356–358, 434–435, 439, 797, 815–816, 829–832, 870–871, 889, 944–945, 982; June 20, German note, and Allied reply, June 21, 562, 535, 601–602
- Economic clauses: Commercial relations, 831; contracts, 1–4, 423–424, 439, 986–987; debts, 434–435, 889, 982; property, fights, and interests, 809, 830–831, 890, 892–893, 893–894
- Financial clauses, 357–358, 460, 562, 565, 601–602, 831, 905, 944–945
- Political clauses, 350, 356–358, 434–435, 439, 562, 565, 601–602, 797, 815–816, 829–832, 870–871, 889, 944–945, 982
- Ports, etc., clauses, 831, 870–871
- Arabia. See Turkish territories: Syria and adjoining regions.
- Armaments. See Treaty: Terms: Military under Austria and Germany.
- Armenia. See under Turkish territories.
- Armies of occupation, Allied:
- Bulgaria, proposed, 417, 487, 498–500
- Germany (see also Rhine), proposed advance in event of German refusal to sign peace treaty, 31, 371, 372, 501–509, 521, 523–524, 525–528, 543–550, 550–551
- Rhine. See Rhine.
- Russian territories. See Russia: Allied policy: Military assistance.
- Turkish territories, 83, 132–133, 136–137, 675–676, 694, 712–714, 739, 761, 762
- Upper Silesia, proposed, 150, 151, 153, 154, 155, 201, 304–305, 318, 421–422, 450, 534, 948
- Armistice. See Poland: Ukrainian-Polish hostilities and under Germany.
- Asia Minor. See under Turkish territories.
- Assling-Tarvis-Villach region: Italian claims and military operations against Jugoslavs, 81, 102, 105–106, 211, 214, 242, 249, 251, 295, 701, 707; noninclusion in Austrian treaty, 130, 133–134
- Austria:
- Agreement to prohibit trade with Germany and Hungary until their final acceptance of peace treaties, proposed, 533, 541–542, 587, 590–591
- Frontier questions:
- Czechoslovak frontier, 131, 135–136
- Italian frontier in Assling-Tarvis-Villach region: Italian claims and military operations against Jugoslavs, 81, 102, 105–106, 211, 214, 242, 249, 251, 295, 701, 707; noninclusion in Austrian treaty, 130, 133–134
- Klagenfurt and Carinthia, Jugoslav claims
and military operations against Austrians:
- Discussions, general, 46–47, 72, 102, 105–106, 115, 119–120, 130, 134, 134–135, 138, 173–180, 189, 210, 234, 236–238, 241, 242–243, 247–249, 260, 295, 319, 534, 581–586, 588–589, 628–629, 701, 707
- Frontiers, settlement of, and arrangements for plebiscite, 46–47, 72, 102, 105–106, 138, 173–180, 234, 236–237, 242–243, 248–249, 260, 319, 581–586, 588–589, 628–629
- Military mission, interallied, 115, 189, 210, 234, 238, 534, 701, 707
- Military operations:
- German Austria: Discontinuance of use of term, 64, 82, 106–107; German peace treaty provisions concerning, discussions, 797, 808, 816, 832, 945
- Railway, South Austrian, 67–68, 731–732, 741, 740–750
- Submarines, 671, 680
- Trade. See Agreement, supra.
- Treaty of peace with the Allied and Associated
- Austrian observations on conditions of peace, arrangements: Committees for the Study of Observations of the Austrian Delegation on the Conditions of Peace, establishment, 533; time limit for Austrian reply, 86
- Drafting questions: Designation as “Austria” rather than “German Austria”, 64, 82, 106–107; question of status as a new or old state, 30, 45–46, 63, 103–104, 111–112
- Language, official, French text to prevail in case of divergence, 103, 111
- Negotiations between Austrian delegation and Allied Powers
at St. Germain (see also
Austrian observations, supra;
Plenary sessions, infra):
- Austrian request, May 24, for immediate entrance into negotiations, and Allied reply, May 27: Discussions, 26–30, 46, 64; texts, 37–38, 64
- Credentials, 37, 64, 82, 106–107
- Procedure for handing portion of treaty to Austrians, with military and reparation clauses reserved, 26–30, 63, 64, 721
- Verbal discussions, question of, 27, 29, 84, 86–87, 131
- Plenary sessions: May 29, 31, declarations by new states against certain boundary and political clauses, 107, 131, 160, 163–164, 181; June 2, arrangements concerning date, 30, 46, 63–64, 64
- Publication of summary, 86
- Terms, discussions and draft texts:
- Austrian detachment from Germany, proposed, 524
- Economic clauses. See Economic questions: Austrian and Hungarian peace treaty clauses.
- Financial clauses. See Financial questions: Austrian and Hungarian peace treaty clauses.
- Frontiers (see also Frontier questions, supra), Austrian-Czechoslovak frontier, 131, 135–136
- Guarantees, 64
- Military, naval, and air clauses:
- Miscellaneous clauses. See Savoy, infra.
- Penalties, 118, 120–121, 128–129
- Political clauses for Europe:
- Ports, waterways, and railways:
- Preamble, 130–131
- Reparation. See Reparation: Austrian.
- Responsibility for the war. See Penalties, supra.
- Savoy and Gex, Austrian recognition of Franco-Swiss arrangements concerning, 160, 162–163
- Austria-Hungary (see also Austria; Hungary): Financial arrangements with Germany, German peace treaty provisions regarding disposition of, 461–462, 462–463, 912, 915, 918–924, 970–971, 971; German observations, May 28, and Allied reply, June 16, concerning conflict with Serbia and origins of the war, 782–786, 788, 790–791, 927, 957–958
- Aviation questions:
- Aerial Navigation Convention, preparation, 33
- Aeronautical Commission, proposal concerning mention of air services in League Covenant, 25, 33–34, 54
- German peace treaty, air clauses: German observations, May 29, and Allied reply, June 16, 419, 420, 421, 821; proposal concerning German exportation and repurchase of aeronautical material, 469, 475–476; special committee on aerial clauses, 419, 469, 475–476
- Baltic countries:
- Allied policy, question of furnishing food and other supplies to national movements, 85, 373, 374, 375–376, 551–552, 673–674, 682–683
- Bolshevism, 375, 376, 681–682
- Commission on Baltic Affairs, 20, 23–24, 355, 622, 672–674, 680–683
- German activity:
- Arrest of U. S. food relief agents and British naval officers, and Allied demands for apology, 185, 188, 752
- Cooperation with Bolshevik forces, 375, 681–682
- Military operations against Esthonians, 243–244, 260
- Withdrawal of German troops in accordance with Armistice provisions, Allied demand, 185–186, 243–244, 355–356, 373–374, 375–376, 621–622, 672–673, 673, 680–681; question of rolling stock, 621–622, 672–673, 680–681
- Memel, German peace treaty provisions concerning, 140, 193–194, 325, 399, 471, 479, 562, 602, 795, 797, 808, 816, 836–837, 838–839, 949–950
- Military mission, interallied, 673, 682–683
- Relations with Russia, 20, 23, 24, 36, 75, 322–323
- Banat, 32, 592–593, 731
- Bastille Day parade, 698–699
- Bela Kun, 255, 281–282, 285, 319, 518–520, 701, 706–707, 756, 758
- Belgium:
- African claims, 728, 729, 741
- Commission on Belgian and Danish Affairs, 453–454, 464–465
- Control commissions in Germany, proposed participation, 575–576, 577
- Economic union with Luxemburg, question of, 94–95, 96–97, 99–100
- German peace treaty, Belgian interest:
- Neutrality, German violation, 789, 850–851, 927
- Bessarabia, 72–73, 75, 323
- Bethmann-Hollweg, von, note to Allies, June 25, declaring personal responsibility for the war, and Allied consideration of reply, 751–752, 756–757
- Blockade. See under Germany, Hungary, Russia.
- Bolshevism, 19, 57, 61, 108, 201, 243, 256, 260, 282, 282–286, 375, 376, 531, 674, 677, 681–682, 687, 688
- Brazilian coffee, German peace treaty provisions concerning, 463, 919–920, 972
- Brest-Litovsk and Bucharest, treaties of, 462, 799, 845, 873, 888, 919, 971
- Brockdorff-Rantzau, Count (see also Germany: Treaty: German observations), 159
- Bucharest and Brest-Litovsk, treaties of, 462, 799, 845, 873, 888, 919, 971
- Bukovina, 185, 187, 591–592
- Bulgaria:
- Cables, German, 814, 846–847, 848, 865
- Caucasus. See Turkish territories: Asia Minor.
- Central Territorial Committee, 160, 235, 233–239, 246, 253, 283, 286–287
- China, German peace treaty provisions concerning transfer to Japan of German rights in Shantung and Kiao-chow:
- Churchill, Winston, plan for utilization of Czechoslovak troops in Siberia, 635, 674, 684–686
- Clemenceau, Georges (Premier) (see also Views of Clemenceau under Italy: Adriatic claims: Fiume-Dalmatia; Reparation: German; Turkish territories), speech of Sept. 17, 1918, cited, 333, 928
- Coffee, Brazilian, German peace treaty provisions concerning, 463, 919–920, 972
- Colonies (see also under Germany), relevant provisions of German scheme for League of Nations, 772–773
- Commercial relations, peace treaty provisions: Austrian, 6–7; German, 96, 251–252, 340, 341, 425–426, 430, 469, 474–475, 561–562, 566–568, 601, 825, 831, 866–868, 884, 932–933, 938–939, 972–974, 977, 938–939
- Commissions, committees, etc. (see
- Aerial clauses of German peace treaty, special committee on, 419, 469, 475–476
- Aeronautical Commission, 25, 33–34, 54
- Air navigation commission of the League, proposed, 33
- Baltic Affairs, Commission on, 20, 23–24, 355, 622, 672–674, 680–683
- Belgian and Danish Affairs, Commission on, 453–454, 464–465
- Central Territorial Committee (Territorial Coordinating Committee), 160, 235, 238–239, 246, 253, 283, 286–287
- Conditions of Peace, Committees for Study of Observations of Austrian Delegation on, 533
- Control commissions, interallied, in—
- Coordination of Replies to the German Counterpropositions, Committee for (Editing Committee), 349, 418, 457
- Credentials, Committee on, 37, 64
- Czechoslovak Affairs, Commission on, 131, 135–136, 350–351
- Drafting Committee, work on—
- Eastern Frontiers (of Germany), Commission on. See under Germany: Eastern frontiers.
- Economic Commission, 1–5, 5–14, 21, 75, 76. 165, 419, 422–445, 450, 469, 474, 559
- Editing Committee (Committee for Coordination of Replies to the German Counterpropositions), 349, 418, 457
- Execution of the Clauses of the Treaty of Peace With Germany, Committee on, 672, 702, 756
- Financial Commission, 13–14, 21, 116, 165, 238, 246, 252–253, 453, 454–458, 457–463, 466–467, 565–566, 587
- Heligoland Commission, 368, 562, 602, 604, 703
- Italian Political Clauses, Committee on, 220, 221, 514–517
- King-Crane Commission, 137
- Klagenfurt Military Mission, 115, 189, 210, 234, 238, 534, 701, 707
- Labor Legislation, International, Commission on, 397, 407–411
- League of Nations, Commission on, 158
- Mandates, Colonial, Commission on, 727–729, 741
- Military Clauses (German treaty), Commission on, 354, 363–367
- Minorities, Committee on. See New states: Committee.
- New States, Committee on. See under New states.
- Poland, commissions concerning: Polish Affairs, 221; Polish-Ukrainian Armistice, 59
- Political Clauses Relating to Countries Outside of Europe (German treaty), Committee on, 32, 353, 360–363
- Ports, Waterways, and Railways, Commission on, 73, 75–77, 104, 112, 235, 396–397, 401–407, 446–447, 586, 589–590, 731
- Prisoners of war, commissions concerning. See under Prisoners.
- Purchasing commissions, interallied, 355
- Reparation, commissions concerning. See under Reparation.
- Responsibility for the War, Commission on, 42, 120, 355, 368–369, 568, 677, 752; German observations, May 28, on report of Commission, 781–794
- Rhine, commissions concerning. See under Rhine.
- Roumanian and Jugoslav Affairs, Commission on, 102, 242–248, 248–249, 581–586, 588–589, 592, 628–629
- Scapa Flow, Committee on Destruction of the German Fleet at, 671
- Syrian Commission, 132–133, 136–137, 676–677; American section (King-Crane Commission), 137
- Territorial Coordinating Committee (Central Territorial Committee), 160, 235, 238–239, 246, 253, 283, 286–287
- Turkish mandates, commission on. See Syrian Commission, supra.
- Conditions of Peace, Committees for Study of Observations of Austrian Delegation on, 533
- Conference, labor, 122, 125, 126
- Consular and diplomatic relations between Germany and the Allies, question of resumption, 884, 977
- Contracts, etc., peace treaty provisions concerning:
- Control commissions. See under Commissions.
- Conventions. See Treaties, conventions, etc.
- Cordon sanitaire, 61
- Councils:
- Allied Maritime Transport Council, 532–533, 732
- Five, Council of. See Foreign Ministers.
- Four, Council of. See Four.
- Superior Blockade Council. See Germany: Blockade.
- Supreme Economic Council: Blockade questions, 530–532; credit scheme for Europe, 222–223; military supplies for Roumania, investigation, 261; recommendation for continuance of economic consultation until taking over by the League, 741–743; Rhine occupation plan, interest in, 108
- Ten, Council of, 358, 359, 576, 729, 756
- Covenant of the League. See League: German peace treaty clauses.
- Credentials: Austrian, 37. 64, 82, 106–107; Committee on, 37, 64; German, 608. 613–614, 664
- Cyprus, 694
- Czechoslovakia (see also
Hungary: Conflict with
Czechoslovakia and Roumania; New
- Austrian peace treaty provisions concerning Czechoslovakia: Frontier, 131, 135–138; military and financial, 32, 160, 165–168, 235, 238, 239; political, 64, 107, 117, 131, 131–182, 160, 164–165, 163–167, 235, 238–239; ports, waterways, and railways clauses concerning telephones and telegraphs, 73, 75–77, 104–105, 112–113; preamble, Allied recognition of Czechoslovakia, 130–131
- Commission on Czechoslovak Affairs, 131, 135–136, 350–351
- Food relief, 532–533
- Frontiers (see also Hungary: Conflict with Czechoslovakia): Austrian, 131, 135–136; German, 317–318, 350–351
- German peace treaty provisions: Political, 317–318, 350–351, 795, 797, 808, 816; ports, etc., 816, 870, 871, 992–993, 994
- Military strength, proposed, 184, 205–206
- Treaty with the Allied and Associated Powers, Italian proposals concerning Adriatic tariffs and restoration of art works removed from invaded territory, 570, 587, 593–594, 594–596
- Troops in Siberia, proposed repatriation and scheme for cooperation with Kolchak’s right wins, 635, 674, 684–686, 702, 708–709, 729, 743, 744–745
- Dalmatia. See Italy: Adriatic claims.
- Damage. See Reparation.
- Danzig, Free City of:
- Debts (see also Financial questions: German peace treaty: Terms: German State debt): Austrian and Hungarian peace treaty provisions, 9, 13; German peace treaty economic clauses concerning, 432–435, 847, 885–889, 913, 944–945, 980–982
- Denmark, Schleswig question. 336, 454–458, 464–465, 466–467, 797, 808, 840–841, 932, 950–951
- Diplomatic and consular relations between Germany and the Allies, question of resumption, 884, 977
- Disarmament (see also Treaty: Terms: Military, naval, and air clauses under Austria and Germany): League Covenant provisions, 252, 327, 340, 342, 941; provisions of German scheme for League, 770–771, 805
- Dodecanese Islands, 759
- Drafting Committee. See under Commissions.
- Dyestuffs and chemicals as German reparation, 864–865
- Economic questions (see also
Blockade; Councils: Supreme Economic Council):
- Austrian and Hungarian peace treaty clauses:
- Discussions, general, and draft texts, 1–4, 6–14, 26–27, 30, 53, 103–104, 111–112, 397, 411, 510, 636–637
- Provisions concerning—
- Commercial relations, 6–7
- Contracts, prescriptions, and judgments, 1–4, 10, 12
- Debts, 9, 13
- Industrial property, 11
- Mixed arbitral tribunal, 10
- Property, rights, and interests, 1–4, 10, 11–14, 103–104, 111–112, 510, 636–637
- Social and state insurance in ceded territory, 14
- Special provisions relating to transferred territory, 1–4, 11–14, 397, 411, 636–637
- Treaties, 8–9
- Text, draft, 6–14; revised article, 637
- Bulgarian peace treaty clauses, preparation, 21
- Austrian and Hungarian peace treaty clauses:
- Economic Commission, 1–5, 5–14,
21, 75, 76, 165, 419, 422–445, 450, 469, 474, 559
- German peace treaty clauses:
- Errata, 4–5, 25, 34, 424
- German observations and Allied replies: Allied reply to German note of May 22, incorporation in note of June 16, 159–160; May 29, German observations, and Allied reply, June 16, 159–160, 337, 419, 422–445, 796, 809, 813, 814, 825, 830–831, 831–832, 843, 844, 847–848, 866–869, 871–873, 884–899, 909, 911, 913, 914, 932–933, 938–939, 940, 944–945, 948, 968, 972–991; May 29, special German note inquiring status of sequestered German property, and Allied reply, June 16, 925, 988; June 20, German note, and Allied reply, June 21, 559, 561–562, 563, 566–568, 601
- Terms, discussion and revision: Commercial relations, 96, 251–252, 340, 341, 425–426, 430, 469, 474–475, 561–562, 566–568, 601, 825, 831, 866–867, 884, 932–933, 938–939, 972–974, 977; contracts, etc., 1–4, 422, 423–424, 437–439, 891–894, 985–987; debts, 432–435, 847, 885–889, 913, 944–945, 980–982; industrial property, 441–444, 868, 896–899, 989–991; mixed arbitral tribunal, 440–441, 894–896, 987–988; periods of time, 469, 474; property, rights, and interests, 1–4, 34, 147–148, 159–160, 422, 424–425, 430–432, 435–437, 441–445, 460, 563, 603, 604, 796, 809, 813, 814, 830–831, 843, 844, 847–848, 884–885, 889–891, 909, 911, 914, 925, 948, 968, 978–980, 982–985; social and state insurance in ceded territory, 397, 411, 831–832; treaties, 4–5, 34, 422, 426–429, 871–873, 974–977
- Verbal discussions, proposed, 236
- International consultation on economic questions, proposed continuation until organization of League of Nations, 741–743
- Luxemburg, question of economic union with Belgium and France, 94–96, 96–97, 98–101
- Purchasing commissions, interallied, 355
- German peace treaty clauses:
- Egypt, 694, 847
- Esthonia. See Baltic countries.
- Eupen, Malmedy, and Moresnet, German observations, May 29, and Allied reply, June 16, concerning allocation to Belgium, 336, 453–454, 464, 465, 795, 815, 824–825, 932, 941–942
- Financial questions (see also
- Austrian and Hungarian peace treaty clauses,
- Discussions, general, 30, 32, 43–44, 63, 64, 65–68, 116, 133, 160, 165–166, 169–172, 235, 238–239, 246, 252–253, 511, 588, 678, 703, 716–718, 721, 731–732, 740, 741, 746–750
- Italian claims to Venetian Palace at Rome, 169–170
- New states: Observations on financial clauses, consideration of, 32, 133, 160, 165–166, 169–171, 235, 238–239, 246, 252–253; property, Austro-Hungarian, located in new states, 165, 169–171, 253, 511; reparation and [Page 1005] financial questions, 43, 44, 65–66, 171–172, 253, 511, 703, 716–718
- Reparation payments a first charge on assets and revenues, 66–67, 68
- South Austrian Railway, proposal concerning, 67–68, 731–732, 741, 746–750
- Bulgarian peace treaty clauses, preparation, 21
- Credit scheme for Europe, 222–223
- Financial Commission, 13–14, 21, 116, 165, 238, 246, 252–253, 453, 454–456, 457–463, 466–467, 565–566, 587
- German peace treaty clauses:
- Danish proposal, consideration of, 465, 466–467
- German observations and Allied replies: May 29, German note transmitting statement by German financial commission, 902–917; May 29, German observations on arts. 259 and 263, and Allied reply, June 16, 461–462, 463, 918–924, 970–971, 972; May 29, German observations, and Allied reply, June 16, 337, 453, 457–463, 466–467, 796, 813, 831, 932–933, 944–945, 952–953, 967–972; June 20, German note, and Allied reply, June 21, 559, 562, 563, 565–566, 601–602, 603
- Terms, discussion and revision (see also
Economic questions: German peace treaty: Terms: Property):
- Army of occupation costs, German payment of, 265, 266, 270, 280, 459, 852, 880, 904, 969
- Austro-Hungarian and Turkish financial arrangements with Germany, disposition of, 461–462, 462–463, 912, 915, 918–924, 970–971, 971
- Coffee, Brazilian, German reimbursement of amounts due from sale of, 463, 919–920, 972
- Concessions, contracts, and securities of German nationals in Russia, China, etc., disposition of, 461, 462, 796, 813, 908–909, 970, 971
- Food and raw materials from abroad, priority of German payment, 459, 563, 603, 910, 916, 969
- General, 337, 457–463, 559, 565–566, 902–924, 932–933
- German State debt, allocation to ceded territories:
- German State property in ceded territories, payment:
- Gold: Export regulation, 459, 563, 565–566, 603, 912, 968–969; German obligation to make payment in, question of, 463, 912–913, 971–972
- Reparation payments, priority of, 458–459, 907–908, 968
- War material surrendered under Armistice, 459, 906, 915, 969
- Verbal discussions, question of, 916–917
- Russian public debt: Polish assumption of portion in territories incorporated in Poland, 596–598, 718, 720, 721–722; undertaking by Kolchak government to pay, 16–17, 323
- Austrian and Hungarian peace treaty clauses,
- Finland, 23, 24, 36, 75, 322–323
- Fiume. See Italy: Adriatic claims.
- Five, Council of. See Foreign Ministers.
- Foch, Marshal: Command of Polish Army, 295, 548; plan for renewal of offensive in event of German refusal to sign peace treaty, 31, 371, 372, 501–509, 521, 523–524, 525–528, 543–550, 550–551; Rhine occupation plans, objections, 378, 380, 386–389
- Food (see also Food relief), German payments for food and raw materials from abroad, 459, 563, 603, 853, 855, 910, 916, 969
- Food relief: U. S. food relief agents in Libau, German arrest and Allied demand for apology, 752; U. S. food ships en route to Czechoslovakia and Poland, temporary detention in Great Britain, 532–533
- Foreign Ministers, Council of (“The Five”), work of, and relations with the Council of Four, 20, 32, 47, 160, 162–163, 283, 288–289, 318–319, 320–321, 324, 351, 353, 358–360, 374, 512, 534, 570, 587, 591–593, 677–678, 687–688, 731
- Four, Council of:
- Absence of Lloyd George and Wilson, proposed, 473
- Japanese participation, 32, 320
- Minutes of meetings: Chinese request for minutes concerning Snantung Kiaochow settlement, attitude of Council, 89–90; Luxemburg request for minutes concerning appearance before Council, 101; privacy, decision of Council, 752–755
- Relations with Council of Foreign Ministers, 20, 32, 47, 160, 162–163, 288–289, 318–319, 320–321, 324, 351, 353, 358–360, 374, 512, 534, 570, 587, 591–593, 677–678, 687–688
- Termination upon departure of Lloyd George and Wilson, and arrangements for reconstitution of Council of Ten as Supreme Council, 729
- Fourteen Points, 38–39, 41, 49, 150, 153–154, 154, 456, 762, 799, 801, 802–803, 844, 906, 936, 938, 944, 952
- France (see also
Alsace-Lorraine; Armies:
Clemenceau; Foch;
Italy: Adriatic
claims; Mandates; Reparation; Rhine; Russia: Allied policy):
- Anti-French incidents in Italy, 28–29, 29
- Bastille Day parade, 698–699
- Boundary with Italy, Italian desire for readjustment near Nice, 714
- Economic union with Luxemburg, question of, Luxemburg and Allied views, 94–96. 96–97, 98–101
- Flags, French, burning by Germany, and French demand for reparation, 651–653, 656, 659, 660, 661, 662, 663, 696
- Guarantee against German aggression, Franco-American and Franco-British treaties: Discussions, 144–145, 145, 343. 735, 740; signature, June 28, 740; text, final, 736–737
- Responsibility for the war, German observations, 786–787, 791–792
- Savoy and Gex, German peace treaty provisions regarding recognition of Franco-Swiss arrangements, 160, 162–163
- Shipping for French colonies, French desire to obtain, 669–670, 730, 732
- Syrian mandate and military occupation questions, Franco-British controversy, 132–133, 136–137, 675, 676–677, 693–694
- Germany (see also
Baltic countries: German
activity; Reparation: German):
- Armistice of Nov. 11, 1918:
- German troops in Baltic countries, Allied demand for withdrawal in accordance with Armistice provisions, 185–186, 244, 355–356, 373–374, 375–376, 621–622, 672–673
- Termination in event of German nonacceptance of peace conditions, Allied communications and German replies: June 16, Allied ultimatum, 159, 325–326, 339, 457, 935; June 22, further Allied ultimatum, 605–606, 607, 612; June 23, German request for 48-hour extension, and Allied refusal, 613–616
- Violations by Germany (see also Eastern frontiers: German attitude and Scapa Flow, infra), burning of French flags, and French demand for reparation, 651–653, 656, 659, 660, 661, 662, 663, 696
- Austrian treaty provision for detachment of Austria from Germany, proposed, 524
- Bethmann-Hollweg, von, letter to Allied Powers, June 25, declaring personal responsibility for the war, and Allied consideration of reply, 751–752, 756–757
- Blockade, Allied (see also
Trade, infra):
- German observations, May 29, and Allied reply, June 16, 423, 867, 934
- Superior Blockade Council, recommendations: Raising of blockade upon ratification of peace treaty by Germany, 671–672, 720–721; reimposition of blockade in event of German refusal to sign peace treaty, 371–373, 374, 395, 399–400, 533
- Brockdorff-Rantzau, Count (see also Treaty: German observations, infra), 159
- Colonies (see also
- Claims of Belgium, Italy, and Portugal, 697, 714, 727, 728, 729, 741
- German peace treaty provisions concerning (see also
Treaty: Terms: Religious
missions, infra):
- General conventions concerning Africa, proposed German adherence, 362, 844, 953
- German observations and Allied replies: May 29, German observations, and Allied reply, June 16, 143, 144, 336, 353, 380–362, 796, 797–798, 808, 841–844, 854, 932, 951–953; June 22, German protest, 610–611
- German State debt and payment for State property, exemption of colonies, 362, 460–461, 843, 906, 952–953, 970
- German proposals contained in German scheme for League of Nations, 772–773
- Diplomatic and consular relations with the Allies, question of resumption, 884, 977
- Eastern frontiers:
- Commission on: Appointment and terms of reference, 181, 186–187, 190, 221, 259–260; reports, discussions concerning, 295, 311–315, 316–318, 397–398. 418; work of, 190, 259–260, 399
- Discussions, general, 117, 140, 142–143, 147–155, 157, 181, 186–187, 190, 191–193, 196–197, 201, 221, 259–260, 295, 303–305, 311–315, 316–318, 324, 330, 335–336, 397–398, 399, 418, 420–422, 449–452, 454–456, 534, 562, 573, 602, 651, 656–657, 674, 683, 699, 703–704, 795, 797, 808, 816, 822–823, 832–840, 931, 945–948
- German attitude (see also Notes, infra), 201, 651, 656–657
- Notes exchanged between Germans and Allied Powers: May 29, German observations, and Allied reply, June 16, 335–336, 795, 816, 822–823, 832–840; June 25, Allied note to Germans, 674, 683; June 25, German request that populations east of Germany be advised of date of entry into force of treaty, 699
- Rectification of frontier, 140, 142–143, 148–149, 155, 187, 190, 449
- Upper Silesia, peace treaty provisions and revision to provide for plebiscite, 117, 140, 149–155, 157, 187, 191–193, 196–197, 201, 259–260, 295, 303–305, 311, 312–315, 316–318, 324, 330, 335–336, 397–398, 418, 421–422, 449–452, 454–456, 534, 562, 573, 602, 651, 795, 808, 816, 822–823, 832, 833–835, 931, 947–948
- French flags, burning by Germany, and Allied attitude, 651–653, 656, 659, 660, 661, 662, 663, 696
- League of Nations, question of German admission, 141–142, 157–158, 246, 251, 327, 338–339, 339–340, 341, 370, 397, 408, 409, 797, 803, 811, 812, 819, 820, 821, 867, 876, 877–878, 882, 895, 916, 934, 939–940, 973, 992
- Minorities, protection of, 252, 340, 342, 823, 839–840
- Poland, German intrigues in. See Eastern frontiers: German attitude, supra.
- Scapa Flow:
- Proposed seizure of interned German fleet in event of German refusal to sign peace treaty, 373
- Scuttling of fleet by German crews, and Allied atitude toward penalties and reparation to be exacted from Germany: Committee to study, 671; discussions, general, 588, 606, 607, 613–614, 617–620, 623, 641–644, 649–654, 656–663, 664–668, 671, 678, 680, 695–696; protest of Allies to Germans, June 25, 606, 695–696
- Submarines, 671, 680
- Trade (see also Blockade, supra), proposed undertaking by Austria to prohibit trade with Germany until German acceptance of peace terms, 533, 541–542, 587, 590–591
- Treaty of peace with the Allied and Associated
- Attitude of Germans. See Eastern frontier: German attitude, French flags, Scapa Flow, supra; Notes, infra.
- Committees concerning—
- Errata, 4–5, 25, 34, 424, 677, 686–687; Allied note to German delegation concerning, June 24, 677, 686–687
- German observations on the terms of peace. See Notes, infra.
- Negotiations between German delegation and Allied Powers at Versailles (see also German observations, supra; Notes, Plenary session, and Signature, infra):
- Notes exchanged between the German delegation and the
Allied Powers:
- May 9, German proposals for establishment of League of Nations, text, 765–774; appended draft convention on international labor, 774–778
- May 13, 16, German notes and Allied reply, May 24, regarding Saar district, cited, 825, 826, 828–829, 942
- May 17, German protest against clauses concerning religious missions, and Allied reply, June 16, 32, 159–160, 779–780, 954
- May 22, German note concerning international labor legislation, and Allied reply, May 28:
- May 22, German protest against economic clauses concerning private property abroad, and Allied reply, June 16, 159–160, 830–831, 889, 978
- May 24, second German protest against reparation provisions and clause concerning German responsibility for the war, and incorporation of Allied reply in global reply of June 16: Discussions, 32, 159–160; text of German note, 38–42
- May 28, German observations on report of Allied Commission on Responsibility for the War, 781–794
- May 29, German observations on the conditions of peace, and counterpropositions (for discussions and Allied reply, see June 16, infra): Consideration, preliminary, 105, 117, 159; publication, 349, 395; text, 795–901
- May 29, German note transmitting statement by German financial commission, 902–917
- May 29, German note concerning financial clauses (arts. 259 and 263), and Allied reply, June 16, 461–462, 463, 918–924, 970–971, 972
- May 29, German request for information concerning status of sequestered German property, and Allied reply, June 16, 925, 988
- June 16,
Allied reply to German observations of May 29, and ultimatum as to
signing (see also June 20, infra):
- Covering note:
- Discussions, general, and texts of provisions, 32, 139–146, 147–158, 159, 181, 186, 246, 251–252, 261–264, 265–271, 272–280, 289, 290–294, 294–295, 295–300, 301–303, 305–310, 319, 324–326, 326–327, 329, 330–342, 343–347, 349–350, 353, 354–355, 356–358, 360–369, 370, 395, 396–399, 400–411, 417, 418–419, 419, 420–445, 453–454, 457–465, 471–472, 479–485, 559–560, 926–996
- Text, 926–996
- June 20, German note concerning divergences between treaty and Allied note of June 16, and Allied reply, June 21:
- June 22, German notes and
Allied replies:
- No. 67, regarding formation of new German Cabinet, 607–608
- No. 68, concerning Von Haniel’s authorization as head of German delegation: Discussions, 605, 607, 613–614; text, 608
- No. 70, German declaration of consent to sign peace treaty with reservations regarding responsibility for the war and delivery of war criminals, and Allied reply, June 22, communicating ultimatum to sign without reservations:
- No. 76, concerning National Assembly’s vote of confidence in new Cabinet: Discussions, 607, 614; text, 611
- June 23, German note No. 85 requesting 48-hour extension of time limit for German reply, and Allied refusal, June 23:
- June 23, German note No. 88 accepting peace terms, 644
- June 24, German request for entrance into negotiations concerning Rhine occupation, and Allied refusal, June 25, texts and discussion, 655–656
- June 24, Allied note to Germans concerning errata in treaty, 677, 686–687
- June 25, Allied note regarding territories on eastern frontier to be evacuated by Germany, 674, 683
- June 25, German request for notification to populations east of Germany regarding date of entry into force of treaty, 699
- June 25, Allied protest against Scapa Flow sinkings. See Scapa Flow, supra.
- June 25, letter to Allies from Von Bethmann-Hollweg, declaring personal responsibility for the war, and Allied consideration of reply, 751–752, 756–757
- June 27, German note No. 138 consenting to addition of protocol to treaty, 730, 734
- June 27, German note No. 139 protesting against obligation to sign Rhine Convention simultaneously with peace treaty, and Allied consideration of their reply of June 27, 730, 733–734
- Plenary session, June 28, for signing treaty, arrangements, 635, 698, 710
- Protocol containing Allied assurances set forth in letter of June 16: Discussions, 559–560, 563, 565, 603–604, 730, 734; draft text, 604
- Publication, arrangements, 348–349
- Ratification by—
- Signature (see also
Plenary session, supra):
- Failure or refusal of Germany to sign, action in event of: Blockade measures, proposed, 371–373, 374, 395, 399–400, 533; military and naval measures, proposed, 31, 371, 372, 373, 501–509, 521, 523–524, 525–528, 543–550, 550–551; reported German military preparations, 83
- Reservations and protests, questions concerning signature by–
- Ultimatum, Allied, 159, 325–326, 339, 457, 605–606, 607, 612, 935
- Terms, discussions and draft texts:
- Aerial navigation, 419, 821
- Boundaries of Germany and political
clauses for Europe (see also
Eastern frontiers, supra):
- Alsace-Lorraine, 350, 356–358, 434–435, 439, 562, 565, 601–602, 797, 815–816, 829–832, 870–871, 889, 905, 944–945, 982
- Austria, 797, 808, 816, 832, 945
- Belgium, 336, 453–454, 464, 465, 795, 815, 824–825, 932, 941–942
- Czechoslovakia, 317–318, 350–351, 795, 797, 808, 816
- Danzig, Free City of, 21, 107–108, 115, 335, 456–457, 467–468, 795, 797, 808, 816, 836–837, 931, 950
- Heligoland, 368, 560, 562, 602, 604, 703, 841, 951
- Luxemburg, 94, 96, 97, 97–98, 418, 825, 942
- Memel, 140, 193–194, 325, 399, 471, 479, 562, 602, 795, 797, 808, 816, 836–837, 838–839, 949–950
- Poland (see also Eastern frontiers, supra), 142–143, 170–171, 396–397, 398, 406, 420–422, 460, 540, 572–573, 723–725, 725, 795, 797, 808, 816, 832–840, 931, 945–949, 970
- Prussia, East, 193–194, 398, 421, 795, 808, 816, 837–838, 948–949
- Russia and Russian states, 809, 845, 951
- Saar Basin, 140, 142, 143, 324–325, 329, 336, 343–347, 349, 795–796, 797, 808, 815, 822–823, 825–829, 931–932, 942–943
- Schleswig, 336, 454, 464–465, 466–467, 797, 808, 840–841, 932, 950–951
- Economic clauses. See Economic questions: German peace treaty clauses.
- Financial clauses. See Financial questions: German peace treaty clauses.
- German rights and interests outside Germany (see also China; also Colonies, supra), 143, 144, 336, 353, 360–362, 610–611, 796, 800, 841–849, 951–954
- Guarantees. See Rhine.
- Labor. See Labor: German peace treaty provisions.
- League of Nations. See League: German peace treaty provisions.
- Military, naval, and air clauses:
- Acceptance by Germany, question of, 157
- Air clauses: German observations, May 29, and Allied reply, June 16, 419, 820; proposed modification, 469, 475–476
- Control, interallied commission of, 189, 575–576, 577, 702–703
- German observations, May 29, and Allied reply, June 16, 354, 363–367, 419, 797, 820–821, 954–956
- Military clauses, German observations, May 29, and Allied reply, June 16, 354, 363–367, 797, 820–821, 954–956
- Naval clauses: Disposal of warships and submarines, 671, 680, 756; German observations, May 29, and Allied reply, Jane 16, 354, 367–368, 797, 820–821, 956
- Verbal negotiations, question of, 821
- Miscellaneous clauses. See Prize courts, Religious missions, and Savoy, infra.
- Penalties. See Penalties: German peace treaty clauses.
- Political clauses for Europe. See Boundaries of Germany and political clauses, supra.
- Ports, waterways, and railways: Adherence of Germany to general conventions, proposed, 235–236, 868; Alsace-Lorraine questions, 831, 870–871; German observations, May 29, and Allied reply, June 16, 336–337, 396–397, 401–407, 797, 810, 846, 868–871, 932, 992–996; revision, 446–448; Vistula, proposed internationalization of, 725–726
- Preamble, 884
- Prisoners of war and graves, 354–355, 398–399, 610, 670, 679, 755–756, 874, 957
- Prize courts, 846, 899–900
- Religious missions:
- Reparation. See Reparation: German.
- Responsibility for the war. See Responsibility: German peace treaty.
- Savoy and Gex, inclusion as annex of French note to Switzerland, May 18, 160, 162–163
- Wilhelm II, former Emperor, responsibility for the
war and proposed trial of:
- Allied communications to Netherlands concerning:
- Bethmann-Hollweg, von, note to Allies, June 25, declaring personal responsibility for the war, and Allied consideration of reply, 751–752, 756–757
- German peace treaty provisions, German observations, May 29, and Allied reply, June 16, 368–369, 401, 874–875, 962
- Place of trial, question of, 670–671, 701
- Armistice of Nov. 11, 1918:
- Gold, German peace treaty provisions: Export regulation, 459, 563, 505–566, 603, 912, 968–969; German obligation to make payment in, question of, 463, 912–913, 971–972
- Graves. See Prisoners of war and graves.
- Great Britain (see also Armies; France: Guarantee; Italy: Adriatic claims; Lloyd George; Mandates; Reparation; Rhine; Russia: Allied policy): Naval officers in Libau. German arrest and Allied demand for apology, 185, 188, 752; responsibility for the war, German observations, 783–784, 792–793; Syrian mandate and military occupation questions, Franco-British controversy, 132–133, 136–137, 675, 676–677, 693–694
- Greece (see also New states): Frontiers, 21; military strength, proposed, 184, 204
- Guarantees of peace treaties (see also Rhine), Austrian, 64
- Haller’s Army, 57, 60–61, 69–70, 107, 117–118, 127–128, 161, 195, 545, 726, 731
- Hedjaz. See Turkish territories: Syria.
- Heligoland:
- Holland. See Germany: Wilhelm II: Allied communications to Netherlands.
- Hoover, Herbert, recommendation concerning resident commissioner to Armenia, 741, 743–744
- Hungary:
- Bela Kun, 255, 281–282, 285, 319, 518–520, 701, 706–707, 756, 758
- Blockade, Allied (see also Trade, infra), question of continuance of, 530–532, 701
- Conflict with Czechoslovakia and Roumania over
frontier questions, and efforts of Council of Four to terminate:
- Bolshevism, effect of, 282–286
- Boundaries, settlement of, and communication to states, 283–284, 285, 286–287, 288–289, 318–319, 320–321, 351–352, 358–360, 374, 399, 411–416
- Discussions, general, 130, 133, 189, 240–241, 246–247, 254–258, 260–261, 272, 281–289, 318–319, 319, 320–321, 324, 351–352, 358–360, 374, 399, 411–416, 513–514, 518–520, 545, 550, 552–557, 701, 706–707, 756, 758
- Texts of communications exchanged:
- Frontier questions. See Conflict, supra.
- Trade (see also Blockade, supra), proposed agreement by Austria to prohibit trade with Germany and Hungary until their ratification of peace treaties, 533, 541–542, 587, 590–591
- Treaty of peace with the Allied and Associated
- Allied invitation to Hungarians to come to Paris, Hungarian acceptance, cited, 260, 272
- Terms, discussions and draft texts:
- Economic clauses. See Economic questions: Austrian and Hungarian peace treaty clauses.
- Financial clauses. See Financial questions: Austrian and Hungarian peace treaty clauses.
- Frontiers. See Conflict with Czechoslovakia and Roumania, supra.
- Military clauses, proposed strength of army, 184, 202–203
- Penalties, 118, 120–121, 128–129
- Political clauses for Europe:
- Ports, waterways, and railways, guarantees for telephone and telegraphic communication with Czechoslovakia, 73, 75–77, 104–105, 112–113
- Responsibility for the war. See Penalties, supra.
- Industrial Workers of the World, 284
- Istria. See Italy: Adriatic claims.
- Italy (see also
Armies; Austria: Treaty: Terms; Mandates; Orlando; Reparation):
- Adriatic claims (Tyrol, Trieste and Istria, Fiume,
Dalmatia and the islands, Albania):
- Albania, 78, 80, 81, 760–761
- Assling-Tarvis-Villach region, Italian claims and military operations against Jugoslavs, 81, 102, 105–106, 211, 214, 242, 249, 251, 295, 701, 707
- Fiume-Dalmatia, conflict of Italian claims
based on Treaty of London with President Wilson’s principles
for peace settlement:
- General discussions, 28–30, 47–53, 78–81, 82, 90–92, 210–215, 216–217, 234, 240, 244–245, 249–251, 264–265, 272, 472, 485–486, 714, 738–739, 759–762
- Jugoslav attitude, 79, 216–217
- Proposals for a settlement:
- Views of—
- Clemenceau, 28–29, 47, 52–53, 53, 214, 272, 714, 738
- Lloyd George, 78–79, 79, 79–80, 80, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 245, 738, 738–739, 739
- Orlando and Sonnino, 29–30, 47–48, 50–51, 52, 53, 79, 80, 91, 245, 472, 485–486
- Wilson, 48–50, 51–52, 52, 78–79, 90–91, 92, 210–211, 212, 212–213, 213–214, 214, 215, 244, 245, 738, 739, 759
- Istria, Italian military preparations in, 28
- Reservation by Italy to territorial guarantees of League Covenant, in view of nonsettlement of Italian boundaries, 472, 485–486
- African claims, 697
- Anti-French incidents, 28–29, 29
- Art works removed from invaded territory, Italian proposal for inclusion in treaties with new states of provision for return of, 570, 587, 593–594, 596
- Asia Minor, unauthorized Italian military occupation, and attitude of Council of Four, 83–84, 676, 712–713, 713–714, 738–739, 759–762
- Delegation, new, Allied statements to, 738–739, 759–762
- Frontier and territorial claims (see also Adriatic claims, African claims, and Asia Minor, supra): Desire for readjustment of boundary with France near Nice, 714; statements of Clemenceau, Lloyd George, and Wilson to new Italian delegation concerning, 738–739, 759–762
- London, treaty of (see also Adriatic claims: Fiume-Dalmatia, supra), 102, 105–106, 759, 760–761
- Political conditions, 355, 576
- Railway tariff regime to Adriatic ports, Italian proposals for inclusion in Czechoslovak and Jugoslav treaties, 570, 587, 593, 594–596
- Rhine occupation arrangements, question of Italian participation, 380, 473
- Adriatic claims (Tyrol, Trieste and Istria, Fiume,
Dalmatia and the islands, Albania):
- Japan:
- Recognition of Kolchak government of Russia, proposed, 16, 348
- Representation on commissions: Commission to draw up financial convention with Poland, Japanese request for representation on, 718; Four, Council of, 32, 370; New States, Committee on, 20; plebiscite commission for Upper Silesia, nonrepresentation, 317; Reparation Commission, for Shantung questions, 600
- Shantung, Japanese rights in. See China.
- Troops in Siberia, 18, 635
- Jews, protection of. See Minorities.
- Jugoslavia (see also
New states):
- Austrian peace treaty provisions concerning Jugoslavia (see also Frontier questions, infra): Political clauses, 64, 107, 130, 131, 133–134, 160, 163–164; preamble, recognition of Jugoslavia, 130–131
- Commission on Roumanian and Jugoslav Affairs, 102, 242–243, 248–249, 581–586, 588–589, 592, 628–629
- Frontier questions (see also Austria: Frontier questions: Klagenfurt; Italy: Adriatic claims), boundaries with Roumania, 592–593, 731
- German reparation, question of Jugoslav claim for share of first payment, 84–85
- Military strength, proposed, 184, 203
- Recognition, 130–131
- Treaty with the Allied and Associated Powers, Italian proposals regarding Adriatic tariffs and restoration of art works removed from invaded territory, 570, 587, 593–594, 594–596
- Kaiser, former German. See Germany: Wilhelm II.
- Kiaochow. See China.
- Kiel Canal, 871, 995, 996
- King-Crane Commission, 137
- Klagenfurt. See under Austria: Frontier questions.
- Labor:
- Committee, 397, 407–411
- Conference at Washington, proposed, 122, 125, 126
- Convention on international labor, German peace
treaty provisions, discussions:
- German observations and Allied replies: May 9, German draft convention on international labor, 772, 774–778, 820; May 22, German note, and Allied reply, May 28, 117, 121–126, 996; May 29, German note, and Allied reply, June 16, 397, 407–411, 798, 820, 876–879, 996
- International labor organization, question of German admission, 30–31, 125, 158, 408, 409, 876, 877–878
- German peace treaty provisions (see also Convention, supra): Proposed use of German labor for restoration of devastated areas, 269–270, 273, 298, 308, 397, 408, 400–410, 853, 856, 965; rights and privileges of Allied workers in enemy territory, and vice versa, 397, 410
- Language of Austrian peace treaty, French text to prevail in case of divergence, 103, 111
- Lansing, Robert (Secretary of State): Note to Germany, Nov. 5, 1918, cited, 38, 39, 40, 274, 850; proposed return to United States, 729
- Latvia. See Baltic countries.
- League of Nations:
- Air navigation commission, proposed, 33
- Commission, 158
- Covenant. See German peace treaty clauses, infra.
- German peace treaty clauses, discussions:
- Admission of Germany to League, 141–142, 157–158, 246, 251, 327, 338–339, 339–340, 341, 370, 397, 408, 409, 797, 803, 811, 812, 819, 820, 821, 867, 876, 877–878, 882, 895, 916, 934, 939–940, 973, 992
- Air services, inclusion in references to military and naval services, 25, 33–34, 54
- Commercial relations and the League, 251–252, 340, 341, 425–426, 561–562, 566–568, 601, 866
- Drafting correction, 130, 133
- German observations and Allied replies: May 9, German proposals for establishment of League of Nations, 765–774, 805, 819; May 29, German observations, and Allied reply, June 16, 141–142, 157–158, 246, 251–252, 295, 325, 327, 338–339, 339–342, 370, 797, 810–812, 818–821, 867, 877–878, 934, 939–941; June 20, German note, and Allied reply, June 21, 559–560, 561–562, 566–568, 601
- Italian reservation, 472, 485–486
- Mandates. See Mandates.
- Minorities, protection of. See Minorities.
- Liberia, 847
- Lithuania. See Baltic countries.
- Lloyd George, David (Prime Minister) (see also Views of Lloyd George under Italy: Adriatic claims: Fiume-Dalmatia; Reparation: German; Russia: Allied policy; Turkish territories), speeches cited: Oct. 22, 1917, 806; Dec. 14, 1917, 332–333, 928; Jan. 5, 1918, 39, 806, 814–815
- London, treaty of. See under Italy.
- Luxemburg:
- Malmedy, Eupen, and Moresnet, German observations, May 29, and Allied reply, June 16, concerning allocation to Belgium, 336, 453–454, 464, 465, 795, 815, 824–825, 932, 941–942
- Mandates (see also Germany: Colonies and under Turkish territories), 678, 703, 727–729, 741; Commission on Colonial Mandates, 727–729, 741
- Memel:
- German peace treaty provisions, correspondence concerning: May 29, German observations, and Allied reply, June 16, 140, 325, 399, 471, 479, 795, 797, 808, 816, 836–837, 838–839, 949–950; June 20, further German observations, and Allied reply, June 21, 562, 602
- Observations of Premier Paderewski of Poland, 193–194
- Mesopotamia. See Turkish territories: Syria and adjoining regions.
- Military clauses of peace treaties (see also Treaty: Terms: Military under Austria and Germany), preparation of Bulgarian treaty clauses, 21
- Minorities (see also under
- Appeals to League of Nations, procedure, 221–222, 228–231, 241–242, 319, 514, 530
- Austrian and Hungarian peace treaty clauses for protection of, and objections of new states, 45–46, 53, 54–56, 84, 87–88, 107, 131, 131–132, 160, 163–165, 166–167, 181, 185, 187, 221–222, 228–231, 235, 238–239
- Commission on Minorities. See New states: Commission.
- German minorities in territories separated from Germany, guarantees, 252, 340, 342, 823, 941, 948
- German treaty provisions, 469–470, 477–478, 823, 839–840, 941, 948
- Provisions of German scheme for League of Nations, 772
- Missionary property. See Germany: Treaty: Terms: Religious missions.
- Moresnet, Eupen, and Malmedy, German observations, May 29, and Allied reply, June 16, concerning allocation to Belgium, 336, 453–454, 464, 465, 795, 815, 824–825, 932, 941–942
- Morocco, 847
- Morris, Roland S. (U. S. Ambassador in Japan), mission to Siberia, 20
- Naval clauses of peace treaties (see also Treaty: Terms: Military, naval, and air clauses under Austria and Germany), preparation of Bulgarian treaty clauses, 21
- Netherlands. See Germany: Wilhelm II: Allied communications to Netherlands.
- Neuilly-sur-Seine treaty, preparation, 21
- New states (see also
Czechoslovakia, Jugoslavia, Poland; and under
Financial questions: Austrian
and Hungarian peace treaty clauses):
- Armies, strength of, discussions in connection with military effectives provisions of Austrian peace treaty, 32, 182–185, 202–209, 488–489
- Committee on New States:
- Austrian and Hungarian treaties, work on political clauses concerning minorities, 45–46, 53, 54–56, 84, 87–88, 107; other provisions, 587, 593–598
- Hearing of delegations of new states, question of, 233–234
- Japanese participation, 20
- Polish treaty, work on, 529–530, 535–540, 541, 569–570, 570–574, 624–628
- Reports: June 5, method of appeal to League by minorities, text and discussions, 221–222, 228–231, 241–242; No. 5, June 14, text and discussions, 469, 477–478
- Consultation in connection with Austrian credentials, 82, 106–107; with Italian political clauses of Austrian peace treaty, 85
- Minorities, political clauses of treaties, discussions and attitude of new states:
- Reparation and war debt questions, 43–44, 65–66, 84–85, 168–172, 454–456, 466–467, 511, 638–640, 678, 703, 716–718, 850, 854
- Restoration of works of art removed from invaded territory, Italian proposal for inclusion in treaties, 570, 587, 593–594, 596
- Trial of former Austro-Hungarian nationals accused of breaches of laws of war, question of, 118, 128–129
- Occupation, armies of. See Armies.
- Orlando, Vittorio (Premier) (see also Views of Orlando under Italy: Adriatic claims: Fiume-Dalmatia; Reparation: German; Turkish territories), speech of Oct. 3, 1918, cited, 333, 929
- Paderewski, Ignace Jan (Premier), 181, 190, 192–201, 206, 207, 529, 535–540, 723–727
- Palestine. See Turkish territories: Syria and adjoining regions.
- Parade, Bastille Day, 698–699
- Peace conference, plenary sessions (see also Peace congress), meetings of May 29 and 31 concerning Austrian treaty, 85, 107, 131, 160, 163–164, 181
- Peace congress, plenary sessions: June 2, meeting with Austrian delegation to communicate terms of peace, arrangements, 30, 46, 63–64, 64; June 28, signature of German treaty and other instruments, arrangements, 635, 698, 710.
- Peace, treaties of. See under Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, Turkey.
- Penalties for breaches of laws of war (see
Responsibility; also
Wilhelm II
Scapa Flow
- Austrian and Hungarian peace treaty clauses, 118, 120–121, 128–129
- German peace treaty clauses (see
Germany: Wilhelm
- German observations and Allied replies: May 29, German observations, and Allied reply, June 16, 333, 355, 368–369, 396, 400–401, 809, 874–876, 900–901, 927, 929, 961–962; June 20, German observations, and Allied reply of June 21, 561, 562, 568, 602, 604; June 22, German protest, 605, 610
- Interdependence with provisions concerning repatriation of prisoners, proposed arrangement, 670, 679, 755–756
- Revision, 116, 120–121
- Plebiscites, proposed:
- Allenstein, 150, 151, 949
- Alsace-Lorraine, 357, 797, 815–816, 829–830, 944
- Fiume-Dalmatia, 50, 51, 52, 80, 81, 90, 250
- Galicia, Eastern, 353, 687–688
- Klagenfurt, 102, 106, 138, 175, 177, 178–180, 234, 237, 242–243, 248–249, 581–586, 588–589, 628–629
- Prussia, East, 837–838
- Schleswig, 336, 454, 464–465, 797, 808, 840–841, 932, 950–951
- Silesia, Upper, 140, 149–155, 187, 191–193, 196–197, 201, 259–260, 303–305, 311, 312–315, 316–318, 324, 330, 335–336, 421–422, 449, 450–452, 455–456, 534, 562, 573, 602, 808, 816, 822–823, 832, 833–835, 931, 947–948
- Plenary sessions. See Peace conference and Peace congress.
- Poland (see also
New states):
- Austrian and Hungarian peace treaties, Polish interests, 45–46, 160, 165, 170–171, 246, 252–253, 396–397, 406, 511, 638–640, 716–718
- Commissions concerning Poland: Polish Affairs, 221; Polish-Ukrainian Armistice Commission, termination, 59
- Financial convention, proposed, 718
- Food relief, 532–583
- Galicia, Eastern. See Ukrainian-Polish hostilities, infra.
- German peace treaty provisions concerning Poland (see also Danzig; Germany: Eastern frontiers), 142–143, 170–171, 396–397, 398, 406, 460, 540, 572–573, 723–725, 795, 797, 808, 816, 832–840, 905, 931, 945–949, 970; German observations. May 29, and Allied reply, June 16, 142–143, 396–397, 398, 420–422, 795, 797, 808, 816, 832–840, 905, 931, 945–949, 970
- Haller’s Army, 57, 60–61, 69–70, 107, 117–118, 127–128, 161, 195, 545, 726, 731
- Hearing before Council of Four, June 5, concerning frontier questions, 181, 191–201
- Military forces (see also Ukrainian-Polish hostilities, infra): Allied supplies and equipment, proposed, 720–727; command by Marshal Foch, arrangement, 208, 295, 548; return of Fourth Division from Bukovina, 588, 599; strength, proposed, 184, 206
- Paderewski, Ignace Jan (Premier), 181, 190, 192–201, 206, 207, 529, 535–540, 723–727
- Prisoners of war in Germany, 703
- Russia, relations with, 23, 36, 75, 322
- Treaty with the Allied and Associated Powers:
- Danzig provisions of German treaty, relation of Polish treaty to, 107–108, 115
- Discussions, general, 107–108, 115, 221–222, 228–231, 529–530, 535–540, 541, 569–570, 570–574, 587, 594, 596–598, 624–628, 629–634, 664, 703, 718, 720, 721–722, 723–726, 727
- Letter of transmittal to Polish delegation, text and discussions, 624–628, 629–634, 703
- Provisions, discussions concerning—
- Financial clauses, 570, 587, 594, 596–598, 718, 720, 721–722
- Minorities and Polish objections to treaty stipulations, 221–222, 228–231, 529–530, 535–540, 569–570, 570–573, 624–628, 723–725
- Relations between ex-Austrian subjects of Poland and other Allied states, 530, 541, 570, 574
- Vistula River, Polish objections to internationalization of, 725–726
- Ratification, question of, 727
- Signature, arrangements, 664
- Ukrainian-Polish hostilities in Eastern Galicia, and
efforts of Council of Four to terminate:
- Bolshevism, 57, 677, 687, 688
- Commission for Negotiation of an Armistice Between Poland and the Ukraine, termination, 59
- Council of Four, attitude:
- Communications to Poland regarding Polish continuance of hostilities: Declaration of intention to withhold supplies and assistance, and re-ply, 61–62, 159, 161–162; request for information regarding use of Haller’s Army against Ukrainians, and reply, 60–61, 69–70, 107, 117–118, 127–128
- Plan for establishment of Polish-Ukrainian frontier and occupation of Eastern Galicia by Poland pending plebiscite, 352–353, 677–678, 687–688, 731
- Discussions, general, 47, 57–59, 60–62, 69–70, 83, 107, 117–118, 127–128, 159, 161–162, 194–196, 198–200, 206, 352–353, 677–678, 687–688, 726, 731
- French military, attitude, 60–61, 69–70, 83, 118
- Haller’s Army, 57, 60–61, 69–70, 107, 117–118, 127–128, 161, 195, 726, 731
- Polish attitude, 127–128, 161–162, 194–196, 198–200, 206
- Ukrainian attitude, 47, 57–59
- Polk, Frank L., 729
- Ports, waterways and railways (see
Treaty of peace: Terms:
Austria, Germany, Hungary):
- Adriatic railway tariffs, Italian proposal for inclusion in Czechoslovak and Jugoslav treaties, 570, 587, 593, 594–596
- Baltic railways, possible withdrawal of rolling stock by evacuating German troops, 621–622, 672–673, 680–681
- Commission, 73, 75–77, 104, 112, 235, 396–397, 401–407, 446–447, 586, 587, 589–590, 731
- Convention, proposed, 235–236
- Polish objections to proposed internationalization of Vistula River, 725–726
- Portugal, African claims, 728, 729, 741
- Press, participation in plenary session of June 28, 635
- Prisoners of war and graves:
- Austrian prisoners, 84, 86–87
- Commissions:
- German peace treaty provisions: May 29, German observations, and Allied reply, June 16, 354–355, 398–399, 874, 957; German protest, June 22, 610; interdepence with penalties provisions, proposed, 670, 679, 755–756
- Hungarian prisoners in Siberia, 702
- Polish prisoners in Germany, 703
- Prize court decisions, 846, 899–900
- Property:
- Austrian and Hungarian treaties, economic and financial clauses, 1–4, 10, 11–14, 103–104, 111–112, 165, 169–171, 253, 510–511, 636–637
- German peace treaty clauses:
- Sequestered German property, German inquiry concerning, May 29, 925
- Protocol to German treaty. See under Germany: Treaty.
- Prussia, East, 193–194, 398, 421, 795, 808, 816, 837–838, 948–949; Allenstein plebiscite, 150, 151, 949
- Publicity of peace treaties: Austrian, 86; German, 348–349
- Railways. See Ports, waterways, and railways.
- Ratibor, 317, 350–351
- Relief. See Food relief.
- Religious questions. See Germany: Treaty: Terms: Religious missions; Minorities.
- Reparation:
- Austrian reparation: Adriatic fleet, Italian claim, 81; damage, extent of Austrian liability, 168: discussions, general, 27, 30, 43–44, 46, 63, 64, 65–66, 81, 160, 168–172, 511, 513, 570, 587, 588, 593–594, 596, 638–640, 678, 703, 716–718, 719, 721, 740; new states (Czechoslovakia, Jugoslavia, Poland, Roumania), question of participation in burden of reparation and in reparation payments, 43–44, 65–66, 168–172, 511, 638–640, 678, 703, 716–718; payment in kind, 169; Reparation Commission, voting in Austrian section, [Page 1017] 719; restitution and recovery of art works, 168–169, 570, 587, 593–594, 596; terms, approval by Council of Four, 740; Venetian palace at Constantinople, Italian claim, 513
- Bulgarian treaty clauses, preparation, 21
- Commissions:
- Commission on Reparation of Damage, 84
- Committee on Reparation Clauses in the Treaties with Austria, Hungary, and Bulgaria, work of, 21, 32, 43–44, 103–104, 116, 160
- Reparation Commission (see also under German reparation: Terms, infra): Austrian section, voting in, 719; Japanese participation for Shantung questions, 600
- German reparation (see also
French flags
Scapa Flow
- Claims and interests of—
- Discussions, general, 32, 38–42, 84–85, 96, 97, 140–141, 142, 143, 144, 146, 155–157, 159–160, 232, 240, 261–264, 265–271, 272–280, 289, 290–294, 295–300, 301–303, 305–310, 325, 326–327, 330–334, 337–338, 350, 355, 418–419, 454–456, 458–459, 471–472, 480–485, 558, 562–563, 564–565, 600, 602–603, 604, 610, 638, 645–648, 730. 732, 796, 798, 809–810, 816–817, 828, 845–847, 849–865, 880, 888, 902–917, 929–930, 933, 942–943, 962–967, 968, 969
- German observations and Allied replies:
- May 24, German note concerning responsibility for the war and reparation, and incorporation of Allied reply in global reply of June 16, 32, 159–160, 850, 851; text of German note, 38–42
- May 29, German observations, and Allied reply, June 16, 32, 140–141, 142, 143, 144, 146, 155–157, 159–160, 261–264. 265–271, 272–280, 289, 290–294, 295–300, 301–303, 305–310, 325, 326–327, 330–334, 337–338, 350, 355, 418–419, 471–472, 480–485, 796, 798, 809–810, 813–814, 816–817, 828, 845–846, 846–847, 849–865, 929–930, 933, 942–943, 962–967, 968
- May 29, German note transmitting statement of German financial commission, 902–917
- June 20, German observations, and Allied reply, June 21, 558, 562–563, 564–565, 602–603, 604
- June 22, German protest, 610
- Terms, discussions concerning—
- Amount of German liability, 96, 140–141, 142, 143, 144, 146, 155–157, 232, 240, 263–264, 265, 265–266, 267, 269, 273–274, 277–278, 290–291, 291–293, 295–296, 298, 307–308, 338, 482–483, 603, 796, 849–857, 903–904, 906–907
- Army of occupation, cost, 265, 266, 267, 270, 280, 852, 880, 904, 969
- Belgium, special provisions, 638, 645–648, 850–851, 851–852, 856, 914–915
- Cables, 814, 846–847, 848, 865
- Economic resources as payment, 98, 265, 266, 267, 269–270, 276–277, 297, 418, 730, 732, 796, 798, 845–846, 846–847, 849, 853, 854, 856, 857–865, 906, 913, 914, 915, 964, 965
- Jugoslav claim for are of first payment, question of, 84–85
- Priority of reparation payments, 458–459, 907–908, 968
- Reparation Commission, composition and functions, 155–156, 265, 268–269, 274–275, 291, 296–297, 298, 306–307, 480–482, 562, 600, 602–608, 604, 796, 810, 816–817, 847, 853, 854–855, 859, 888, 907–909, 910, 911, 916, 963–965
- Views of—
- Clemenceau, 143, 144, 156, 157, 240, 264, 274, 277, 277–278, 279, 280, 289, 291, 292, 293, 294, 325
- Lloyd George, 140–141, 142, 144, 146, 155, 156, 157, 240, 261–262, 263, 264, 272–274, 274, 276, 277, 278–279, 279, 280, 290, 290–291, 291, 292, 293, 294, 302, 325
- Orlando, 289
- Wilson, 155, 155–156, 156, 240, 262–263, 263, 263–264, 264, 274, 276, 277, 278, 279, 290, 293, 294, 301, 302, 325
- Responsibility for the war (see also
Germany: Wilhelm II; Penalties):
- Commission, 42, 120, 355, 368–369, 568, 677, 752; German observations, May 28, on report of, 781–794
- German peace treaty provisions concerning German responsibility for the consequences of the war and for reparation: May 24, German protest, 32, 38–42; May 28, German observations, 781–794; May 29, German observations, 798–799, 809–810, 851; June 16, Allied reply to German observations of May 24, 28, and 29, 159–160, 326–327, 330–334, 350, 355, 368–369, 418–419, 926–930, 957–961; June 22, German protest, 605, 610
- Restoration of devastated areas, proposed use of German labor, 269–270, 273, 298, 308, 397, 408, 409–410, 853, 856
- Rhine:
- Allied occupation as guarantee of execution of German peace
- Commissions:
- Interallied Commission on the Left Bank of the Rhine:
- Interallied Rhineland High Commission (see also Convention, infra):
- Convention for military occupation of the
Rhine (see also
Commissions: Interallied Rhineland High Commission, supra):
- Discussions, general, 108–111, 113–114, 377–379, 380, 382–385, 389–393, 395–396, 473, 529, 655–656, 730, 733–734
- German request, June 24, for entrance into negotiations, and Allied refusal, June 25, 655–656
- Presentation to German delegation, 473
- Proposal of U. S. member of Interallied Commission on the Left Bank of the Rhine, 108, 109, 110, 113–114
- Signature, German protest, June 27, against obligation to sign simultaneously with peace treaty, and Allied consideration of reply, 730, 733–734
- Text: Draft, 382–385; final, 389–393
- German observations, May 29, and Allied reply, June 16, 796, 879–883, 996
- Reparation provisions concerning occupation costs, 265, 266, 267, 270, 280, 459, 852, 880, 904, 969
- Strength of occupation forces and duration of occupation, question of, 108–110, 110, 114, 141, 142, 143–144, 144–145, 327–329, 342–343, 381, 522, 662, 663, 703, 731
- Commissions:
- Declaration by France, Great Britain, and the United States, June 16, 473, 521, 522; text, 522
- Allied occupation as guarantee of execution of German peace
- Roumania (see also
New states):
- Commission on Roumanian and Jugoslav Affairs, 102, 242–243, 248–249, 581–586, 588–589, 592, 628–629
- Frontier questions (see also Hungary: Conflict with Czechoslovakia and Roumania): Banat, 32, 592–593, 731; Bessarabia, 72–73, 75, 323; Bukovina, 185, 187, 591–592; recommendations of Council of Foreign Ministers, 587, 591–593
- Military strength, proposed, 184, 204–205
- Minorities, protection by Roumania, Austrian and Hungarian treaty provisions and Roumanian attitude, 84, 87–88, 131, 160, 164, 185, 187
- Russia:
- Allied policy, and efforts of Council of Four to
- Blockade, question of continuance of, 530–532
- General discussions, 15–20, 21–23, 24, 26, 34–36, 72–73, 73–75, 158, 210, 212–213, 222, 233, 265, 319, 321–323, 326, 348, 356, 530–532, 635, 674, 684–686, 702, 708–709, 729, 743, 744–745
- Military assistance and supplies to Kolchak
- Allied forces in Archangel, 17–18
- Czechoslovak troops in Siberia, Allied proposal concerning repatriation and cooperation with Kolchak forces prior to embarkation from Archangel, 635, 674, 684–686, 702, 708–709, 729, 743, 744–745; draft telegram to Kolchak, 744–745
- Exchange of notes regarding declaration of policy by Kolchak:
- U. S. and Japanese forces guarding Siberian railways, 18, 635
- Recognition, question of, 16, 19–20, 24, 348
- Views of—
- Baltic countries, relations with Russia, 20, 23, 24, 36, 75, 322–323
- Bessarabia, 72–73, 75, 323
- Blockade, 530–532
- Bolshevism, 108
- Czechoslovak troops. See under Allied policy; Military assistance, supra.
- Debt: Polish assumption of share in territories incorporated in Poland, 596–598, 718, 720, 721–722; undertaking of Kolchak government, 16–17, 323
- German peace treaty provisions concerning Russia and Russian states, 809, 845, 847, 873, 919, 951, 971
- Hungarian prisoners in Siberia, 702
- Kolchak government. See Allied policy: Military assistance, supra.
- Military situation, reports concerning conflict between Bolshevik and anti-Bolshevik forces, 19, 201, 233, 243, 260, 531, 674
- Poland, relations with, 23, 36, 75, 322–323
- Responsibility for the war, German observations, May 28, and Allied reply, June 16, 784, 786–788, 788–789, 790–792, 793–794, 958–959, 960
- Ukraine. See Poland: Ukrainian-Polish hostilities.
- Allied policy, and efforts of Council of Four to
- Saar Basin, German peace treaty provisions, German observations, May 29, and Allied reply, June 16, 140, 142, 143, 324–325, 329, 336, 343–347, 349, 795–796, 797, 808, 815, 822–823, 825–829, 931–932, 942–943
- Savoy and Gex, Austrian and German peace treaty provisions concerning recognition of Franco-Swiss arrangements, 100, 162–163
- Scapa Flow. See under Germany.
- Schleswig, German treaty provisions: Financial questions, 466–467; German observations, May 29, and Allied reply, June 16, 336, 454, 464–465, 797, 808, 840–841, 932, 950–951
- Self-determination, 39, 51, 150, 151, 154, 175, 200–201, 611, 797, 808, 814–817, 822–823, 832, 840, 847, 854, 855
- Serbia and Serb-Croat-Slovene State (see also Jugoslavia), German observations on Serbo-Austrian conflict and origins of the war, and Allied reply, June 16, 782–786, 788, 790–791, 927, 957–958
- Shantung and Kiaochow. See China.
- Shipping, merchant:
- Siam, 846, 847
- Siberia. See Russia.
- Silesia, Upper. See under Germany: Eastern frontiers.
- St. Germain, treaty of. See Austria: Treaty of peace.
- St. Jean de Maurienne agreement, cited, 697, 714
- Submarines, 671, 680
- Superior Blockade Council. See Germany: Blockade.
- Supreme Councils. See Councils.
- Supreme Economic Council. See under Councils.
- Switzerland, Austrian and German peace treaty provisions concerning recognition of Franco-Swiss arrangements relating to Savoy and Gex, 160, 162–163
- Syria and adjoining regions, Franco-British mandate and military occupation questions, 132–133, 136–137, 675, 676–677, 693–694
- Telegraph and telephone communication:
- Ten, Council of, 358, 359, 576, 729, 756
- Territorial Coordinating Committee, 160, 235, 238–239, 246, 253, 283, 286–287
- Thrace, 692–693
- Trade questions. See Austria: Agreement; also Blockade under Germany, Hungary, Russia.
- Transylvania. See Hungary: Conflict with Czechoslovakia and Roumania.
- Treaties, conventions, etc.:
- Aerial navigation convention, preparation, 33
- Africa, general conventions, proposed German adherence, 362, 844, 953
- Aggression, Franco-American and Franco-British treaties concerning guarantee of France. See France: Guarantee.
- Austrian and Hungarian peace treaty economic clauses concerning treaties, 8–9
- Belgian reparation claims. See Belgium: German peace treaty: Reparation payments.
- Brest-Litovsk and Bucharest, treaties of, 462, 799, 845, 873, 888, 919, 971
- German peace treaty economic clauses concerning treaties, 4–5, 34, 422, 426–429, 871–873, 974–977
- Hague convention of 1907 regarding war on land, 619–620
- Military convention for occupation of the Rhine. See Rhine: Convention.
- Minorities treaties:
- Neuilly-sur-Seine, treaty of, preparation, 21
- Peace treaties. See Treaty of peace under Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, Turkey.
- Ports, waterways, and railways convention, proposed, 235–236
- Protocol to German treaty. See under Germany: Treaty.
- Rhine convention regarding military occupation. See Rhine; Convention.
- Secret treaties:
- St. Germain. See Austria: Treaty of peace.
- Trianon. See Hungary: Treaty of peace.
- Versailles. See Germany: Treaty of peace.
- Trianon, treaty of. See Hungary: Treaty of peace.
- Trieste. See Italy: Adriatic claims.
- Turkey (see also
Turkish territories):
- Financial arrangements with Germany, German peace treaty provisions concerning, 461–462, 462–463, 912, 915, 918–924, 970–971, 971
- Hearing of Turkish delegation by peace conference:
- Application by Turkish representatives and arrangements for hearing by Council of Ten, June 17, 116, 130, 134, 215–216, 217–218, 222, 232–233, 370; unauthorized French action, and attitude of Council of Four, 215–216, 217–218, 222, 232–233
- Notes exchanged between Council and delegation: Allied reply to Turkish statement of June 17, 576, 577–580, 617, 678, 688–691; supplementary Turkish statement, June 23, and Allied reply, 678, 691–694, 711–714, 729–730, 741, 755, 757–758
- Treaty of peace with the Allied and Associated Powers, proposals concerning, 675–676, 678, 711, 729
- Turkish territories (see also
Turkey: Hearing of Turkish
- Armenia: Military occupation, question of, 675–676; resident commissioner, recommendation of Herbert Hoover, 741, 743–744, 756; Turkish views, 693
- Asia Minor (including the islands, Armenia, the Caucasus, Constantinople): Discussions, general, 83–84, 675–676, 693, 711–713, 713–714, 738–739, 741, 743–744, 756, 759–762; Italian unauthorized military occupation in southern Asia Minor, and attitude of Council of Four, 83–84, 676, 712–713, 713–714, 738–739, 759–762; mandates, proposed distribution of, 676; Turkish attitude, 693
- Commission, interallied, to investigate question of Turkish mandates (Syrian Commission), 132–133, 136–137, 676–677; American section (King-Crane Commission), 137
- Constantinople, 676, 711–712
- Dodecanese Islands, 759
- Egypt and Cyprus, 694
- Mandates, question of (see also Commission, supra), 675, 676–677, 694, 711–712, 729
- Syria and adjoining regions (Arabia, Mesopotamia, Palestine), Franco-British mandate and military occupation questions, 132–133, 136–137, 675, 676–677, 693–694
- Thrace, 692–693
- Treaty of London, cited, 759, 760–761
- Views of—
- Tyrol. See Italy: Adriatic claims.
- Ukraine. See Poland: Ukrainian-Polish hostilities.
- United States (see also
France: Guarantee; Rhine; Wilson):
- Control commissions in Germany, question of U. S. participation, 575, 577
- Food relief agents at Libau, German arrest of, and Allied demand for apology, 752
- Nonparticipation in recommendations regarding transport of Polish troops from Bukovina to Poland, 599n
- Shipping, temporary detention in Great Britain, 532–533
- Troops: Inability to participate in proposed occupation of Bulgaria, 499–500; Siberian railways, guarding of, 18, 635; Upper Silesia, question of occupation by U. S. troops during plebiscite, 151, 154, 155, 201, 318, 534
- Turkish mandate, question of U. S. acceptance, 675, 676, 712, 729
- Vatican, interest in transfers of missionary property in German colonies: Allied declaration concerning, 353, 470–471, 478–479, 514; revision of peace treaty clause, 417, 420, 470, 478
- Versailles treaty. See Germany: Treaty of peace.
- Waterways. See Ports, waterways, and railways.
- Wilson, Woodrow (President) (see
Views of Wilson
Italy: Adriatic claims:
Fiume-Dalmatia; Reparation: German; Russia: Allied policy; Turkish territories):
- Fourteen Points, cited, 38–39, 41, 49, 150, 153–154, 154, 456, 762, 799, 801, 802–803, 844, 906, 936, 938, 944, 952
- Return to United States upon signature of German peace treaty, proposed, 524, 729
- Speeches, cited: Oct. 26, 1916, 809, 813; Jan. 22, 1917, 811, 815, 836; Apr. 2, 1917, 804, 806, 815; June 14, 1917, 804; Dec. 4, 1917, 41, 804, 806, 807; Jan. 8, 1918, 801, 802, 811, 813, 819, 836, 841, 844, 850, 866, 930–931, 936, 962–963; Feb. 11, 1918, 807–808, 815, 822, 832, 879, 938, 939; Apr. 6, 1918, 804–805, 928, 937; July 4, 1918, 815, 818n, 822, 866, 878, 937; Sept. 27, 1918, 332, 801, 807n, 811, 813, 820, 866, 878, 936, 937–938, 939, 996; Jan. 3, 1919, 812
- Trip to Brussels, arrangements, 473
- Yugoslavia. See Jugoslavia.
- This is primarily a subject index; no attempt has been made (except in a few Instances) to include names of persons. Directories of the various delegations are printed in vol. iii, pp. 1–153.↩