Paris Peace Conf. 180.03401/50
Notes of a Meeting Held at President Wilson’s House in the Place des
Etats-Unis, Paris, on Friday, June 6, at 4 p.m.
Paris, June 6, 1919, 4 p.m.
- Present
- United States of America
- British Empire
- The Rt. Hon. D. Lloyd George, M. P.
- France
- Italy
Count Aldrovandi |
} |
Secrataries. |
Lt.-Col. Sir Maurice Hankey, K. C. B. |
Professor P. J. Mantoux—Interpreter. |
1. (Mr. Norman Davis was present during this discussion.)
The Council had before them a draft of the Political Clauses for
inclusion in the Treaty of Peace with Austria. (Appendix I.) Austrian Treaty: Political Clauses Affecting
Mr. Norman Davis explained that originally
there had been thirty-five Articles in the first Draft. These had been
referred to an Economic group consisting of members of the Economic
Commission and the Reparation Commission. They had found that the first
eleven clauses were entirely political in character, and had concerned
themselves with the last twenty-four which, as a result of their
discussions, had been reduced to thirteen.
President Wilson said that he was informed by
the United States experts that the subject of this clause had already
been considered by the Reparation Commission and rejected. It had now
re-appeared in the present draft. The effect would be to leave
Austria-Hungary without sufficient rolling stock to carry on. Article 20
Mr. Lloyd George said that this was either a
reparation demand or armistice demand and ought not to appear in this
section of the Treaty.
M. Orlando explained that restitution of this
kind had been provided for in the case of France and Belgium in the
terms of the armistice. The Austrian armistice had been drafted before
the German armistice and this point had been overlooked. All that Italy
asked was that she should now be put in the same position as regards
railway material as France and Belgium had been put by the
President Wilson pointed out that by the terms
of the German armistice definite quantities of rolling stock had been
demanded. This demand was without any limit.
[Page 220]
Mr. Lloyd George pointed out that all the
wagons would be taken away from one nation of only 9 millions of people
whereas the other States which had constituted the Austro-Hungarian
Empire were equally concerned. He agreed that Italy ought to have
restitution for the actual rolling stock taken.
Mr. Davis agreed that they should get
restitution of the article actually taken away from them. In this
clause, however, they demanded the equivalent though the actual article
could not be identified. This was the same question that had been fought
out before the Reparations Committee and the same demand had been made
by France, Belgium and Rumania. It had been found necessary, however, to
limit them to reclaiming the actual article taken away, which could be
identified and not to allow the equivalent to be taken.
Mr. Lloyd George agreed that if the actual
rolling stock could be traced, it should be returned, but this claim on
the small Austrian Republic to return all the wagons taken by the
Austro-Hungarian Empire was too much. He suggested to M. Orlando that
the last half of Article 20 commencing with the words “A défaut” should
be omitted. If after consulting with his experts, he wished to alter
this decision he could raise the question again at the Council.
M. Orlando accepted this proposal.
Sir Maurice Hankey pointed out that this
Article, which had been reserved for agreement between the British and
Italian Delegates, had now been completed and was given in English at
the end of the appendix. The revised Article had only reached him after
the remainder had been reproduced and he had instructed that it should
be added at the end. Article 22
There was some discussion as to what action should be taken as regards
the Political Clauses.
Sir Maurice Hankey recalled that it had been
desired to deal very rapidly with these Clauses and consequently instead
of referring them to a special Commission each member of the Council had
undertaken to consult his own expert so as he could deal with it
himself. Afterwards, however, it had been found necessary to refer the
later Clauses to technical Commissions and thus it came about that there
had been no comprehensive consideration of the first eleven Clauses.
(It was decided to refer the question to a special Commission.)
The conclusions of this discussion are as follows:—
1. Clauses 12–24 were approved, subject to the following alteration in
Article 20:
2. The last half of Article 20 beginning with the words “A défaut” to be
omitted, subject to the right of M. Orlando to raise the question again
if, after consultation with his experts, he found it necessary. Article
20 would therefore read as follows:—L’Autriche restituera à l’Italie,
dans un délai de trois mois tous les wagons appartenant aux
[Page 221]
chemins de fer italiens qui,
avant le début de la guerre, étaient passés en Autriche et qui ne sont
pas rentrés en Italie.
3. The first eleven Clauses were referred to the following: Committee:
For the United States of America |
Mr. Lansing, or a representative nominated by him. |
For British Empire |
Mr. Balfour, or a representative nominated by him. |
For France |
M. Pichon, or a representative nominated by him. |
For Italy |
M. Sonnino, or a representative nominated by him. |
2. President Wilson read an extract from a
letter he had received from the United States member of the Polish
Commission stating that the Commission had made no progress with regard
to the German Treaty because the British Member had declined to discuss
the question. Eastern Frontier of Germany: Polish
Commission Replaced by the Special Committee
Sir Maurice Hankey said he had reason to
believe that the reason of this was that the Council of the Principal
Allied and Associated Powers had set up a Special Committee to work out
certain modifications in the German Treaty and the British
representative, having knowledge of this, had thought it would be
inconvenient if two bodies were at work on the same subiect.
President Wilson agreed that this was a right
(It was agreed that the Polish Commission should for the present reserve
taking action with regard to the German Treaty, leaving the matter in
the hands of the Special Committee.)
(Mr. Norman Davis then withdrew.)
3. President Wilson read a report by the
Committee on New States, raising the question of whether appeals to the
League of Nations in the matter of minorities should be allowable by any
member of the League of Nations, or only by a member of the Council of
the League. (Appendix II.) Committee on New States:
Reference to the League of Nations
He said that the importance of the question would be appreciated by
remembering how sensitive M. Bratiano, M. Pasitch, and other
representatives of the States with special interests had shown
themselves to the idea of anything being imposed by the larger Powers.
If the right of appeal to the League of Nations were confined to members
of the Council, he thought that it would rather increase and perpetuate
this feeling. It would mean that only the representatives of the Great
Powers and the representatives of the few other States, who, for the
time being were members of the Council, would have the right to call
attention to these matters. This would place these nations in a
supervising position, and would tend to increase the sensitiveness of
the other States. Consequently, he thought that any member of the League
of Nations should have this right. The Jews in the United States of
America, Great Britain, France or Italy, were treated just the same as
anyone else. The Jews who were likely
[Page 222]
to disturb the peace of Europe did not reside in
these States, but in Eastern Europe. Supposing Poland did not keep her
covenants in regard to the Jews, a Roumanian representative would have
the right to call attention to it, and vice versa. By this means,
equality would be established between the different States.
Mr. Lloyd George said that his own judgment had
been much influenced by the method which was most acceptable to the
States themselves.
M. Clemenceau was rather opposed to consulting
them as they were so sensitive. At this very moment, they had in their
possession a letter from him, asking what they meant by their statement
that they would make reserves in regard to the Treaty with Austria, and
he did not think they would give a very favourable reply. He had learned
that M. Bratiano intended to resign, and was leaving tonight for
President Wilson recalled that there was a
Clause in the Covenant of the League of Nations which gave the right to
every State a member of the League, to call attention to matters
affecting the peace of the world. The matter now under consideration was
just such a question.
Mr. Lloyd George said it was difficult to know
how another country would regard the question. If he were a Roumanian or
Pole, he would prefer to have attention called to such a matter by one
of the Great Powers rather than by Nicaragua or Greece. Roumania would
probably strongly object to attention being called to such a matter by,
say M. Venizelos or M. Politis. He thought it would hurt her pride
It was agreed that the representatives of the States concerned should be
consulted as follows:—
- President Wilson to see Dr. Benes.
- Mr. Lloyd George to see M. Paderewski.
- M. Clemenceau to see M. Vesnitch.
- M. Orlando to see M. Bratiano.
Sir Maurice Hankey was instructed to circulate copies of the Report the
same evening.
4. Mr. Lloyd George handed M. Clemenceau a
paraphrase of the telegram received from the British High Commissioner
at Constantinople,1 as he had promised at
the morning meeting. Turkey: Visit of the Grand
Vizier to Paris
5. President Wilson read a portion of the reply
from Admiral Koltchak, which had been received, and there was a short
discussion thereon. Policy in Russia: Reply From
Admiral Koltchak
(As the reply is as yet incomplete, it will be included in the Minutes of
a later meeting.)
6. Sir Maurice Hankey called attention to the
Secret and Confidential
[Page 223]
of the Committee of the Supreme Economic Council that had been appointed
to consider the question of drawing up a Scheme of Credit for Europe. He
said that Lord Robert Cecil was anxious to return to London, and was
pressing to have this Report considered without further delay. Creadit Scheme for Europe
(In view of the urgency of pushing on with the reply to the German
Treaty, and with the Austrian Treaty, it was decided to postpone this
matter for the moment.)
(It was agreed to discuss Reparation in the German Treaty on the
following day.)
Villa Majestic,
, 6 June,
Appendix I to CF–50
M–206 Revised
European Political Clauses
Art. 1. Austria renounces in favor of Italy all rights and titles
over territories comprised between the frontier dividing Italy from
the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and the frontier line fixed by
articles . . . . . of the present treaty.
Art. 2. Italian nationality will be acquired by right, (except for
the application of the following article and of article 4a of the
present treaty) by Austrian-born nationals having right of indigénat, conformably with local
administrative laws, in territories of the former Austro-Hungarian
Monarchy transferred to Italy.
Art. 3. Italian nationality will not be acquired by Austrian
nationals described under the previous article who, within two years
from the coming into force of the present treaty, shall declare to
the competent authorities their wish to choose another
Persons making such a declaration must, within the ensuing twelve
months, transfer their domicile outside of Italian territory.
Art. 4. During the year following the coming into force of the
present treaty Italian nationality may be claimed by:—
- (a)
- Austrian nationals born within the territories of the
former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy transferred to Italy, who
have acquired citizenship in said territories, either
subsequent to May 24, 1915, or prior thereto by reason of
the offices they held or as the result of ten years’
- (b)
- Austrian nationals having right of indigénat in the aforesaid territories, but who
were not natives thereof.
- (c)
- Austrian nationals who formerly had the right of indigénat in said territories, or
whose father or, if the father be unknown, whose mother, had
right of indigénat in said
- (d)
- Austrian nationals who served in the Italian Army during
the present war, and their descendants.
Claims of nationality made by said persons are subject to refusal in
individual cases by the competent Italian authorities.
Art. 5. Married women and minors under 18 follow the status of their
husbands and parents in all matters concerning the enforcement of
the above conditions.
When the father or, if the father be unknown, the mother has not
acquired Italian nationality the minor may claim said nationality in
the year following that in which he attains the age of 18.
Art. 6. States formed from the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy or
cedees of territories which belonged to said Monarchy undertake to
recognize the new nationality which has been or will be acquired by
the nationals of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in accordance
with Italian law and in conformity with the decisions of the
competent Italian authorities, either by nationalisation, or by
effect of a clause of a treaty and to hold said nationals free, in
every respect, by reason of the new nationality they have acquired,
of all allegiance to the State to which they originally
Art. 7. Within the first twelve months following their acquisition of
Italian nationality, the persons considered under the above articles
will be entitled freely to transfer their domicile into Italian
territory, with exemption from all import or export duties. They
will be entitled to remain in possession of any real estate which
they may possess within Austrian territory.
Art. 8. Persons availing themselves of the above provisions for
acquiring Italian nationality, may not, on account of their change
of nationality, be subject to any annoyance in their persons,
properties, rights or interests.
Art. 9. Institutions, associations, public establishments or
establishments of public utility will be held to be Italian to which
that quality has been recognised by Italian administrative
authorities or by a decision of the Italian courts.
Art. 10. Persons acquiring Italian nationality under this treaty will
be held to be Italian for the effects of the provisions of this
present section which is retroactive to November 1, 1918.
Art. 11. Separate agreements to be stipulated between Italy and
Austria will regulate the interests of the inhabitants of the
territories transferred to Italy especially in all matters touching
their civil rights, their business, and the exercise of their
professions, including the opening of emigration agencies, it being
understood that Austria undertakes from now onwards to lay no claim
at any time
[Page 225]
or in any
place as being Austrian nationals on persons declared Italian on any
grounds whatsoever, to receive the others in her own territory and
to respect, with regard to the property of Austrian nationals in
said territories, the provisions of article 297 and of the annex of
section IV, part X (economic clauses) of the present treaty.
Those Austrian nationals who, while not obtaining Italian
nationality, obtain permission from the Italian Government to reside
in said territories will not be subject to the provisions of said
Art. 12. Insurance companies which had their business headquarters in
the territories previously belonging to the former Austro-Hungarian
Monarchy, will be entitled to do business in Austrian territory for
a period of 10 years after the ratification of the present treaty
and their change of nationality shall in no wise affect the legal
status which they previously enjoyed.
During the aforesaid period the business of said companies may not be
subjected by Austria to any taxes or charges heavier than those to
which national companies are subject, and no interference shall be
made with their property, which does not equally apply to the
property, rights and interests of national insurance companies, and
suitable indemnities shall be paid in those cases in which any such
measures may have been already taken.
The above provisions shall be enforced only insofar and for so long
as Austrian insurance companies, formerly doing business in the
ceded territories, are admitted to the enjoyment of the same right
of carrying on their businesses in said territories, even if their
headquarters be located outside of those territories.
It is understood that on the expiration of the ten year period above
mentioned, the aforesaid insurance companies of the Allied Powers
will come under the provisions of article (276) of the present
Art. 13. Notwithstanding article (317), persons having their habitual
residence within the territories of the former Austro-Hungarian
Monarchy transferred to Italy, and who during the war were outside
the territories of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, or who had
been imprisoned, interned, or evacuated, will be entitled to full
enjoyment of the provisions of articles (300) and (301).
Art. 14. A special convention will determine the terms of repayment
in Austrian currency of the special war expenditure advanced during
the war by the territories of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy
transferred to Italy or by public bodies in said territories on
account of said Monarchy in accordance with the provisions of
Austro-Hungarian legislation, such as subsidies to the families of
mobilised men, requisitions, quartering of troops, relief to persons
who have been evacuated, etc.
[Page 226]
Austria will be credited, in the determination of these sums, the
share which the said territories would have contributed, to
Austria-Hungary, to meet the expenses resulting from these
repayments, this contribution being calculated on the basis of the
ratio of the revenue of the Monarchy drawn from said territories in
Art. 15. In those cases in which the properties referred to under
article (313) belonged to a group or public juridical person, whose
activities were carried on in the territories [which have been
divided by the effect of this treaty,]3 special
agreements shall regulate the assessment of such property.
Art. 16. The Italian Government will collect on its own behalf the
taxes, dues, and charges of all descriptions chargeable on the
territories recognised as forming part of Italy, and which had not
been collected on November 1st, 1918.
Art. 17. The Austrian Government shall hand over without delay to the
Italian Government the archives, registers, plans, deeds, and
documents of all kinds relating to the civil, military, financial,
judicial, or other administrations, belonging to the territories
recognised by the present treaty as forming part of Italy.
If any of these documents, archives, registers, deeds or plans have
been removed, they shall be returned by the Austrian Government on
the request of the Italian Government.
In view of the special circumstances a special convention will
regulate all questions concerning the records, registers, and plans
relative to the service of industrial, literary, and artistic
property, and to the eventual communication of same by the
departments of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy to the
departments of the States to whom the territories of the said
Monarchy are ceded, or to the new States arising therefrom.
Art. 18.* No payment will be due to Austria-Hungary in
consequence of Italy’s entrance into possession of the Palazzo
Venezia in Rome.
Art. 19. Subject to the provisions of article . . . . . (Financial
Section) relative to the acquisition of and payment for State
property and possessions, the Italian Government takes over all
rights of the Austrian Government on all railway lines managed by
the railway administration of the said State, at present operating
or being built, existing in the territories transferred to
The same applies to all rights of the former Austro-Hungarian
Monarchy on railway [and] tramway concessions on lines situated in
the territories in question.
[Page 227]
Frontier railway stations will be settled by a further agreement.
Art. 20. Austria will return to Italy, within three months, all cars
belonging to the Italian railways, which prior to the outbreak of
war had crossed into Austria and which have not yet been sent back
to Italy. In default of Italian cars, or in case any of these are no
longer in working condition, they must be replaced by an equal
number of cars in good condition, suitable for transit on the
Italian rails.
Art. 21. In so far as territories transferred to Italy are concerned,
Austria relinquishes on her own account and on that of her
nationals, the right to avail herself, as from the 1st November,
1918, of all understandings, dispositions, and laws providing for
the institution of trusts, cartels, and other similar organizations,
which may exist to her advantage with respect to the products of the
said territories.
Art. 22.†
(Clause relative to hydraulic power to be agreed between the British
and Italian delegates.)
Art. 23. 1. Judgments pronounced on civil and commercial matters
since August 4, 1914, by the courts in the territories transferred
to Italy, between the inhabitants of the said territories and other
nationals of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, or between the
said inhabitants and the subjects of powers allied to the
Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, will be carried into effect only after
endorsement has been pronounced by the corresponding new tribunal in
such territory.
2. All judgments pronounced subsequent to August 4, 1914, by the
judicial authorities of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy against
Italian nationals, including those who acquire Italian nationality
in virtue of the present treaty, for political crimes and offenses,
will be declared null and void.
3. For all matters connected with legal proceedings, started before
the present treaty came into force, before the competent authorities
of the territories transferred to Italy, and with the coming into
force of the special convention on this subject, the Italian and
Austrian judicial authorities shall be reciprocally empowered to
have direct dealings, and suits thus reciprocally presented will be
dealt with so far as the laws of a public character allow in the
country to whose authorities the suit is addressed.
4. All appeals presented to the higher judicial and administrative
Austrian authorities residing outside the territories transferred to
Italy against decisions of the judicial or administrative
authorities of the said territories will be suspended. The records
will be returned to the authorities against whose decision the
appeal had been made. These latter shall then transmit them without
delay to the competent Italian authorities.
[Page 228]
5. All other questions of competence, procedure or administration of
justice shall be regulated by a special convention between Italy and
Art. 24. All other questions concerning the territories of the
ex-Austro-Hungarian Monarchy transferred to Italy which are not
regulated by the present treaty, will be the subject of later
Article be Hydro-electric Works
Agreed to by British
Article 22 (English text)
During a period of ten years from the coming into force of the
present Treaty, central electric supply works situated in Austrian
territory and formerly furnishing electric power to the territories
referred to in Article … (territories ceded to Italy by Austria) or
to any establishment the working of which passes permanently or
temporarily from Austria to Italy, shall be required to continue
such supply up to the amount of consumption corresponding to the
undertakings and contracts current on the …th November 1918 (Date of
Austria admits the right of Italy to use the waters of Lake Raibl and
its emissary and of diverting the said waters to the basin of the
Koritniza [Korinitza].
Appendix II to CF–50
Report by the Commission of New
States on the Method of Appeal to the League of Nations
The Committee have given careful consideration to the question of the
reference to the League of Nations dealt with in Article 14 of the
original draft clauses concerning Poland. As was explained in the
former report this draft was tentative, and the Committee asked for
permission to send in further proposals dealing with this
It was generally felt by the Committee that it was necessary to make
the guarantee of these articles really effective, but there was
great difficulty in determining as to the method in which this
should be done.
I. It was unanimously agreed that a definite provision should be
inserted in the Treaty empowering the Council of the League of
Nations to deal with any infraction of the obligations undertaken by
Poland for the protection of racial, religious or linguistic
minorities, and the following clause was drafted embodying this
[Page 229]
Article 14
Poland agrees that the stipulations of the foregoing Articles
so far as they affect persons belonging to racial, religious
or linguistic minorities constitute obligations of
international concern and that any member (of the Council)
of the League of Nations shall have the right to bring to
the attention of the Council of the League of Nations any
infraction, or any danger of infraction, of any of these
obligations and that the Council may thereupon take such
action and give such direction as it may deem proper and
effective in the circumstances.
In this clause there is however one difference of opinion, indicated
by the brackets,4 which it was decided must be
referred to the Supreme Council.
It is the opinion of the American and Italian Delegations that any
member of the League of Nations should have the right to bring to
the attention of the Council of the League the question of the
observance of these guarantees, while the French, British and
Japanese Delegations think that this right should be limited to the
members of the League of Nations who are represented in the Council.
The question at issue seems to involve different conceptions of the
place of the Council of the League of Nations and the relation to be
borne to the Council by members of the League not represented on the
Council. For this reason the difference has been referred to the
Council of Four.
II. The Committee had the advantage of the advice of Lord Robert
Cecil, who pointed out that it would be desirable that so far as
possible the execution of the guarantees should be dealt with not by
the Council of the League of Nations but by the Permanent Court of
International Justice to be established. The members of the
Committee are agreed that provisions for resort to the Permanent
Court should be included in the Treaty, but they were unable to
agree upon the text of the clause embodying these provisions.
The French, British and Japanese Delegations propose a text which
will have the effect of limiting the jurisdiction of the Permanent
Court of the League of Nations to disputes which may arise in the
execution of these guarantees between two States. If the decision is
that any member of the League may raise the matter at the Council,
then it would naturally follow that any member of the League might
also bring the matter before the Court. Whichever of these views is
adopted the essential thing is, according to this version, that the
jurisdiction of the Court could only be invoked by States on the
ground that there had been an infraction of a treaty. According to
this view, the possibility would be definitely excluded of the
minorities themselves,
[Page 230]
individuals belonging to minorities, appearing before the Court as
The American and Italian Delegations favour a more general provision
conferring jurisdiction upon the Permanent Court of International
Justice to be exercised by the Court under such conditions and such
procedure as it may from time to time prescribe by general
regulations. This would leave it open to the Permanent Court to
provide means by which its jurisdiction could be invoked in disputes
in which States are not necessarily engaged on the two sides. It
would be possible for the Court to determine that Minorities,
whether as organised groups or as individuals, should be able to
bring before it complaints as to the violation of these clauses. In
advance of the determination of the character and functions of the
Permanent Court provided for by Article 14 of the Covenant, the
American and Italian Delegations were unwilling to adopt any
provision which would to any degree prejudge its nature, and the
conditions upon which its jurisdiction might be exercised. This
difference of opinion was not resolved by the Commission and is
therefore referred to the Council of Four.
The alternative Articles embodying these different views are
All members of the Committee are agreed upon the last sentence which
is identical in each of these drafts, and which would give to the
decision of the Court the same force and effect as an award under
Article 13 of the Covenant.
5. 6. 19.
[Annex 1]
Draft Proposed by the French, British and
Japanese Delegations
Poland further agrees that any difference of opinion as to law or
fact arising out of these articles between the Polish Government and
any one of the principal Allied and Associated Powers or any other
Power, a member of the Council of the League of Nations, shall be
held to be a dispute of an international character under Article 14
of the Covenant of the League of Nations, and the Polish Government
hereby consents that any such dispute shall be, if the other party
thereto demands, referred to the Permanent Court of International
Justice. The decision of the Permanent Court shall be final and
shall have the same force and effect as an award under Article 13 of
the Covenant.
[Page 231]
[Annex 2]
Draft Proposed by the American and Italian
Poland further agrees that the Permanent Court of International
Justice to be established by the League of Nations may take
jurisdiction over claims of infraction of these obligations, and
that she will submit to the exercise of this jurisdiction upon such
conditions and under such procedure as, by general regulations, the
Court shall from time to time prescribe. It is further agreed that
any decision of the Court shall be final and shall have the same
force and effect as an award under Article 13 of the Covenant of the
League of Nations.