File No. 612.119/1151
The Ambassador in Mexico ( Fletcher) to the Secretary of State
909. Referring to my telegram 874, March 15, 7 p.m. [March 18, 3 p.m.], Minister for Foreign Affairs has replied stating that inasmuch [Page 622] as my note contained no decision regarding propositions outlined in his note quoted in my 828, March 8, 10 a.m., he asks me to state the view of the United States Government with regard to the general bases suggested by the Mexican Government for the maintenance of commercial intercourse between the two countries.
If the Department approves, I shall reply that my Government accepts in principle the bases mentioned in his note, but, due to the exigencies of the war, there are certain articles which for the time being the United States finds itself unable to export and still other articles which can be exported only in limited and specified quantities, and referring to the fourth paragraph of his note, I shall again offer to transmit to Washington any proposals or suggestions he may care to make, assuring him that my Government is and always has been well disposed to come to an arrangement providing for the fullest and freest commercial interchange possible under the circumstances. Please instruct.