File No. 812.00/21902

The Mexican Ambassador ( Bonillas) to the Secretary of State

No. A–1791

Excellency: I have the honor to inform your excellency that the Government of the Mexican Republic knows that various revolutionary and rebel groups are organizing within American territory to the apparent knowledge, at least, of the authorities, with the object of sending hostile expeditions against the Constitutional Government of Mexico.

For your excellency’s information I will give you the facts upon which the Embassy has trustworthy reports.

Ex-Gen. Francisco Coss is in the city of Del Rio, State of Texas, recruiting men and, through Antonio Ramos, buying horses with the object of crossing into Mexican territory at the end of this month and starting a revolution against the Constitutional Government of Mexico and using therefor the men, horses, and arms he lately procured in the United States.

In order to establish the guilt of General Coss and other persons, the Mexican Government is ready to send over the documentary evidence, and would be glad if Gen. Francisco Coss were arrested for violation of the neutrality laws.

In the city of San Antonio, Texas, there have been held several meetings of conspirators and malcontents presided over by Licenciate Jesús Acuña.

Also in American territory, opposite Reynosa, State of Tamaulipas, there is a band of 300 men with arms, pretending to be workmen or laborers. The Mexican Government would be thankful if your excellency were pleased to order an investigation and the punishment of those who may be found guilty of organizing the said expedition.

The reactionary element residing in the city of El Paso, in connivance with Villista refugees, has been engaged in an active conspiracy, [Page 561] and trying to organize an armed movement against Ciudad Juárez, with a man named Romero at the head and waiting for the arrival of the former Federal generals, Felipe Angeles, Juan José Rocha and Rubio Navarrete.

In the city of Tucson there is a nucleus of conspirators inimical to the Mexican Government who are conducting an active propaganda aimed at recruiting men with whom to start an armed movement against Mexico, and it consists of Joaquín Carrillo, Alfonso Loyola, Santiago Camberos and Carlos Randall, among others. They are displaying their activities in the mining camps of Miami, Rey, and Silverbell, where they have 800 armed men at their disposal.

As your excellency will see, the machinations of the rebels above referred to are openly hostile to the Government of Mexico; they avail themselves of the asylum they enjoy in American territory and violate the principles of neutrality. Neither will it escape your excellency that these meetings of conspirators are largely responsible for the state of excitement that prevails along the border, as they are endeavoring to create difficulties between the Governments of the United States of America and of Mexico, supply with arms small parties of bandits whom they send forth to commit depredations on the border towns on both sides of the boundary line.

Availing myself of your excellency’s cordial offer to take these representations into earnest consideration, I have hereby the honor to beg you to be pleased to take as energetic action as the case deserves against those rebels who endanger the good relations of the two countries and to issue appropriate orders to the authorities for their arrest and punishment for their violation of neutrality laws.

I avail [etc.]

Y. Bonillas