File No. 882.51/823a

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Liberia ( Bundy)


Treasury has established credit of $5,000,000 in favor of Liberia. Before any part of this money is available, however, Department must have the following:

Copy of portion of Liberian Constitution providing for legislation authorizing the Liberian Government to borrow money;
Copy of law authorizing loan enacted in accordance with said provision of Constitution;
Copy of proceedings on the part of the Executive branch of the Liberian Government in accordance with said law;
Copy of full powers given Liberian representative in United States authorizing him to sign such obligations as may be necessary and to receive the advances or take such other steps as the Liberian law may require.

You are instructed to inform the Liberian Government immediately of the establishment of this credit and the legal formalities this Government considers necessary.
