File No. 814.48/77a
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Guatemala ( Leavell)
At the request of the Red Cross you are instructed to communicate the following to Alfred Clark of Red Cross:
The American Red Cross refers to its cable of December 30 stating public opinion here clearly requires its expenditures be principally for war relief in America and France. Its expenditures and obligations on account of the [Page 485] Guatemalan relief now amount to $150,000. All this gladly given to meet emergent needs and to build foundation necessary for continuing undertakings for health of homeless population and rehabilitation of city. Red Cross regards such expenditures for such purposes and the services of its trained personnel as its appropriate contribution, but as matter of sound policy and because of its primary war obligations it can not reasonably devote more than an additional $50,000 to this relief work, at least on the basis of its present information and recommendations received from its committee in Guatemala. Red Cross aware of plans for temporary water supply, and willing to send two chlorination plants as requested when the necessary piping is ordered by the Guatemalan Government and shipped. Red Cross will assist secure priority shipment piping. Red Cross aware also danger epidemic typhus and need of hospital facilities and willing assist assembling material and personnel for hospital and make modest contribution toward hospital equipment particularly for such special things as Doctor Struse may think desirable under circumstances. Red Cross however holds strong opinion that sanitary control and other arrangements and equipment essential safety and health of citizens are primary responsibility Guatemalan Government and that Red Cross’s financial assistance and services should be of kind which that Government is not able to provide. Red Cross solicitous that its plans and policies as stated above be made fully known to Guatemalan Government firmly and yet so reasonably that gracious acquiescence be assured. This desirable for sake expediting Guatemalan Government’s action and avoiding any possible misconception and consequent disappointment as to Red Cross’s purposes.
You will also lend the support of this Government to the above statement of the Red Cross which is auxiliary to the American Government.
In addition, you will inform Mr. Clark that Red Cross advises him that it has sent all personnel and articles requested by Clark in his cables December 28, January 31, February 9, February 18, March 4, and articles requested by Doctor Struse, Clark’s cable March 11. Red Cross requests acknowledge receipt all above which have thus far arrived at Guatemala. Red Cross desires Clark report through Legation probable date when Red Cross relief administration may cease and personnel sent from United States may return.