File No. 704.9339/1

The Chinese Minister ( Koo) to the Secretary of State

No. 63

Sir: Referring to previous informal inquiries by this Legation regarding protection of Chinese interests in Haiti and in the Dominican Republic, I have the honor to inform you that it is exceedingly gratifying to my Government to be able to rely upon the traditional friendship of the United States in meeting the present situation. In most of the countries in Central America and South America where China has no diplomatic and consular representatives, Chinese citizens have enjoyed for some years the good offices extended to them by American diplomatic and consular representatives under special instructions from your Department.

Since the outbreak of the present war, Chinese residents in Haiti and in the Dominican Republic have sent urgent appeals to this Legation for protection and for the appointment of some official representatives authorized to issue passports to Chinese citizens who [Page 398] desire to leave those countries. To confirm the informal understanding which has been reached between your Department and the Legation, I have now the honor to request, under instructions from my Government, that you will be so kind as to secure the consent of the Governments of Haiti and the Dominican Republic for American diplomatic and consular representatives in those countries to take charge of Chinese interests and issue passports to Chinese citizens, and at the same time to send instructions to those officials to act for China accordingly.

I take this opportunity to assure you that the friendly action of the American Government in permitting its diplomatic and consular representatives to use their good offices in behalf of Chinese citizens abroad is gratefully appreciated by my Government.

Accept [etc.]

Vi Kyuin Wellington Koo