File No. 837.51/322

The Secretary of State to the Cuban Minister ( De Céspedes)

My Dear Mr. Minister: Referring to your note of August 14, 1918, and previous correspondence, I have the honor to inform you that the data which has been submitted to the Department by the Cuban Government in respect to financial conditions, in Cuba, has been the subject of careful examination by this Government, and as a result thereof it would appear to be within the ability of the Government of Cuba to meet the interest on the proposed bond issue from “its ordinary revenues,” as provided by the treaty Between Cuba and the United States of 1903, provided the current expenditures of the Government of Cuba are not unduly increased and are kept within the actual revenues of the Island. I am pleased, therefore, to inform you that I have to-day recommended to the Secretary of the Treasury that a further advance on the proposed loan of $15,000,000 be made to your Government.

I am [etc.]

Robert Lansing