File No. 837.51/271

The Minister in Cuba ( Gonzales) to the Secretary of State


Your undated [September 8, 2 p.m.] received September 8. Had long interview with the President to-day regarding advances to [Page 308] Cuba Railroad and loan by the United States. He expressed willingness to advance all railroad can expend in betterment for next sugar crop.

He has just had a consultation with general manager of this railroad, Hudson, who is practical railroad man, and has detailed report of conditions from him, but he said that he would have to hear proposals of President Whigham with whom he has appointment tomorrow before he can go into details. He will have railroad inspected immediately by engineers including Wagoner, the American appointed on recommendation of General Crowder, as engineer for Habana paving and surveying contract. Will invite Whigham to send an engineer with the [omission].

The President says that he cannot find where the million dollars he advanced Whigham has been expended on equipment or improvement.

I told the President that while I had [no?] information about the amount my Government was willing to lend in Cuba for the Navy and Army equipment, that whatever amount he would agree to advance railroads I would recommend be lent to his Government if necessary. Concluding our interview he asked that I assure the Department that the sugar yield would not be affected by condition of railroad.
