File No. 711.18/11

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Costa Rica ( Johnson)


Your November 13, 2 p.m.; November 13, 11 p.m.; November 14, noon; November 15, 7 p.m.; November 18, noon.

In view of the recent actions of Tinoco and those acting under his authority, you are instructed to close the Legation and return to the United States. The Legation clerk, Scott, is directed to return with you. You will leave the archives in charge of Consul Chase. If you think it desirable, the services of one messenger may be retained to report to and be paid by Chase. A United States ship will be sent for you. You will be notified of the exact date of its arrival.

Bring with you copies of your recent interchange of informal notes with Tinoco.
