File No. 711.18/7
The Chargé in Costa Rica ( Johnson) to the Secretary of State
At 10 o’clock this evening an orderly crowd of 50 young men, mostly of good family, gathered in front of American Legation cheering for the United States and President Wilson. I had retired and [Page 272] sent word to that effect. They were on the point of dispersing when up drove an automobile with police under the command of Col. Jaime Esquevel, right hand man of Joaquin Tinoco. The young men scattered but those who did not escape were brutally beaten with swords. Four dashed into grounds of this Legation and have just gone. Among those hurt is son of Argentine Consul General who came out of Argentine Consulate on the opposite corner. Action of police amounts to an insult to me as no word of enmity towards Tinoco uttered by crowd. Evidently a new order of Tinoco to allow no further popular demonstrations before American Legation. Have learned that workmen’s organization, four hundred strong, was coming here last night but was stopped by police who arrested several leaders. Other arrests have occurred to-day. Tinoco appeared in Congress this afternoon and referred to alleged innuendo contained in my allusion to President Wilson’s reported remarks on materialization of democracy, in my brief remarks to crowd last night. He added that having no diplomatic capacity, he would take no further note of my remarks. Incident which occurred to-night an example of brutal conduct against men who were disobeying no laws on the part of officers and police at the very door of this Legation, to all of which I was an eyewitness. Please instruct.