File No. 818.00/450
The Chargé in Costa Rica ( Johnson) to the Secretary of State
Arguello, Nicaraguan Liberal leader here on a mission to Tinoco, has informed him of activities of Castro Quesada in Nicaragua and of attitude of neutrality assumed Liberal Party there. Dr. Rodolfo Espinos, a Zelaya of Nicaragua in Washington, left yesterday via Pacific Mail steamship San José for San Francisco. Joaquin Tinoco called to-day and informed me that their emissary Casa Miglia in Nicaragua is returning to this country; also that Samuel Piza to be recalled and Guillermo del Guardia now in the United States to replace him in Washington; he expressed his objection to Quesada being given credit that comes from retention in our diplomatic list as Costa Rican Minister; further, that they will not go while threatened from Nicaragua, and contradictorily, that they will go in two months and now want to know opinion of Department as to Juan Bautista Quiros as successor. I told him as his plans do not seem to materialize there is not much chance of receiving an opinion from Washington as to a new plan. Am convinced Tinoco is not sincere about going nor about not going if aggressive action is taken by Nicaragua. …