File No. 715.1715/90

The Chargé in Honduras ( Curtis) to the Secretary of State


Your July 12, 5 p.m. The President this morning expressed his strong desire for the mediation of the United States for the purpose of reaching an agreement with Nicaragua for the final settlement of the boundary dispute. The Honduran Government desires arbitration and wishes greatly the following:

The President of the United States to be the arbitrator; since his decision would carry greater weight than that of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
It should be stipulated in the strongest possible terms that the decision shall be binding; this was stipulated in his telegram resulting in the award of the King of Spain which was first accepted but later rejected by Nicaragua.
The arbitrator shall advise in the first place whether the two Governments must accept and carry out the award of the King of Spain.
If he decides the last preceding question in the affirmative, the arbitration is concluded, but if in the negative, he shall proceed to decide what is the correct line.
The line fixed by the King of Spain shall be respected until the award of the present arbitrator pronounced.

I have been shown telegrams indicating that Honduras has had auxiliary mayors in the two villages for the last eight years, and the President informs me that Nicaragua sent troops into them somewhat over a year ago, but withdrew them in view of the protest made by Honduras.
