File No. 893.51/1926

The American Group to the Secretary of State

Sir: In accordance with your instructions we enclose herewith for your approval a list of the various parties throughout the country whom we should hope to associate with ourselves as the Chinese group.

We have not as yet communicated with these various people, but will do so at once upon receipt of your approval of the names. In communicating with these people we should have to send them copies of the correspondence of July 8 and 9, and would ask you to signify to us your approval of our doing so.

Yours very truly,

J. P. Morgan & Co.
For the American Group

New York City: J. P. Morgan & Co., Kuhn, Loeb & Co., First National Bank, National City Bank of New York, Guaranty Trust Co., Chase National Bank, National Bank of Commerce, Bankers Trust Co., Central Union Trust Co., Equitable Trust Co., Harris, Forbes & Co.

Philadelphia: Commercial Trust Co., Fidelity Trust Co., Girard Trust Co.

Boston: Lee, Higginson & Co., Kidder, Peabody & Co., First National Bank. National Shawmut Bank, Old Colony Trust Co.

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Chicago: Continental & Commercial Trust & Savings Bank, First Trust & Savings Bank, Harris Trust & Savings Bank, Illinois Trust & Savings Bank, Northern Trust Co.

Pittsburgh: Union Trust Co., Mellon National Bank.

St. Louis: St. Louis Union Trust Co., Mercantile Trust Co., Mississippi Valley Trust Co.

San Francisco: Anglo & London-Paris National Bank, Bank of California, Wells Fargo Nevada National Bank.

New Orleans: Whitney Central National Bank.