File No. 893.51/1870
The Ambassador in France ( Sharp) to the Secretary of State
3096. My 2930, December 21, 10 p.m.1 Mr. Pichon now confirms what he previously wrote as contained in my said telegram adding that at his request the French Minister of Finance has accorded his approval of the participation of the French group in the loan. On the other hand he states that the English group was unable to overcome the objection of the British Minister of Finance and that its abstention from participation in the loan has influenced the French group, which cannot be expected to act alone in this undertaking.
Mr. Pichon adds that being convinced of the great interest presented by the return of the American group to the international consortium he has requested the French Ambassador at London to endeavor to have the British Government change its decision. His action, he states, to obtain a satisfactory solution would be greatly aided if the organization of the American group could now be considered as an accomplished fact.