File No. 893.00/2900
The Department of State to the Japanese Embassy
The Government of the United States is in full accord with the views of the Japanese Government, as set forth in the memorandum handed to the Secretary of State on October 25, both as regards the seriousness of the situation in China and as to the desirability of urging upon the leaders of China the primary necessity of reconciling their differences and of putting an end to an internal strife which is injurious alike to their own interests and to those of others. It is therefore instructing its representatives at Peking and Canton to cooperate with their colleagues, if similarly instructed, along the lines of the above-mentioned memorandum.
It is the opinion of the Government of the United States that the proposed representations would be greatly strengthened if at the same time an assurance were given that the interested powers were prepared to render a reunited Government of China necessary financial assistance provided satisfactory guarantees were given that the funds would be properly used; and that meanwhile no funds would be advanced to either side for any purpose without such guarantees. The Government of the United States is ready, for its part, to give such assurances and it is hoped that the other interested powers will concur.