File No. 763.72/3162

The Ambassador in Germany ( Gerard) to the Secretary of State


4957. Saw Zimmermann this afternoon, 6 o’clock. He told me that Bernstorff had informed him that he had delivered to you the memorandum referred to my 4925 and my 4951 about armed merchant vessels, also that Bernstorff has given you Germany’s terms of peace.1 I am sorry I have not been informed of situation because I am sure that Germany now intends to immediately start reckless submarine warfare and blockade of England by submarine boats, firing at sight on all ships. Zimmermann told me the answer of the Entente to Germany’s proposals and the nasty answer to the President had decided them, that food would not hold out a year, and that they have only delayed out of consideration for us, and that the Allies were preparing a great offensive on all fronts. He said that I would get note to-morrow answering President’s speech and declaring for the use of the submarine arm and blockade of England.

  1. See Bernstorff’s letter to Colonel House, Jan. 31, 1917, ante, p. 34.