File No. 705.6254/18
The Swiss Minister ( Sulzer) to the Secretary of State
Interests IV 14
The Minister of Switzerland, representing German interests in the United States, presents his compliments to the Secretary of State, and has the honor to acknowledge the receipt of his excellency’s memorandum of November 30, 1917, with reference to the lease of certain premises at No. 11 Broadway, New York City.1 The Minister notes that his excellency has communicated the memorandum of [Page 617] the Legation of October 31, 1917, to the War Trade Board, with a view to having such steps taken as may be necessary to secure the Swiss Consulate at New York City from interference with his charge of the German Consulate there.
The Minister begs leave to advise his excellency that owing to the fact that the Broadway Realty Co. had given notification that unless a license was obtained before November 5 possession of the premises would be terminated by them, it was deemed advisable that a new lease with this company should be entered into in the name of the Swiss Consul.
The Minister avails himself of this occasion to express to his excellency his appreciation of the action taken by the Department of State.
[Received December 6.]
- Not printed.↩