File No. 763.72111/4569

The Secretary of State to the Secretary of the Treasury ( McAdoo)

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of February 27 quoting a communication from the collector of customs at Port Arthur inquiring whether he is to report vessels bearing armament on which a previous report had been filed for the purpose of advising your Department whether the armament had been used on the last and preceding voyages, as requested in this Department’s recent letter to you, acknowledged on February 21.1

[Page 552]

In reply you are informed that it is not necessary for the collectors of customs to report upon such vessels for this purpose, unless investigation should bring forth the fact that the armament carried has been used for other than practice purposes. In such event the report should give a full account of the incident in connection with the use made of the armament.

I have [etc.]

For the Secretary of State:
Breckinridge Long
Third Assistant Secretary
  1. Not printed.