File No. 763.72111R24/77
The Secretary of State to the British Ambassador ( Spring Rice)
Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note No. 607, of December 14, 1917, wherein, in acknowledgment of my note of November 27, 1917, transmitting warrants of pardon for Dr. Thomas Addis and Mr. Ralph K. Blair, convicted by the Federal Court at San Francisco for an infraction of the neutrality laws of the United States on account of their activities in facilitating the passage to Great Britain of trained British soldiers, you review the events which led to the conviction of these gentlemen and express the opinion of your Government that the law as interpreted in this case is not in conformity with the laws of nations or with the equality of treatment which Great Britain has the right to claim, suggesting that, if this view appears to this Government to be well founded, such amendments may be introduced into the existing neutrality laws as may be judged right and proper and may establish equality of treatment for the future.
In reply I have the honor to say that, pursuant to your request, the contents of your note have been communicated to the Attorney General for his information and consideration.
I have [etc.]