File No. 763.72111R24/76
The Secretary of State to the British Ambassador ( Spring Rice)
My Dear Mr. Ambassador: Referring to your personal note No. 325, of September 26, 1917, in which, with reference to previous correspondence on the subject of the so-called San Francisco recruiting cases, you transmitted applications for Executive clemency made by Dr. Thomas Addis and Mr. Ralph K. Blair, convicted by the [Page 539] Federal Court at San Francisco for an infraction of the neutrality laws of the United States on acount of their activities in facilitating the passage to Great Britain of trained British soldiers, I beg to enclose herewith warrants of pardon in these cases, just received from the Attorney General, with the request that, as his Department is not in possession of the full addresses of these gentlemen, you will be so good as to forward the warrants, together with the accompanying letters of transmittal,1 to Doctor Addis and Mr. Blair.
I am [etc.]
- Not printed.↩