File No. 763.72112/3295
The Consul General at London ( Skinner) to the Secretary of State
[Received 10.30 a.m.]
Retaliation order, March 11, 1915,3 under which in effect blockade is maintained, amended because of doubts as to whether the term “enemy” in Articles 3 and 4 of said order includes any countries other than Germany. Present amendment provides as follows:
In Articles 3 and 4 of order of 11th March, 1915, terms “enemy destination” and “enemy origin” shall be deemed to apply and shall [Page 493] apply to goods destined for or originating in any enemy country, and the term “enemy property” shall be deemed to apply and shall apply to goods belonging to any person domiciled in any enemy country. Effect shall be given to this order in the application of order of 11th March, 1915, to goods which previous to the date of this order have been discharged at a British or Allied port being goods of destination or origin or property which was enemy, though not German, and all such goods shall be detained and dealt with in all respects as is provided in order of 11th March, 1915.