File No. 862.85/242

The Chargé in Uruguay ( Wadsworth) to the Secretary of State


Referring to the Department’s telegram of December 11, 7 p.m., Uruguayan Government states:

In order that France and England might accept the arbitration treaty, Uruguay agreed that it would utilize at least six of the German vessels between those countries and River Plata. If the United States can obtain from them cession of this tonnage, always on the understanding that they will [keep] their promises to Uruguay, this Government sees no objection in it.

Uruguayan Government decrees that bids for the chartering of the German vessels should be made. The United States Government could make its bid through the American company and it would be well received by Uruguayan Government. The German vessels must be utilized in the interest of Uruguay in its relations with Europe or the United States and must fly the Uruguayan flag. Bids for charter of German vessels will be considered after a completion of repairs. Should invitation for bids bring no results the Uruguayan Government will then adopt plan, as such may be most convenient for working ships.
