File No. 763.72119/1088

The Chileans Ambassador ( Aldunate) to the Secretary of State

[A copy of the following translation of a telegram from the Chilean Minister of Foreign Affairs to the Chilean Ambassador at Washington was handed by the Ambassador to the Secretary of State on November 10, 1917.]

No. 158. I yesterday sent the following telegram to the Minister in Buenos Aires:

The Argentine Government has informed us through its Legation in Santiago, under date of the 30th ultimo, that it has fixed the first fortnight in January next for the meeting of the Latin-American congress, there being no objection to this date by the other governments. In reply you will state to the Argentine Foreign Office that the Government of Chile will be glad to facilitate, on its part, the meeting of such a congress on the condition that it is previously informed the object of the proposed congress of neutrals and the program of the matters to be discussed. The Government of Chile also desires, as soon as possible, to be informed of the ideas of the Argentine Government relative to the new form in which the realization of this Latin-American congress appears to be planned in place of the congress of neutrals formerly proposed. I have replied in these same terms to the above-mentioned note of the Argentine Legation here.
