File No. 763.72/7156
The Minister in Uruguay ( Jeffery) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 8, 1917, 5.55 a.m.]
Following is copy of decree of Uruguayan Government now in effect, breaking diplomatic relations with the German Government:
Montevideo, October 7, 1917.
In view of the authority granted Executive power by law of the nation of this date, authorizing said power to declare diplomatic and commercial relations broken between Uruguay and Imperial Government, and the reasons which have caused the legislative decision, which are absolutely shared by the Executive power, the President of the Republic at a general Cabinet meeting decrees:
- Article 1. From the date of the present decree diplomatic and commercial relations between Uruguay and the German Imperial Government remain broken.
- Article 2. That the respective passports be handed over to the diplomatic representative of that Government, all the guaranties for his personal safety being granted to him at the same time until his removal from the country.
- Article 3. That telegraphic instructions be transmitted to the functionaries of the Republic in office in Germany to the effect that they immediately abandon the German territory, requesting the same guaranties which are granted to the German representative by the Government of Uruguay.