File No. 763.72119/643

The Ambassador in Argentina ( Stimson) to the Secretary of State


Peruvian Minister has just called to explain to me on behalf of his Government that when some months ago they were invited by the Argentine Government to go into the congress of neutrals they accepted as a matter of course. That since then circumstances have changed, and that they have only consented to go into the conference under a distinct understanding that it is in no sense unfriendly to the United States or even to be understood as indicating and purporting to depart from joint action under the lead of, and with, the United States. That before accepting he will declare this in a letter to the Argentine Government and make it a condition that a statement of this nature should be communicated by it to the United States. That, furthermore, Peru reserves her liberty of action should circumstances alter before the conference which is to meet here in August; that Peru has had one ship sunk by the Germans and no reparation made so that her situation differs from that of Argentina which received reparation and apology. That, finally, the object of the conference is to unify neutral American countries to common action in case of further aggression by Germany (see my April 25, 11 a.m.1). I promised to cable this to the Department at once.

  1. Ante, p. 264.