File No. 763.72119/590
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Panama ( Price)
Your May 9, 9 p.m., and May 11, (?) a.m.1 The Ambassador at Buenos Aires has reported to the Department that in February of this year the Government of the Argentine made overtures to certain Latin-American nations in an endeavor to call a peace conference to be held at Buenos Aires. After the breaking of relations by the United States with Germany the proposal of the Argentine Government to hold a peace conference was abandoned and it was said she was endeavoring to call a commercial conference of American nations. Later the Ambassador reported that the Government of the Argentine had informed him that it was desired to call in Buenos Aires a conference of the nations of America to decide upon what course should be pursued in the present war.
The Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Argentine asked the American Ambassador to ascertain the views of the Government of the United States in regard to this conference, saying that as the United States was now a belligerent it would not be included in the invitation to attend the conference.
In reply the Ambassador was instructed to inform the Government of the Argentine Republic that it was obviously impossible for the Government of the United States to give any expression of its views at the present time. The Ambassador reported that this reply was disappointing to the Government of the Argentine and nothing further has been heard by this Government regarding the conference.
It is suggested that the Government of Panama reply to the Government of the Argentine that its decision in regard to the war has already been made, that it has broken off relations with Germany [Page 281] and placed itself on the side of the United States for cooperation in the war.
You are informed that the Department understands that neither the Government of Cuba nor the Government of Brazil looks favorably upon this proposed conference.
This Government desires that Panama take the action outlined above and that it have no participation in this conference.
- The latter not printed.↩