File No. 763.72/3491
The Venezuelan Minister ( Domínici) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 12.]
My Dear Mr. Lansing: Immediately after the last regular meeting of the Governing Board of the Pan American Union, when you had the courtesy to make a statement in reference to the breaking off of diplomatic relations with Germany, I cabled my Government a synopsis of your statement, and, as it was informally agreed after the meeting by the members of the Board then present, I requested instructions from my Government as to what action I should take at the meeting that was to be held to-day.
I have now the pleasure of informing you that my Government, while maintaining a strict neutrality, has authorized me to express its sympathy with any action tending to enforce respect for the rights of neutrals and the principles of humanity.
[Page 240]I am further instructed to state that the position of the Government and people of Venezuela towards the Government and the people of the United States is that of sincere, loyal, and lasting friendship, and that they still earnestly hope that the great American nation may not be drawn into actual war.
As the regular meeting of the Board has been postponed for another week, not wishing to delay this communication any longer, I hasten to convey to you the sentiments of my Government.
I am [etc.]