File No. 763.72119/326
The Chargé in Brazil ( Benson) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 9, 12.15 a.m.]
This Embassy has received to-day, in reply to a note communicating text of President’s note to belligerents, a note dated January 6 in which the Brazilian Minister for Foreign Affairs states:
I did not fail to bring the text of the said note to the high attention of the President of the Republic, and I am authorized to say that the Government of Brazil, a hearty advocate of international peace and concord, is not indifferent to steps looking toward the reestablishment and stability of such peace and concord. These pacific sentiments, in which the whole Brazilian nation participates, place the Government in the happy situation of being able, without embarrassment to itself, and without lack of consideration toward others, to reserve the right to await the opportunity to cooperate or act in that sense in each instance, which may come under its examination, or which may involve its sovereign rights.