File No. 763.72/3212a

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Austria-Hungary ( Penfield )


1526. Tarnowski 1 called at Department Saturday morning, 3d, for the first time. Talked with Secretary. Tarnowski much disturbed over attitude German Government. Said he did not know what course his Government would pursue as he had no instructions. Expressed great surprise at course taken. He asked permission to send message through Department to his Government to see whether Austrian Government would take position which would make it possible for diplomatic relations to continue with this country. Immediately after his departure your February 1, No. 1674,2 arrived. Tarnowski immediately informed, visibly perplexed. He seemed to realize that continuation of diplomatic relations was most desirable, not only for Europe but particularly for his own country. He presented two messages to be sent through you to his Government, which were forwarded last night in Department’s 1519, February 3, 7 p.m. and 1520, February 3, 8 p.m.3 One more message, our 1523, February 4, 4 p.m.3 was sent at his request this morning. Department will probably take no action in regard to Austrian note until some reply is received by him, or this Department receives information [Page 113] directly from you. Department is holding back publication of Austrian note, although it is generally understood that some note has been received more or less in line with German note.

  1. Austro-Hungarian Ambassador designate; for correspondence regarding his appointment see Foreign Relations, 1916, Supplement, pp. 798803.
  2. Ante, p. 104.
  3. Telegrams forwarding Austro-Hungarian code messages not printed.
  4. Telegrams forwarding Austro-Hungarian code messages not printed.