- Abernethy, John T., Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for African Affairs, Bureau of African Affairs, Department of State
- Acheson, Dean G., Secretary of State from January 21, 1949, until January 20, 1953; adviser to Presidents Kennedy and Johnson; Chairman, President’s Advisory Committee on NATO
- Achilles, Theodore C., Counselor of the Department of State until February 15, 1961; thereafter Special Assistant to the Secretary of State and Director, Operations Center; member, Department of State Task Force on Latin America
- Adams, Walter, Professor of Economics, Michigan State University; member, U.S. Advisory Commission on International Educational and Cultural Affairs
- Adenauer, Konrad, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany until October 17, 1963
- Adzhubei, Aleksei I., Editor in Chief, Izvestia and Khrushchev’s son-in-law
- Alessandri Rodriguez, Jorge, President of Chile
- Alexander, Archibald, President, Radio Free Europe; Vice Chairman, Board of Governors, Rutgers University; member, Task Force on USIA
- Allen, George V.,member, President’s Committee on Information Activities Abroad (Sprague Committee); Director, United States Information Agency, from November 15, 1957, until December 1, 1960
- Almond, Gabriel, Professor of Political Science, Yale University; member, Task Force on USIA
- Alsop, Joseph, U.S. journalist and syndicated newspaper columnist
- Amory, Robert, Jr., Chief, International Division, Bureau of the Budget
- Anderson, Burnett, Director of Planning, Office of Plans (Office of Policy from August 8, 1962), United States Information Agency from July 9, 1961
- Anderson, Marian, U.S. classical singer
- Armstrong, Louis, U.S. jazz musician and actor
- Ball, George W., Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, from January 30 until December 3, 1961; thereafter Under Secretary of State
- Barnett, Ross, Governor of Mississippi
- Barrett, Edward W., Dean, Columbia University School of Journalism; member, Task Force on USIA
- Battey, Brian M., foreign affairs officer, Office of Assistant Director, Far East, United States Information Agency; thereafter Special Assistant to the Deputy Director, Office of Plans (Office of Policy from August 8, 1962)
- Battle, Lucius D., Special Assistant to the Secretary and Executive Secretary of the Department of State, from March 16, 1961, until May 2, 1962; Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs, from June 5, 1962
- Bauer, Robert A., foreign affairs officer, United States Information Agency; detailed to the Presentations Division, Office of Cultural Exchange, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Department of State, 1961; thereafter cultural affairs officer, U.S. Embassy in Cairo
- Beers, Robert M., Deputy Director, Information Center Service, United States Information Agency, from April 1960 until 1963; thereafter deputy public affairs officer, U.S. Embassy in Karachi
- Begg, John M., Deputy Director, Office of Private Cooperation, United States Information Agency
- Belk, Samuel E., member, National Security Council Staff
- Bell, David E., Director, Bureau of the Budget, until December 20, 1962; thereafter Administrator, Agency for International Development
- Bell, James Dunbar,Director, Office of Southwest Pacific Affairs, Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs, Department of State, from June 1960
- Beltran Espantoso, Pedro, Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, and Minister of Commerce of Peru until July 18, 1962
- Bennett, Lowell, Director, Office of Public Information, United States Information Agency, from May 1, 1961
- Benton, William B., Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs from 1945 until 1947
- Berle, Adolf A., Jr., Chairman, Task Force on Immediate Latin Problems, from November until December 1960; Chairman, Department of State Task Force on Latin America, from January 2 until July 7, 1961
- Betancourt, Romulo, President of Venezuela
- Bingham, Barry, Editor in Chief, Louisville Courier Journal; member, Task Force on USIA
- Black, Hugo, Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court
- Blum, Robert, President, Asia Foundation; member, Task Force on USIA
- Boerner, Alfred V., Director, Information Center Service, United States Information Agency, from November 12, 1961; detailed to the Department of State as Director, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, from December 1, 1961; Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs from June 10, 1962
- Bogart, Lee, Bureau of Advertising, American Newspaper Publishers Association; member, Task Force on USIA
- Bohlen, Charles E., Special Assistant to the Secretary of State until September 1962; U.S. Ambassador to France from September 4, 1962
- Bolton, Frances Payne, member, U.S. House of Representatives (R-Ohio)
- Bosch, Juan, President of the Dominican Republic from February 27, 1962, until September 25, 1963
- Bow, Frank T., member, U.S. House of Representatives (R-Ohio)
- Bowles, Chester B., Under Secretary of State from January 25 until December 3, 1961; U.S. Ambassador at Large and President’s Special Representative and Adviser on African, Asian, and Latin American Affairs, from December 4, 1961, until June 9, 1963; U.S. Ambassador to India, from July 19, 1963
- Bradford, Saxton, Deputy Director for Policy and Plans, United States Information Agency; detailed to the Department of State as Director, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs from 1959 until December 9, 1961; counselor for public affairs, U.S. Embassy in Mexico City from December 10, 1961
- Brady, Leslie S., counselor for cultural affairs, U.S. Embassy in Moscow; thereafter Assistant Director, Soviet Union and Eastern Europe (Soviet Bloc from 1962), United States Information Agency
- Brandt, Willy, Governing Mayor of Berlin
- Brando, Marlon, U.S. actor and star of the film The Ugly American
- Broecker, Theodor William, visual information officer, Office of the Director, Motion Picture Service, United States Information Agency, from June 6, 1961; thereafter visual information specialist
- Brooke, Edgar D., Director of Media Content, Office of Plans (Office of Policy from August 8, 1962), United States Information Agency, from 1961
- Brubeck, William H., Deputy Executive Secretary of the Department of State from August 1961 until May 1962; Executive Secretary of the Department of State and Special Assistant to the Secretary of State from May 14, 1962, until July 20, 1963; thereafter member, National Security Council Staff
- Brynner, Yul, Russian-born, U.S.-based actor
- Bunce, W. Kenneth, Assistant Director, Far East, United States Information Agency, from 1963
- Bundy, Frederic O., coordinator of National Security Council and Operations Coordination Board Affairs, Office of Plans (Office of Policy from August 8, 1962), United States Information Agency
- Bundy, McGeorge, President’s Special Assistant for National Security Affairs from January 20, 1961
- Burdett, William C., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, Department of State
- Burris, Philip H., Director, Policy Plans and Guidance Staff, Bureau of Public Affairs, Department of State; thereafter Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy Plans and Guidance, Bureau of Public Affairs
- Butler, George N., Deputy Director, Television Service, United States Information Agency, until July 1961; thereafter public affairs officer and attaché, U.S. Embassy in Guatemala City
- Byrnes, James F., Secretary of State from July 3, 1945, until January 21, 1947
- Canham, Erwin D., Editor, The Christian Science Monitor; member, U.S. Advisory Commission on Information until 1961
- Cantrill, Hadley, Chairman of the Board and Senior Counselor, Institute for International Social Research; member, Task Force on USIA
- Carlson, Robert, Vice President, Standard Oil; member, Task Force on USIA
- Carroll, Wallace, Washington Bureau, The New York Times; member, Task Force on USIA
- Carson, Rachel, U.S. scientist and author of Silent Spring
- Carter, Alan, press officer and attaché, U.S. Embassy in New Delhi from April 1960; Special Assistant to the Deputy Director for Policy and Plans, from 1962 until 1963; thereafter Director, Television Service
- Casals, Pablo (Pau Casals i Defilló), Spanish cellist and conductor
- Castro Ruz, Fidel, Prime Minister of Cuba
- Cater, S. Douglass, Jr., Washington editor, Reporter magazine; visiting Professor of Public Affairs, Wesleyan University
- Church, Frank, Senator (D-Idaho)
- Clarke, Robert J., Assistant Manager for Policy Application, Office of the Director, Broadcast Service, United States Information Agency
- Clay, Lucius D., President’s Special Representative in Berlin with the Rank of Ambassador from August 1961
- Cleveland, J. Harlan, Dean, Maxwell Graduate School of Citizenship and Public Administration, Syracuse University; member, Task Force on USIA; Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs from February 23, 1961
- Clifton, Chester V., Brigadier General, USA; President’s Military Aide
- Cody, Morrill, Assistant Director, Europe, United States Information Agency, from November 26, 1961, until mid-1963
- Collins, LeRoy, former Governor of Florida; President, National Association of Broadcasters
- Conde, Corinne, Chief, Indonesia Service, United States Information Agency
- Conlon, Edward J. (Ned), information officer and attaché at the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta; news guidance officer, Office of Policy, United States Information Agency, from November 1962
- Cook, Donald B., Director, Office of Educational Exchange, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Department of State, in 1961; Director, Educational and Cultural Programs, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, in 1962
- Coombs, Philip H., Program Director for Education, Ford Foundation; Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs from March 23, 1961, until June 4, 1962
- Cottam, Howard R., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs
- Crosby, John, U.S. radio and television critic, New York Herald Tribune; syndicated columnist
- Cross, Charles T., officer in charge of Laos Affairs, Office of Southeast Asian Affairs, Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs, Department of State
- Curtis, John R., Jr., Staff Assistant to the Counselor and the Chairman of the Policy Planning Council, Department of State, from August 6, 1961, until March 4, 1962; Special Assistant to the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, from March 4, 1962, until July 1963; thereafter economic officer, U.S. Mission at Berlin
- Curtis, Tony, U.S. film and television actor
- Dacko, David, President of the Central African Republic from 1960 until 1966
- Dalcher, Laurence P., foreign affairs officer, Office of Plans (Office of Policy from August 8, 1962), United States Information Agency; information officer, U.S. Embassy in New Delhi, from July 7, 1963
- Daniels, Jonathan, Editor, Raleigh The News and Observer; member, U.S Advisory Commission on Information, until 1962
- Davison, W. Phillips, The Rand Corporation; Secretary, Task Force on USIA
- deGaulle, Charles, President of France
- Diem, see Ngo Dinh Diem
- Dillon, C. Douglas, Under Secretary of State until January 4, 1961; Secretary of the Treasury, from January 21, 1961
- Dobrynin, Anatoliy F., Chief of the American Countries Division, Soviet Foreign Ministry, until March 1962; thereafter Soviet Ambassador to the United States
- Donovan, James A., Jr., Secretariat of the U.S. Advisory Commission on Educational Exchange and the Advisory Committee on the Arts, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Department of State, from August 21, 1960; later Staff Director, U.S. Advisory Commission on International Educational and Cultural Affairs and Advisory Committee on the Arts
- Dos Passos, John R., U.S. novelist and artist
- Douglas, Lewis W., former U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom during the Truman administration; member, U.S. Advisory Commission on Information until early 1962
- Douglas, Paul, Senator (R-Illinois)
- Douglas, William O., Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court
- Draper, William H., Jr., chair, President’s Committee to Study the United States Military Assistance Program (Draper Committee)
- Drummond, Roscoe, U.S. journalist and syndicated newspaper columnist (“State of the Nation”)
- Dulles, Alan W.,Director of Central Intelligence until November 29, 1961; member, President’s Committee on Information Activities Abroad (Sprague Committee)
- Dungan, Ralph A., Special Assistant to the President
- Dutton, Frederick G., Special Adviser to the President until late 1961; Assistant Secretary of State for Congressional Relations from November 29, 1961
- Eastland, James, Senator (D-Mississippi)
- Edmondson, J. Howard, Governor of Oklahoma
- Ehrman, Robert William, foreign affairs officer, Office of the Assistant Director, Africa, United States Information Agency, until 1963; thereafter political officer
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., President of the United States from January 20, 1953, until January 20, 1961
- Englund, George, U.S. film director; director of The Ugly American
- Erhard, Ludwig, Vice Chancellor and Minister of Economic Affairs, Federal Republic of Germany, until October 17, 1963; thereafter Chancellor
- Ericson, Richard A., special assistant to the Deputy Under Secretary of State for Administration, from September 17, 1961
- Ewing, Gordon A.,Director, Information Center Service, United States Information Agency
- Fascell, Dante B., member, U.S. House of Representatives (D-Florida); Chairman, Subcommittee on International Organizations and Movement, House Foreign Affairs Committee
- Fischer, John, Editor in Chief, Harper’s Magazine; member, Task Force on USIA
- Fleming, James R., publisher, Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette; member, U.S. Advisory Commission on International Educational and Cultural Affairs
- Forrestal, Michael V., member, National Security Council staff, from January 1962
- Foster, Luther H., President, Tuskegee Institute; member, U.S. Advisory Commission on International Educational and Cultural Affairs
- Free, Lloyd, Director, Institute for Social Research; Secretary, Task Force on USIA
- Fredericks, J. Wayne, Special Assistant for Program Planning to the Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Department of State, from February until May 1961; Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs from May 28, 1961
- Freeman, Orville L., Secretary of Agriculture from January 21, 1961
- Frondizi, Arturo, President of Argentina until March 29, 1962
- Frost, Robert, U.S. poet
- Fullbright, J. William, Senator (D-Arkansas); Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
- Fulton, James G., member, U.S. House of Representatives (R-Pennsylvania)
- Gagarin, Yuri, Soviet cosmonaut, first human to orbit the Earth
- Galbraith, J. Kenneth, U.S. Ambassador to India, from March 29, 1961, until July 12, 1963
- Gallup, George,President, American Institute of Public Opinion; member, Task Force on USIA
- Gardner, John W., President, Carnegie Corporation; Chairman, U.S. Advisory Commission on International Educational and Cultural Affairs
- Gausmann, William, Labor and Minorities Advisor, Office of Plans (Office of Policy from August 8, 1962), United States Information Agency, until June 15, 1962; information specialist from September 16, 1962
- Gilpatric, Roswell L., Deputy Secretary of Defense from January 24, 1961; also member of the Special Group for Counterinsurgency
- Glatzer, Morton, foreign affairs officer, Office of the Assistant Director, Europe, United States Information Agency
- Glenn, John H., Colonel, USMC; first U.S. astronaut to orbit the Earth on February 20, 1962
- Goldenson, Leonard H., Chairman of the Board, American Broadcasting Company
- Goodman, Benny, U.S. jazz musician
- Goodpaster, Andrew J., General, USA; Staff Secretary to President Eisenhower; Special Assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Kennedy administration
- Goodwin, Richard N., President’s Assistant Special Counsel until November 1961; Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, from November 1961 until January 1963; Secretary General, International Peace Corps Secretariat from January 1963
- Gordon, Lincoln, member, Department of State Task Force on Latin America; U.S. Ambassador to Brazil from October 1961
- Gore, Albert, Senator (D-Tennessee); Chairman, Near East Subcommittee of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
- Gorrell, Juan L., supervisor information specialist, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State
- Goulart, Jaoa, President of Brazil from September 7, 1961
- Gray, Gordon, President’s Special Assistant for National Security Affairs until January :s80/75 20, 1961; member, President’s Committee on Information Activities Abroad (Sprague :s80/80 Committee)
- Greenfield, James L., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs
- Guarco, Anthony, Deputy Director, Motion Picture Service, United States Information Agency
- Hadraba, Theodore J., Director, Office of International Trade, Bureau of Economic Affairs, Department of State until August 1961; thereafter Coordinator for Commercial Activities, Bureau of Economic Affairs, Department of State
- Halsema, James J., Director of Planning, Office of Plans (Office of Policy from August 8, 1962), United States Information Agency; public affairs officer and attaché, U.S. Embassy in Cairo, from July 9, 1961, until September 22, 1961; thereafter counselor for public affairs
- Hamilton, Fowler, Administrator of the Agency for International Development from September 30, 1961, until December 7, 1962
- Hammarskjold, Dag, United Nations Secretary General until his death on September 18, 1961
- Handley, William J., Director, Information Center Service, United States Information Agency until 1961; U.S. Ambassador to Mali from late 1961
- Hanson, Joseph O., Jr., Adviser for National Security, Planning, and Program Advisory Staff, Office of Plans (Office of Policy from August 8, 1962), United States Information Agency
- Harkins, Paul D., General, USA; Commander of the Military Advisory Command, Vietnam, from February 8, 1962
- Harr, Karl G., Jr., member, President’s Committee on Information Activities Abroad (Sprague Committee)
- Harris, Reed, Special Assistant to the Director, United States Information Agency, from July 17, 1961, until March 14, 1962; thereafter Executive Assistant to the Director
- Harris, Yancey A., Chief, Motion Picture–-TV Contract Branch, Office of the Director, Television Service, United States Information Agency
- Harriman, W. Averell, U.S. Ambassador at Large, from February 13 until December 3, 1961; Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs, from December 4, 1961, until April 3, 1963; Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs from April 4, 1963, and Chairman of the Special Group for Counterinsurgency
- Hatcher, Andrew T., Assistant Press Secretary to the President
- Hays, Wayne, member, U.S. House of Representatives (D-Ohio)
- Hesburgh, Theodore M., Rev., President, Notre Dame University; member, U.S. Advisory Commission on International Educational and Cultural Affairs; member, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
- Hickok, Robert C., International Exhibits Administrative Coordinator, Office of Information Center, United States Information Agency
- Hilsman, Roger, Jr., Director of the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State from February 19, 1961, until April 25, 1963; Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs, from May 9, 1963
- Ho Chi Minh, President of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam; also Chairman and General Secretary of Dang Lao Dong, Workers’ Party of Vietnam
- Hodges, Luther H., Secretary of Commerce from January 21, 1961
- Hoover, Herbert Jr., Under Secretary of State and Chairman of the Operations Coordinating Board, from October 4, 1954, until February 5, 1957
- Humphrey, Hubert H., Jr., Senator (DFL-Minnesota) and Senate Majority Whip
- Hutchinson, John N., Director, Press and Publications Service, United States Information Agency, until October 2, 1961; thereafter deputy public affairs officer, U.S. Embassy in London
- Irwin, John N. II, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs until 1961; member, President’s Committee on Information Activities Abroad (Sprague Committee)
- Isenbergh, Maxwell (Max), Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs from May 22, 1961; thereafter Special Adviser on Cultural Affairs, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Department of State
- Jackson, C.D., Special Assistant to the President, from January 26, 1953, until March 1954; member, President’s Committee on Information Activities Abroad (Sprague Committee)
- Jackson, William H., Chairman, President’s Committee on International Information Activities, 1953; Special Assistant to the Secretary of State, from September 1955 until January 1956; Special Assistant to the President, from January until September 1956; Acting Special Assistant to the President, from September 1956 until January 1957
- Johnson, Charles E., member, National Security Council staff
- Johnson, Lyndon Baines, Vice President of the United States until November 22, 1963; President from November 22, 1963, until January 20, 1969
- Johnson, U. Alexis, U.S. Ambassador to Thailand until April 10, 1961; Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs from May 2, 1961
- Johnson, Walter, Professor of History, University of Chicago; member, U.S. Advisory Commission on International Educational and Cultural Affairs
- Johnston, Eric, President, Motion Picture Association of America
- Jones, Howard P., U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia
- Jones, Ralph A., Deputy Director, Soviet and Eastern European Exchanges Staff, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State
- Jorden, William J., Member, Policy Planning Council, Department of State, from August 1, 1961, until April 1962; thereafter Special Assistant to the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs
- Kaysen, Carl, Deputy Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
- Keita, Modibo, President of Mali
- Keating, Kenneth B., Senator (R-New York)
- Kennan, George F., U.S. Ambassador to Yugoslavia from March 7, 1961, until July 28, 1963
- Kennedy, Jacqueline B., First Lady of the United States
- Kennedy, John F., President of the United States from January 20, 1961, until his death on November 22, 1963
- Kennedy, Robert F., Attorney General of the United States
- Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeyevich, First Secretary, Communist Party of the Soviet Union; also Chairman, Soviet Council of Ministers
- King, Martin Luther Jr., Rev., U.S. civil rights activist
- King, William B., Assistant Director, Near East and South Asia, United States Information Agency, until January 20, 1963; counselor for information, U.S. Embassy in Karachi, from March 17, 1963, until August 15, 1963; thereafter counselor for public affairs
- Kohler, Foy D., Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs until August 19, 1962; thereafter U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union
- Kong Le, captain, Lao National Army, Commander of the Second Paratroop Battalion and leader of the neutralist military forces
- Krulak, Victor H., Major General, USMC; Special Assistant for Counterinsurgency and Special Activities, Joint Staff of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
- Labouisse, Henry R., Director of the International Cooperation Administration from February 22 until October 6, 1961; U.S. Ambassador to Greece from 1962
- Lansdale, Edward G., Brigadier General, USAF; Deputy Assistant for Special Operations to the Secretary of Defense until May 1961; thereafter Assistant for Special Operations to the Secretary of Defense; also Chief of Operations for Operation Mongoose after November 1961
- Larmon, Sigurd S., Chairman of the Board, Young & Rubicam, Inc.; member, U.S. Advisory Commission on Information
- Larsen, Roy E., Chairman, Executive Committee of Time, Inc.; Vice Chairman, U.S. Advisory Commission on International Educational and Cultural Affairs; member, Board of Directors, Radio Free Europe Fund
- Larson, Arthur, Director, United States Information Agency, from December 18, 1956, until October 27, 1957
- Laufer, Leopold, Office of Plans (Office of Policy after August 8, 1962), United States Information Agency, until August 25, 1962; thereafter international relations officer, Agency for International Development
- Lay, James S., Jr., Executive Secretary, National Security Council, from 1950 until 1961
- Leddy, John M., Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs; member, Department of State Task Force on Latin America
- Lewis, Irving J., acting Chief, International Division, Bureau of the Budget, 1963
- Lewis, Samuel W., Special Assistant to the Under Secretary of State from May 28, 1961, until February 18, 1962; thereafter Special Assistant to the President’s Special Representative and Adviser on African, Asian, and Latin American Affairs until September 1, 1963
- Lincoln, Evelyn,Personal Secretary to the President
- Lincoln, Robert A., Assistant Director, Near East and South Asia, United States Information Agency, from 1963
- Lippman, Walter, U.S. journalist and syndicated newspaper columnist
- Lleras Camargo, Alberto, President of Colombia until 1962
- Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr., U.S. Ambassador to South Vietnam from August 26, 1963
- Loomis, Henry, Director, Broadcasting Service, United States Information Agency
- Mackland, Ray, Director, Press and Publications Service, United States Information Agency, from October 3, 1961
- Macmillan, Harold, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom until October 1963
- Magnuson, Warren G., Senator (D-Washington)
- Malinovsky, Rodion Ya, Marshal of the Soviet Union and Minister of Defense
- Manell, Abram E., public affairs adviser, Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs, Department of State
- Mann, Donald R., information specialist, Office of the Director, Press and Publication Service, United States Information Agency
- Mann, George A., foreign affairs officer, Office of the Assistant Director, Near East, United States Information Agency, until June 1962; public affairs officer and attaché, U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv, from June 10, 1962
- Mann, Thomas C., Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs until April 20, 1961; U.S. Ambassador to Mexico from May 8, 1961, until December 22, 1963; thereafter Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs; member, Task Force on Latin America
- Manning, Robert J., Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs from April 1962
- Mansfield, Mike, Senator (D-Montana) and Senate Majority Leader from January 3, 1961; member, Senate Foreign Relations Committee
- Marcy, Carl, Chief of Staff, Senate Foreign Relations Committee; member, Task Force on USIA
- Marcy, Mildred K., Women’s Activities Advisor, Office of Plans (Office of Policy from August 8, 1962), United States Information Agency, from May 1, 1961
- Marlowe, Sanford, Director, Office of Private Cooperation, United States Information Agency
- Marshall, George C., Secretary of State from January 21, 1947, until January 20, 1949
- Martin, Edwin M., Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs from September 4, 1960, until May 17, 1962; Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs from May 18, 1962, until late 1963
- May, Mark A., Director, Institute of Human Relations and Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Yale University; chairman, U.S. Advisory Commission on Information until early 1962; member, Task Force on USIA
- McCone, John A., Director of Central Intelligence from November 29, 1961
- McConeghey, Harold G., foreign affairs officer, Office of the Assistant Director, Far East, United States Information Agency
- McCormack, John W., member, U.S. House of Representatives (D-Massachusetts) and Speaker of the House of Representatives
- McClellan, John L., Senator (D-Arkansas)
- McCloy, John, former U.S. High Commissioner in Germany; member, President’s Committee to Study the United States Military Assistance Program (Draper Committee); Adviser to the President on Disarmament
- McDowell, Harris B., Jr., member, U.S. House of Representatives, (D-Delaware)
- McGhee, George C., member, President’s Committee to Study the United States Military Assistance Program (Draper Committee); Counselor and Chairman of the Policy Planning Council, Department of State, from February 13 until December 3, 1961; Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs from December 4, 1961, until March 27, 1963; U.S. Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany, from May 18, 1963
- McGovern, George S., President’s Special Assistant and Director, Office of Food for Peace, from January 20, 1961, until July 18, 1962; Senator (D-South Dakota) from January 3, 1963
- McKnight, John P., Assistant Director, Latin America, United States Information Agency; later Agency Planning Officer, Office of Plans (Office of Policy from August 8, 1962)
- McMurrin, Sterling M., Commissioner of Education, Office of Education, Department of Health, Education and Welfare, from 1961 until 1962
- McNamara, Robert S., Secretary of Defense, from January 21, 1961
- Mecklin, John, public affairs office, U.S. Embassy in Saigon, from July 8 until September 28, 1962; thereafter counselor for public affairs
- Meiklejohn, Norman J., information specialist, Office of Plans (Office of Policy from August 8, 1962), United States Information Agency; United States Information Agency liaison officer with the Peace Corps
- Merchant, Livingston T. (Livy), Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs until January 31, 1961; Secretary of State ad interim, January 20, 1961, until January 21, 1961; member, President’s Committee on Information Activities Abroad (Sprague Committee); Special Assistant for NATO Multilateral Force Negotiations, Office of the Secretary, Department of State; U.S. Ambassador to Canada, from February 20, 1961, until May 26, 1962; President’s Personal Envoy to South Asia during October and November 1961
- Merrow, Chester E., member, U.S. House of Representatives (R-New Hampshire)
- Miller, Francis P., Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs
- Minnow, Newton N., Chairman, Federal Communications Commission
- Mitgang, Herbert, reporter and editor of the Sunday Drama section, The New York Times; author of books on Abraham Lincoln and Carl Sandburg
- Moceri, James, foreign affairs officer, Office of Plans (Office of Policy from August 8, 1962), United States Information Agency, until 1962; thereafter public affairs officer and attaché, U.S. Embassy in Khartoum
- Mollenhoff, Clark R., Cowles Publications; member, U.S. Advisory Commission on Information from May 1, 1962
- Moore, Daniel E., acting Assistant Director, Far East, United States Information Agency, 1963
- Morales-Carrion, Arturo, member, Department of State Task Force on Latin America; Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs from February 14, 1961
- Morgan, George Allen, Director, Foreign Service Institute, Department of State
- Morgan, Thomas E., member, U.S. House of Representatives (D-Pennsylvania); chair, House Foreign Affairs Committee
- Moss, John E., member, U.S. House of Representatives (D-California)
- Muhl, Edward, Vice President in Charge of Production, Universal Pictures
- Mundt, Karl E., Senator (R-South Dakota)
- Murphy, Franklin D., Chancellor, University of California Los Angeles; member, U.S. Advisory Commission on International Educational and Cultural Affairs
- Murrow, Edward R., Vice President, Columbia Broadcasting System; member, Task Force on USIA; Director, United States Information Agency, from March 15, 1961
- Nehru, Jawaharlal, Prime Minister of India and Minister for External Affairs
- Neilson, N. Paul, Assistant Director, Far East, United States Information Agency, until 1962; public affairs officer, U.S. Embassy in Jakarta, from August 13, 1962; thereafter counselor for public affairs
- Neilson, Waldimar, Ford Foundation; Executive Director of the President’s Committee on Information Activities Abroad (Sprague Committee); member, Task Force on USIA
- Neustadt, Richard E., Professor of Government, Columbia University; also Kennedy transition adviser from 1960 until 1961; consultant to the President from 1961
- Ngo Dinh Diem, President of the Republic of Vietnam until November 1, 1963
- Ngo Dinh Nhu, brother of President Ngo Dinh Diem; Presidential Counselor and Head of the Interministerial Committee for Strategic Hamlets, Republic of Vietnam, until November 1, 1963
- Ngo Dinh Nhu, Madame (Tran Le Xuan), wife of Ngo Dinh Nhu and member of the Vietnamese National Assembly; official hostess for President Ngo Dinh Diem
- Nhu, see Ngo Dinh Nhu
- Nickel, Edward J., Deputy Assistant Director, Far East, United States Information Agency, until 1962; thereafter deputy public affairs officer and attaché, U.S. Embassy in Tokyo
- Nitze, Paul H., Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs from January 1961
- Nixon, Richard M., Vice President of the United States until January 20, 1961
- Nolting, Frederick E., Jr., U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Vietnam, from March 15, 1961, until August 15, 1963
- Novik, Morris S., radio and television consultant; member, U.S. Advisory Commission on Information, from May 1, 1962
- O’Brien, John R., Deputy Director, Broadcasting Service, United States Information Agency until June 1961; public affairs officer, U.S. Embassy in Rangoon, from June 22 1961, until July 7 1963; public affairs officer and attaché, U.S. Embassy in Bangkok from July 1963; also counselor for public affairs
- O’Brien, Lawrence F., Special Assistant to the President
- Oshins, Robert, Director of Research, Democratic National Committee; member, Task Force on USIA
- Paley, William S., Chairman of the Board, Columbia Broadcasting System
- Pauker, John, Chief, Policy Guidance Staff, Office of Plans (Office of Policy from August 8, 1962), United States Information Agency, from July 22, 1962
- Payeff, William K., information officer, U.S. Embassy in Saigon, 1961; foreign affairs officer, Far East, United States Information Agency, from December 1961
- Payne, C. Robert, Special Assistant to the Director, United States Information Agency, until late 1961; thereafter counselor for public affairs, U.S. Embassy in Taipei
- Phillips, Joseph B., Assistant Director, Europe, United States Information Agency, until late 1961; counselor for public affairs, U.S. Embassy in Rome, from November 26, 1961
- Phoumi Nosavan, General, Lao National Army, Minister of Defense, Royal Lao Government (as recognized by the United States) and de facto leader of the government until June 23, 1962; thereafter Vice Premier and Minister of Finance in the Lao coalition government
- Phoumi Vongvichit, Pathet Lao delegate to the Geneva Conference; Minister of Information and Tourism, after June 23, 1962
- Plesent, Stanley, General Counsel, United States Information Agency, from December 1, 1961
- deSola Pool, Ithiel, Center for International Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; member, Task Force on USIA
- Quadros, Janio, President of Brazil from January 31 until August 25, 1961
- Quinim Pholsena, Lao Minister of Foreign Affairs, from June 23, 1962, until April 1, 1963
- Read, Benjamin H., Executive Secretary of the Department of State from August 3, 1963
- Reed, Philip D., Chairman, Federal Reserve Bank of New York; member, U.S. Advisory Commission on Information until 1961; member, President’s Committee on Information Activities Abroad (Sprague Committee)
- Reinsch, J. Leonard, Executive Director, WSB-TV, Atlanta; member, U.S. Advisory Commission on Information from 1961; chair from April 2, 1962
- Reischauer, Edwin O., U.S. Ambassador to Japan
- Rice, Edward E., member of the Policy Planning Council, Department of State, until January 1, 1962; thereafter Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs
- Richardson, John Jr., lawyer; Director, Radio Free Europe, from 1961
- Roberts, Chalmers, U.S. journalist
- Roberts, Edward V. (Ned), Assistant Director, Africa, United States Information Agency
- Rockefeller, Nelson A., Special Assistant to the President, from 1954 until 1955 and Chairman of the Planning Coordination Group, 1955
- Rooney, John J., member, U.S. House of Representatives (D-New York); Chairman, Subcommittee on the Department of State, Justice, and Commerce, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies, House Committee on Appropriations
- Rostow, Walt W., Deputy Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs until December 4, 1961; thereafter Counselor and Chairman of the Policy Planning Council, Department of State
- Rowan, Carl T., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs from February 27, 1961; U.S. Ambassador to Finland from March 9, 1963
- Rusk, Dean, Secretary of State from January 21, 1961
- Ryan, Hewson A. (Hew), Assistant Director, Latin America, United States Information Agency, from January 2, 1962
- Salinger, Pierre E.G., White House Press Secretary
- Sanford, Terry, Governor of North Carolina
- Sargeant, Howland, President, Radio Liberation; member, Task Force on USIA
- Sarnoff, Robert W., Chairman of the Board, National Broadcasting Corporation
- Sayles, V. George, international press officer, Office of the Director, Press and Publications Service, United States Information Agency
- Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., Special Assistant to the President
- Schmidt, G. Lewis, Assistant Director, Administration, United States Information Agency
- Seigenthaler, John L., Editor, The Nashville Tennessean; member, U.S. Advisory Commission on Information, from September 10, 1962
- Seltzer, Leo, documentary filmmaker
- Severeid, Eric, journalist, Columbia Broadcasting System
- Sharon, John, U.S. lawyer
- Shelton, Turner B., Director, Motion Picture Service, United States Information Agency, until August 1961
- Shepard, Alan B., Jr., First U.S. astronaut to travel into space
- Shriver, R. Sargent, Director, Peace Corps, from March 22, 1961
- Shooshan, Harry, Assistant Deputy Administrator, Office of the Deputy Administrator for Operations, Agency for International Development, from November 4, 1961
- Siemer, Heinrich B., information specialist, Office of the Director, Broadcasting Service, United States Information Agency
- Sihanouk, Prince Norodom, Head of State of Cambodia; also President of the Council of Ministers from January 26, 1961
- Sirkin, Abraham M., information specialist, Office of Plans (Office of Policy from August 8, 1962), United States Information Agency, until July 1962; detailed to the Agency for International Development from July 9, 1962, until April 13, 1963; branch public affairs officer, U.S. Consulate in Madras, from April 14, 1963
- Siscoe, Frank G., Director, Soviet and East European Exchanges Staff, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State
- Smith, Bromley K., Acting Executive Secretary, National Security Council until August 1961; thereafter Executive Secretary
- Smith, Glenn L., Special Assistant to the Deputy Director, United States Information Agency, from April 10, 1961, until July 15, 1962; thereafter public affairs officer and attaché, U.S. Embassy in Addis Ababa
- Smith, H. Alexander, Senator (R-New Jersey)
- Smith, Howard K., journalist, CBS News, until 1961; thereafter journalist, ABC News; moderator of the 1960 presidential debates
- Smith, Shirley, Director, Women’s Africa Committee
- Smythe, Mabel M., Principal, New Lincoln High School, New York; member, U.S. Advisory Commission on International Educational and Cultural Affairs
- Sorensen, Theodore C., Special Counsel to the President
- Sorensen, Thomas C., program policy officer, United States Information Agency, until February 1961; thereafter Deputy Director for Policy and Plans, United States Information Agency
- Souvanna Phouma, Prince, leader of the neutralist political forces in Laos; Lao Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, Veteran Affairs, and Social Action, after June 23, 1962
- Sparkman, John J., Senator (D-Alabama)
- Speier, Hans, Rand Corporation; member, Task Force on USIA
- Sprague, Mansfield D., Chairman, President’s Committee on Information Activities Abroad
- Squires, Leslie Albion, Office of the Assistant Director, Africa, United States Information Agency, until July 1961; public affairs officer and attaché, U.S. Embassy in Ankara, from July 9, 1961; also acting Assistant Director, Africa, in 1961
- Staats, Elmer B., Deputy Director, Bureau of the Budget; also acting Director, Bureau of the Budget
- Steeves, John M., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs until January 7, 1962; U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan from March 20, 1962
- Steinbeck, John, U.S. author
- Stennis, John, Senator (D-Mississippi)
- Stephens, Elizabeth L., information specialist, Office of the Director, Television Service, United States Information Agency
- Stephens, Oren, Director, Office of Research and Analysis (Research and Reference Service from October 4, 1961), United States Information Agency
- Stevens, George C., Jr., Director, Motion Picture Service, United States Information Agency, from January 31, 1962
- Stevenson, Adlai E., III, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations from January 21, 1961
- Strauss-Hupe, Robert, Foreign Policy Research Institute, University of Pennsylvania; member, Task Force on USIA
- Streibert, Theodore C., Director of the United States Information Agency, from August 4, 1953, until November 15, 1956
- Sylvester, Arthur, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs
- Talbot, Phillips, Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs from April 18, 1961
- Taylor, Maxwell D., General, USA; President’s Military Representative from July 1961 until October 1, 1962; thereafter Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
- Teal, Fred T., Assistant Legal Adviser for Cultural Relations and Public Affairs, Office of the Legal Adviser, Department of State
- Thompson, Charles A.H., Rand Corporation; member, Task Force on USIA
- Thompson, Llewellyn E., Jr. (Tommy), U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union until July 27, 1962; U.S. Ambassador at Large and Special Assistant to the Secretary from October 3, 1962
- Touré, Sekou, President of Guinea
- Truman, Harry S, President of the United States from April 12, 1945, until January 20, 1953
- Tubby, Roger W., Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs from March 10, 1961, until April 1, 1962; thereafter U.S. Representative to the European Office of the United Nations and Other International Organizations
- Tuch, Hans N., foreign affairs officer, United States Information Agency, from October 1961; Deputy Assistant Director, Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, United States Information Agency, from March 24, 1963
- Tull, James N., foreign affairs officer, Office of the Assistant Director, Far East, United States Information Agency from 1963
- Tyler, William R., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs from May 1961 until August 1962; Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, from August 20, 1962
- Udall, Stuart L., Secretary of Interior
- Ulbricht, Walter, Chairman of the Council of State and of the Socialist Unity Party of the German Democratic Republic
- Unger, Leonard S., Consul General, U.S. Embassy in Bangkok, from April 7, 1962, until July 3, 1962; thereafter U.S. Ambassador to Laos
- Usher, Richard E., Deputy Director, Office of Southeast Asian Affairs, Department of State, until December 26, 1961; thereafter Regional Planning Adviser, Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs
- Vogel, Arthur C., information specialist, Office of the Director, Information Center Service, United States Information Agency
- Wakefield, Rowan A., staff assistant, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Department of State, from May 15, 1961
- Washburn, Abbot, Deputy Director of the United States Information Agency until 1961; Acting Director in early 1961
- Wheeler, Earle G., General, USA; Chief of Staff, from October 1, 1962
- Wheeler, E. Romney, Director, Television Service, United States Information Agency, until 1962
- White, Lee C., Assistant Special Counsel to the President from January 1961
- White, Paul Lincoln, Director, Office of News, Bureau of Public Affairs, Department of State, until July 1963; thereafter Consul General, U.S. Consulate at Melbourne
- White, Theodore, U.S. journalist and author
- White, William Lindsay, journalist and foreign correspondent; later editor and publisher of the Emporia Gazette
- White, William Allen, editor and publisher of the Emporia Gazette until 1944
- Wilkins, Roy, U.S. civil rights leader and activist; head of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
- Williams, G. Mennen, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs
- Williams, Haydn, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs; member, Department of State Task Force on Latin America
- Wilson, Donald M., Deputy Director of the United States Information Agency, from January 28, 1961
- Wilson, Woodrow, President of the United States, from 1913 until 1921
- Wright, W. Marshall, Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs, Department of State
- Yarmolinsky, Adam, Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense
- Youlou, Abbe Fulbert, President of the Republic of Congo
- Zablocki, Clement J., member, U.S. House of Representatives (D-Wisconsin)
- Zain, Zairin, Indonesian Ambassador to the United States
- Zorthian, Barry, foreign affairs officer, Office of the Director, Broadcasting Service, United States Information Agency until May 1961; deputy public affairs officer, U.S. Embassy in New Delhi, from May 1, 1961