United States of America.

[Sections 4573, 4574, and 4575, Revised Statutes—Cat. No. 477.]

Crew list—List of persons composing the crew of the hark Cape Horn Pigeon, of New Bedford, whereof Thomas Scullan is master, bound for a whaling voyage.

[Page 32]
Names. Places of birth. Places of residence. Of what country citizens or subjects. Description of their persons.
Age. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes.
Ft. In.
Thomas Scullun Massachusetts San Francisco United States 41 5 6 Light Light
N. H. Young Rhode Island do Do 45 5 8 Dark Dark
Antonio Margarido Western Islands do do 32 5 6 Light Light
George H. Peckham Massachusetts do do 28 5 8 do do
William Griffith Rhode Island do do 32 5 7 do do
Charles F. Koch Massachusetts do do 42 5 8 Dark Dark
Cornelio Eustagio Guam do Spain 25 5 6 Light Light
Samuel McIntyre Scotland do United States 28 5 6 Dark Black
Peter Layton Cape de Verde Island San Francisco Portugal 25 5 8 Dark Dark
Thomas Oliveira do do do 26 5 6 do do
Nicolas Portu East India do England 29 5 5 do do
Jose Torres Guam do Spain 24 5 4 do do
Joe Santos do do do 21 5 5 do do
Felix de Castro do do do 24 5 5 do do
Marx Pletz Germany do United States 27 5 4 do do
Peter Johnson Denmark do Denmark 42 5 7 Light Light
Joe Costa Guam do Spain 21 5 5 Dark Dark
Jose Guinata do do do 19 5 5 do do
John Sablan do do do 25 5 9 do do
Ben Sigunio do do do 21 5 5 do do
Jack Kanaka Madagascar do do 28 5 5 do do
Charles Smith West Indies do England 25 5 6 Colored Black
Ben Cantanego Guam do Spain 23 5 5 Dark Dark
Bernab Ascenscia do do do 21 5 5 do Black
Mariano Maripesa do do do 21 5 10 do Dark
P. Maguire Australia do England 40 5 7 Light Light
John Peters Cape de Verde Island San Francisco Portugal 30 5 7 Colored Black
John Shopley Pennsylvania do United States 29 5 10 Light Light
Andrew Perez Guam do Spain 22 5 7 Dark Dark
Joseph Carter Java do Holland 40 5 6 do do
J. E. Smith Massachusetts do United States 56 5 5 Light Gray
August Pferrmann Germany do do 24 5 8 do Light
Chas. Johnson Sweden do Sweden 21 5 7 do Dark
Manuel January Gonsalves Cape de Verde Island do Portugal 24 5 10 Dark do
Mauuel Phillips Western Islands do do 21 5 7 do do
Arthur H. Taylor England do United States 29 6 0 do do
Wm. McDonald Vermont do do 21 5 8 do do
John McDonald Massachusetts do do 25 5 7 Light Light
Albert Iffts Pennsylvania do do 27 5 8 do do
H. Smith Germany do do 24 5 9 do do
J. McGregor Scotland do England 23 5 6 do do
Fred Wick Germany do Germany 30 5 6 do do
Joe Mendioto Guam do Spain 23 5 7 Dark Dark
W. Shoeffer Colorado do United States 25 5 6 Light do

I hereby certify the above to be a true copy of the original on file in this office.

M. Webber, Deputy Collector.

A. W. B.

I, Thomas Scullan, master of the said bark Cape Horn Pigeon, do solemnly, sincerely, and truly swear that the within list contains the names of all the crew of the said bark, together with the places of their birth and residence, as far as I can ascertain the same.

Thomas Scullun, Master.

Port of San Francisco.

M. Webber,
Deputy Collector.

[General customs regulations of 1884, art. 192.]

I do certify that the within is a true copy of the list of the crew of the bark Cape Horn Pigeon, New Bedford, whereof Thomas Scullan is master, taken from the original on file in this office.

M. Webber,
Deputy Collector.