Annex 4.

Bark Cape Horn Pigeon—Owners’ outward account, 1890, Inward account, and interest account to January 30, 1890, with J. and W. R. Wing.


Aug. 22a
By freight collected ship Syren, paid on two boats sent to California, and ship condemned at Rio Janeiro $76.00 $5.08 $2.00
Sale old metal, nails, etc $316.83
Sale oakum and pitch 34.26
Sale old metal, sail, boat boards 32.30
Sale 1 second-hand boat 50.00
1 chain cable to bark Triton 264.00
Discount on L.Ford’s bill .60
Casks to different vessels 264.98
962.97 2.29 14.28
Jan. 30
By 1 box whale craft on hand at California, transferred to new account 30.00
Nov. 1
By sale lances to Wright, Bame & Co 105.00 2.29 1.56
Balance, interest account 441.06
Jan. 30
By balance to debit owner account, this date 23,064.54
24,238.51 458.90


[Page 72]
Jan. 15 To 2 boats left at San Francisco from last outward account $275.00 $12.15 $17.19
Mar. 26a To paid goods sent to San Francisco; Wm. Bayliss, provisions sent California $588.80
Labor, $2; E. B. and F. Macey, whalecraft, $34.36 36.36
R. Allan, casks sent to California. 753.34
J. and W. R. Wing & Co., clothing, etc 442.69
T. M. Hart & Co., duck and twine 48.12
Wharfage goods, shipped 5.07
Weighing meat, 30 cents; nails, $5.85 6.15
Share expenses New York account freight 3.00
Pemmican meat, $19.87; N. B. Cordage Co., $291.34. 311.21
E. Peirce, bomb lances and guns. 100.00
1 chain cable 204.00
Insuring goods to California 32.40
E. S. Taber, blocks sent California 13.86
Ship B. F. Packard, freight goods to California 369.50
Paid ship Syren, special averages on 2 boats sent in Syren, and vessel condemned at Rio Janeiro. 75.54
Boat boards sent California 11.25
Freight and expenses on boat, originally shipped by ship Lycen 76.07
Nail and labor on goods .23
Ship Jas. Drummond, freight goods California 40.00
Ship Jas. Drummond, chain cable 39.60
3,157.39 10.40 159.95
Paid telegram account, officer, 63 cents; bomb lances, $2 2.63
Capt. T. Scullen, passage to Chicago 20.00
Telegrams account, captain and merchandise account 1.57
Paid extra passage Captain Scullen to Chicago 2.00
Telegram account master, 33 cents; 1 chronometer, $75 75.33
Insuring goods in storehouse California 14.26
Excess on 1 case yellow metal 1.00
Cartage goods at California, sent in spring, 1889 30.00
Storage boat sent in 1889 3.00
W. H. Crook, ship carpenter, services 187.90
B. F. Wing, services fitting vessel 94.69
Mar. 26a To use horse and carriage for business $21.00
Haslett & Bailey, storage goods at California 70.35
H. Kissane, carting 15.50
Exchange on drafts, $1,40; sundry telegrams, $24.98 26.38
$565.61 $2.29 $8.40
Paid Weed & Kingwell, copper nails, etc 260.69
Share W. R. Wing, traveling expenses to and from California, and while there on business. 102.00
Paid 4,485 gallons oil, shooks, at 2¼ cents 100.91
Paid piece oak 6.00
Paid new casks, bark Triton 22.94
Paid labor, $27.21; W. Lewis, guns and lances, $69 96.21
Legal services account, repairs, etc 5.50
1 pair opera glasses sent by Captain Scullen 19.00
Paid salt, $3,75; telegram, $1.95 5.70
Kanakas, board, $8.25; labor, week, $117 125.25
Denham, Carrigan & Co., iron spikes 52.50
Andrews & Cornell, cooperage 63.98
Telegram, $1.95; lag screw, etc., $3 4.95
Oak timbers, $5; repairs, $2; carting, 50 cents. 7.50
Telegram, $1.72; blocks, $5.45 5.17
Telegram, $1.35; carting old metal, 50 cents 1.85
Carting and wharfage, $2; labor, $77 79.00
Ticket, Captain Scullen, home and return 120.00
Telegram, 75 cents; watching, $3 3.75
Telegram, $2.53; G. M. Josselyn & Co., $5.15. 7.68
S. H. Frank & Co., carting casks 6.20
Telegram, $1.30; watching, $1 2.30
Carting, 50 cents; labor and watchman, $48 48.50
Cornelius Holmes, try works 20.55
Rigging leather, $2.25; M. E. Mayhew, medicines, $23.10 25.35
Mr. Cudworth, watching 3.00
G. M. Josselyn & Co., spikes, etc 5.15
Labor, $51.50; T. Ogden, watching, $3 54.50
Antone Lopez, labor 18.00
Telegram, $1.80; C. L. Le Gal, blocks, etc., $2.75. 4.55
Labor, $55.75; telegram, 85 cents 56.60
Denham, Carrigan & Co., spikes and chandlery 127.40
Cooper labor, $3; L. Ford, sail, etc., $19.60. 22.60
Cooper bolt and turpentine, $2; medicine, captain, $0.50 2.50
Rope, hooks, and thimbles 10.62
Tacks, 50 cents; pitch mops, $2.10 2.60
Labor, $73.75; turpentine, 75 cents 74.50
Main Street Iron Works, pumps 40.50
Hooks and thimbles, 50 cents; S. E. Slade, lumber, $7.70 8.20
1,626.10 2.29 24.12
Paid S. E. Slade & Co., lumber 4.65
Christoffersen & Tway, blacksmithing, etc 382.57
A. M. Skiff, painting cabin 18.35
John Wigmore & Son, plank 29.63
Labor, $96.25; J. W. Ganin & Co., hose, $12.50. 108.75
Clabrough, Golcher & Co., powder, etc. 19.60
S. S. Arnheim, stationery, etc 2.10
Oilcloth 6.00
Painting, $5; medicine, man hurt, $1.25. 6.25
S. Ransom, repairing sofa 6.25
E. H. Bucknam & Co., hose pipe, leads, etc. 26.51
Telegram, $1; iron tacks, 50 cents 1.50
Carting, $1.25; Lynde & Hough, fish, $22. 23.25
David Woerner, oil tank 48.96
G. M. Josselyn & Co., bar copper and plugs 7.76
Socks for natives, 75 cents; carting dirt, $1.15. 1.90
Stockton Milling Company, flour 261.00
Roth, Blum & Co., beef and pork 237.50
Roth, Blum & Co., pigs and provisions 54.50
Carting metal, 50 cents; marking irons, $1 1.50
Tacks, 55 cents; labor, $1.25 1.80
Labor, week, $133.65; Murphy-Grant, dry goods, $43.70 177.45
Carting metal, 50 cents; iron rods, $1.10 1.60
Carrying natives to hospital 5.00
Whittier, Fuller & Co., paints, etc 98.90
A. Crawford & Co., boat compass, etc 15.00
[Page 73]
Mar. 26a To Horn & Co., tobacco $151.20
Watching dry dock, $3; repairing clock, $1.25 4.25
Simpson & Fisher, labor on sails 50.00
Charcoal 1.25
Bread, tea, and coffee, 35 cents; expense, captain, trunk, 50 cents 0.85
F. Gregg, sawdust, $2.50; Tubbs & Co., cordage, $65.31 67.81
Labor, $1; specie sent in ship, $100 101.00
Messenger, 50 cents; boating, $5 5.50
S. Ransom, watchman 225.75
A. Crawford, iron pump 25.00
S. S. Arnheim & Co., glass, etc 11.50
Eureka Restaurant, board, 5 Kanakas came and went in ship 112.50
W. E. Maher, oil clothing 29.10
H. L. Bunker, custom-house clearance 10.00
$2,343.99 $2.29 $34.77
Paid Andrews & Cornell, cooperage 52.15
Paid L. Levy, tablecloths and boots 30.07
Christoffersen & Tway, blacksmithing 110.47
Telegram, $1; S. E. Slade & Co., lumber, etc., $12.95 13.95
A. H. Keys, meat, $9.24; Goodall & Perkins, water, $70.55 79.79
Dry Dock Company, dockage 204.80
Eclipse Cracker Company, bread 158.10
California Cap Company, bomb lances 38.22
Macpherson & Recker, vegetables, etc 86.68
L. Ford, bill chandlery, etc 104.92
Dillon & Co., repairing chronometer and barometer 21.00
T. P. H. Whitelaw, cordage, spikes, etc 123.70
Delano Bros., tinsmith and plumbers 205.00
Telegram, $1; labor for week, $209.25 210.25
Accidental Hotel, board, $53 53.00
L. Foster & Co., groceries, etc 564.25
State board harbor commissioners, dockage 61.00
Wharfage, $3.25; Simmons & Meyer, riggers, $391.50 394.75
Towage, $100; galvanized iron, $18.50 118.50
Telegram, $1.20; Antone Lopez, $4 5.20
Paid Wright, Bame & Co., chandlery, cordage, etc 704.78
Captain Scullun, board, $5; S. Sachman, liquors, $16.45 21.45
American Oil Company, white lead 19.50
Paid Clark & Webster, bill repairs:
San Francisco Lumber Company, stock $631.89
Chas. F. Doe, lumber 290.73
White Bros., oak lumber, etc 558.22
Simpson Lumber Company 19.17
S. E. Slade Lumber Company 10.87
Ship carpenter, labor 4,761.75
Ship calker, labor 1,191.75
Spinning oakum 72.25
Use pitch heater 35.75
Ship joiners, labor 520.00
Sundry mill work 67.23
Paid James Saflin, advances 1,685.00
Paid advances additional by W. R. Wing 1,232.75
14,458.89 2.29 214.47
Jan. 30 N. B. Copper Company, yellow metal on bottom 790.25 790.25
Balance interest account 441.06
2½ per cent commission on outfits, $23,217.03 580.42
24,238.51 458.90
  1. Interest Jan. 1,1, 1889.
  2. Interest from Nov. 1, 1889.
  3. Interest from Nov. 1, 1889.
  4. Interest from Nov., 1889.