[Copy original claim.]

Sir: With reference to our conversation on board of Dimitri Donskoi regarding my, claim for the seizure of the Cape Horn Pigeon by the Russian authorities, I now beg to inform you that I will agree to the following indemnity:

[Page 49]
1. Amount claimed for loss of season (average of 5 seasons’ work), 1 season $60,600
Less value of catch on board—2,600 pounds whalebone at $5 $13 $13,000
200 barrels of oil, at $13 2,600
2. Amount claimed for services of officers and crew bringing schooner Marie to Vladivostok $1,000
3. Amount claimed for provisions and stores used by Russian officers and crew while on board the ship Cape Horn Pigeon 200
4. Expenses, board, and lodging of officers and crew while ashore. 210
5. Amount of captain’s hotel expenses, etc 50
6. Amount claimed for general expenses, including cost of cables, fees for legal advice, and clerk hire, boats, carriages, etc 3,040
Total, United States gold. 49,500

Total amount being $49,500, United States gold currency.

I will agree to the above indemnity, provided that I am not put to any further expense and am allowed to proceed at once to the United States, and will guarantee on behalf of myself and owners that no further proceedings will be taken in this matter.

I am, sir, yours, respectfully,

Thomas Scullun, Master,
Cape Horn Pigeon.

Rear-Admiral P. Tyrtow,
Commander in chief Russian Naval Forces in the Pacific.